World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
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This general is the worst fucking place on Veeky Forums jesus fuck I thought /sc2/ was bad when Veeky Forums came out but NOPE this takes asstardedry to a whole new level, I don't think I've been this aggravated since I visited /b/ back in 2009, do you fuckers even know how retarded you look now? What happened to the good wow general that was here last year, why is this place just fucking shitposting and parroting the same memes OVER AND OVER every fucking day, you faggots even repost reddit shit now instead of the other way around when was the last fucking time you made original content? I'm done with this shit, I'll see those of you who dont shit post in the Veeky Forums guilds
Name a worse general than /wowg/.
Yeah, didn't think so.
I'm sick to fucking death of the rampant shitposting that takes place here. Seriously, I'm over it. I don't even know why I come here anymore. I'm wasting my life away in these shitty threads and for what? I get nothing out of this. These threads are cancer. I know it. You know it. We all know it. And yet, here we are. It just doesn't make any sense to continue posting here.
So I'm done. I'm out of here. For good. Instead of wasting any more time here waiting for each new shitpost to appear at the bottom of the thread, I'm going to play video games. And I'm going to enjoy playing video games. After that I might chill out and watch some streams, but there's no chance in hell I'm returning to /wowg/. I've had it with these threads.
Vjera, please respond.
story time anons
>add user from chans to play with
>who knows maybe i can make a friend
>theyre cool
>talk with their friend or whatever in the party
>theyre cool too
>discuss mogs and weird other boards
>shits chill af, i miss wow being more social
>okay, times up, found enough people for the mythic dungo
>we start and things get rough quick
>trash is hard
>we die a lot
>i suck and die a lot to fire, mythic dont fuck around
>im way more tired than i thought i was
>tank (the user i added) pulls a mob the wrong way or something, i dont really care
>but we die maybe 6 times to this same mistake
>i look at the clock and at this rate its gonna be a while
>fuck im tired, i told myself one more
>a few hours ago i shouldve been in bed
>mob is wrecking group and getting healed or something
>request some target markers
>tank instead kites mobs to entrance/spawn
>decide to apologize to group
>express that i dont have a lot of gold
>(trying to learn how to pay for the game each month with gold and i dont have a lot of $$ irl)
>leave to try to avoid aggro from same pull mistake
>doesnt work, die two more times cause i release too fast and mobs are on spawn/entrance
>whisper them sorry, feel bad for bailing
>this image happens
how can i sleep at night now, user?????
Is gisco ever not posting?
I swear this guy is behind at least 50% of the shitposting here. If somebody got access to his computer and saw his image folders they would probably want to jump into a volcano.
Don't reply to any posts you may suspect to be a gisco post. He only exists to torment you and your friends. He doesn't care what you say to him, because he has no real opinions.
dis beya good tred mon
how did /wowg/ obtain their fox mount? opened hundreds of chests but nothing
its really sad because gisco was a cool chill person a couple months back now its "i miss her :((((( ;____;" "jocelyn are u here? plz respond" "bak the fuk off kid"
Highmountain is by far the comfiest zone at night.
I still don't have mine, I've done the whitered training lots of times and nothing, nothing from the Nightfallen caches and never got the quest form the OH.
What are some race/class combinations that make no sense to you?
Worgen priest because how contradictory is that?
Worgen druid because it just seems weird that they can shapeshift into other animals
Several races being DK doesn't seem right
Pandaren rogue simply because they're too big
Gnome priest seems weird because gnomes seem more like atheists
Undead priest because self explanitory
And a bunch of others
Come to think of it, Worgen is a pretty shitty race and nothing suits them
I can only imagine the look on the spammer face when he is doing all this shitposting.
Do you think he is giggling like a little child?
I bet he is 'sperging out like" a HUE HUE HUE HUE I TROLL JOO lel Im shitposting on purpose top lel" thinking he is doing something thats so edgy and cool.
What kind of intellectually deficient mindset do you have to be in to actually spend time, copy/pasting some generic responses into an image board thread about an online computer game, trying to ruin any chance of relevant discussion.
Isnt there anything else you could be doing with your time? Or is your life just that pathetic that you have nothing else to do?
Buying cute goat gf pst prices
>die to trash in a fucking mythic dungeon
I still wonder to this day why all men seem to think that women don't play video games when we clearly do (yes I am a women in real life) get with it men us women like to have fun to just as much as you do. So you should have no problem believing that women play this game. Were just not going to broadcast were female because...why should we this isn't a dating service its a game. I've met other females on here other then myself. I don't understand why all of you men think women don't play Wow get over yourselves and get with it and stop assuming that only men play games. Its so stupid that we have these topics were in the year of 2013 moving into 2014 and you men actually still think this about us women well get out of that stage and grow up and realize its not only you who plays games.
>Gnome priest seems weird because gnomes seem more like atheists
shitty cata addition just like worgens
Acceptable orc tmog or no?
As a general thought, when whine about Pandaren and the Asian theme, and that Blizzard are pandering to the "Asian" crowd...I'm confused.
What people dont seem to realise is that the type of "Asia" we're shown in MoP is Vegas-Asia, americanised chinese restaurant-Asia, Digimon-Asia and similar.
It's basically inspired by a mix of animes, kung fu movies and Chinese restaurant interiors.
As with the constant focus on stereotypical things like inner peace, fate, strength of spirit, mysticism, wisdom, superstition and fortune-cookie stuff like that.
If you actually think this encapsulats the the "Asian" (which is a retardedly huge generalisation)player, let alone the Chinese, youre mistaken.
bretty gud
REMOVE SAWICK remove sawick
you are worst druid. you are the druid idiot you are the druid smell. return to barthilas. to our oceanic cousins you may come our relm. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha , FM we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole druid stink sqhipere shqipare..sawicky genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead druid..ahahahahah SAWICK WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .david we kill the king , david return to your precious rejuvenate ….hahahahaha idiot druid and sawick smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE SAWICK FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. disregard+ascension+dark bargain+kill it pls=kill sawick…you will gild hop/ runeheal alive in FM, runeheal making album of FM . fast rap runeheal frostmorn. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of GCG… you are ppoor stink david… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
runeheal alive numbr one #1 in frostmourne... fuck the sawicky ,... FUCKk ashol druids no good i spit? in the mouth eye of ur talent and specialzitan. runeheal aliv and real strong monk kill all the resto farm aminal with chi magic now we the frpstmorn rule .ape of the zoo presidant david fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and sawick wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. runeheal greattst player
runeheal r u here
get off illidan
You know the weird thing is I can see the Undead Priest, as long as it's Disc or Shadow (they basically revived a heresy), th rGnomes are just picking up too much from the Dorfs, ICC explains why it happened to a point, rogue isn't just thief, as for the Worgen Priest, it's not at all contradictory, even with no retcon to the Scythe of Elune.
I'd have to say the biggest WTF was the Tauren Paladins.
Welp, so long, peeps.
My monthly check-up-on-/wowg/-to-see-if-it-stopped-sucking visit is coming to an end, and as before, I shouldn't have bothered. I don’t even know why it’s called "World of Warcraft General" anymore.
If you're here now and you think /wowg/ is funny, you might be right. Perhaps it is funny, but it is but walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, compared to the old /wowg/.
What you are seeing today is just an endless looping rehash of the fun we had. If you think it's funny now, try to imagine the fun we had when it was fresh, and people had the time to shop, improve and alter a birthing meme. It was a time of creativity, good quality trolling and the occasional WORLD OF WARCRAFT discussion. Good times.
Feeling like Milton's Satan reminiscing about the splendor of heaven where he once dwelt, comparing everything to that glory now lost and unable to see his surroundings for what they are, but only what they are in comparison, I bid you adieu. See you next month, and keep on trying.
Obviously, I will stick around for the remainder of this thread. If you remember the old ways as well but are stuck in here because the internets are basically pretty empty, bland, and boring outside of /wowg/, feel free to drop in and describe your pet theory about where and when /wowg/ went wrong.
I wish Bearheart was still here. He seemed to actually care about people
ye am here m8
>standing around in top floor of silvermoon tavern
>tab out of the game to post on four chins
>tab back in
>"Aren't you a lovely death knight! And well groomed, to boot!"
>eyebrow raise.jpg
>"s-sorry, im not IC right now, reading something very important"
>"Oh? Whatcha reading?"
>"im reading about uhmmm..."
>quick gotta think of something
>can't tell him im on Veeky Forums
>mind races at 100000 parsecs a second
>raisins, cars, toothbrushes, socks, caramel apples, salt and vinegar chips, alarm clocks, people who pee in bottles all come to mind immediately
>none of those are good
>"Did you fall asleep, user?"
>"i'm reading about deodorant"
>"y-yes, i love the smell of old spice, i could literally glop it into my nose and live forever"
>"Okay...see ya."
>beat my head with my hands
>can't believe i just said that
>what's wrong with me?
>go back to org to mope
>"It can't get much worse, I'll just go IC and go into the tavern..."
>go in
>two orcs on top floor
>one is talking WAY MORE than the other
>decide to sit next to them
>wait for opportunity to emote
>try to get in on the conversation
>"th-they just didn't see me!"
>try again
>ignored again
>literally fall off top floor to bottom floor
>try to get a qt elf boy and a fuzzy tauren man to ic drink with me
>both ignore me in favor of talking to each other
>cry and run out of the tavern
>go back to Veeky Forums
so I decided to give this amazing "best mmo ever" a try
I quit after 20 minutes because the combat was shit, the graphics were shit and it seemed like it was going to be repetitive as fuck. I'm guessing its "all the real content is at the cap lvl"
Either way this game seems to be shit and all of the 8 million (?) people who play it really must be fucking retards
I could understand if it was a F2P but I cannot believe that someone would actually pay for such garbage. I'd rather pay $30/month to play Hello Kitty Online that this fucking bullshit game I mean serious why is it SOOOOOOOO BADDDDDDDDD?
Enjoy you pile of steaming shit you call a game!
these pants put the horns on your leg even when you're wearing a robe
that's dope as shit, why did no one tell me
high impact sexual violence
I love this set.
What are your gloves?
Hi, you idiotic motherfuckers. I ran successful Guilds on both TERA And GW2 and frequent both of their generals--or at least 'did'.
I just want you shitheads to know that you're already setting up this thread for severe, cataclysmic levels of pure, utter and raw garbage what with the level of shitposting and pure fucking dribble you put into nearly each and every post.
For the love of god, if you people want to have a successful thread. Please. Stop. Acting like retards is only going to draw the actual retards and you'll just wind up adding to the pile of shit that is one of THE WORST BOARDS ON THIS WEBSITE
Nostbulls are laughing at us again
What do we do bros? They can't keep getting away with it
/r/ing celestalon_arms.jpg pls
Well, at least it's not furry porn.
Oh for fuck sake, you faggots are back again.
I thought I told you stupid retards to leave? Why haven't you? Do you WANT /wowg/ to turn to shit? This is EXACTLY what you're doing right now and I'm honestly pretty fucking sick of this shit. Get a fucking job and stop shitting up this place. It's bad enough as it is without you stupid morons discussing something that is clearly not wow. This is a wow general you see, what you're posting is /b/ related. Guess what? /b/ actually exists! How about you go there before I report every single one of you fucking douche bags. Oh wait, too late. Reported all of you for blatant lack of wow in a wow general Just fuck off. Stop being such huge pathetic losers and fuck off for once. Nobody wants this TPR shit on here. All you're doing is piling on more shit on the shitwagon that is /wowg/. And before you say BUT /WOWG/ IS NEVER WOW RELATED ANYWAY HURP DURP, you need to fucking realize that you're making it worse. If you don't want /wowg/ to suck balls then stop what you're doing RIGHT now. All I feel like doing right now is putting my hand through the screen and ripping your fucking dicks off from your computer screen while shoving it down your neck. Don't worry, you'll live the taste of cock you homosexual pieces of shit. Can I ask you something? Why are you so determined to shit up /wowg/? What do you gain from it? Do you just turn on your computer after masturbating to your draenei futa and just decide to go on /wowg/ and fuck it up with this retarded bullshit? Fuck off. Just die. I'm actually fucking serious here. It isn't some empty insult. I actually want you morons to just suffer and DIE. It's the only way to stop this retard infestation we got on /wowg/ right now.
>Some hunter on Twitter: Hey Blizz, can you please fix Hati? He's super fucking slow and is five seconds behind my main pet at all times
>Blizz: what do you, ideally, in any situation, want Hati to do? It can't be auto-win in raid fights
Shadowmoon gloves and boots from the garrison forge thing. Iron horde scrap turn in.
>implying they're not suffering on their own with being exactly like Vanilla,
you guys already have the easiest rotation of them all, and yet you want it to be even simpler
getting tired of your shit hunters
Hello friends and i HOPE SOME of you are girls haha
Anyway hello and my question is this: How Do I Get Rid Of My Pet As Hunter? I Want To Play Hunter But A Pet is Annoying
And thank you and maybe I will be the one helping you in the future
if vanilla wow came out today , i would quit that shit faster than a black person seeing a pregnancy test
Marksman hunters don´t have a pet anymore afaik
I thought they made MM into SV.
>Huntards still being huntards
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Seriously, I may dislike some of the shit post Cata, but goddamn it at least tried to fix the horrid shit that VanBCLK had in spades.
beastmaster is ranged and pet
marksman is just ranged
suruvival is melee and pet
Undead priest makes decent sense to me, I think Undead should have access to any class of any race that can be made into a forsaken.
talk about legendary and guild got cucked by the shit ring
>Tanking Maw on my Horde paladin that I haven't touched in about a month for legendaries
>Female Blood Elf healer being lazy and I had to heal myself a few times
>Don't usually pay attention to instance chat but one of the DPS tells the healer to stop being lazy and do their job instead of dressing their character like a whore
>Healer goes full SJW mode calling the dps all sorts of stupid shit and says she's not gonna heal unless we all apologize to her for oppressing her in a video game and kick the DPS that started on her
>No one is taking her seriously
>She pulls some mobs to try and wipe us
>Bubble hearth out since I have no desire to deal with that shit
>Tell the group I'm going to get a drink and to kick the healer that's causing drama before i get back or I'm leaving the group
>When I get back healer is removed after paragraphs of rants and we get a female tauren druid healer that's laid back
>Rest of the instance is flawless and the druid healer sends a btag request to be friends
So I made anew friend today wowg, what about you?
There's also the whole thing of them being basically the reason Shadow and Disc exist at all.
I miss him...
wasn´t shadow retconned into old god worshipping ?
What's up.
What is a fancy mog for a enhancement shaman?
*dotted underline*
dark shammy with cm shoulders
That's part of it.
It's basically a weird combination of Old God Worship, Void Lord Worship, and actually the weird cult of the forgotten shadow (which is actually pretty much disc),
is seraphim pretty much the go-to talent for mythic+ for prot pally now?
Is SV fun? I finally did the quest for it and the artifact and skills seem like they'd be right up my ally. Traps, dots, a pet, jumping around from mob to mob, etc.
So, I'm attempting to learn SFM.
Where the fuck do these niggas get the super high-quality character models? Do they make them themselves?
Holy shit, those fully posable vaginas must take so much fucking time.
Is there any public shit I can steal?
Can I extract shit from modelviewer?
dark shammy?
It is fun. Just have to do more than any other melee spec for less damage
Artifact points DO NOT give stamina past 34.
because the paragon isn't a trait you stupid fuk
kor'kron dark shaman armor
They do you stupid fuck it's observable when you put in points. Anything past 34 isn't viable in instanced PvP however.
Do not?
I'm 42 points in and I have not gone up since 34
fuck off with your disinfo
>try to play my priest
>be extremely bored
Thanks for fucking up the class Blizzard
You haven't even reached 35.
>January 10th
told you guys
epic meme
you probably heal or something then
>Jan 10th until we have a drought.
Fuck I'm gonna stall as long as I can.
I read that it's absolutely broken if you have the legendary that reduces your aspect cooldown by half.
What's the best race for a Horde Monk?
Which animations look best? Transmog? Lore?
all horde races look bad as monk desu
blood elves make great monks~!
anything looks good on horde
I like troll and BE best, though
>tfw you start to wonder if your transmog is too good
Let's see it then.
are you that faggot with the tusks and the laughing skull mask?
your mog is bland and boring and old
I got heroic warforged tusks back in MoP so no I'm not salty about not having it
>tfw new content is coming out and I haven't even touched the old stuff
I hate not being able to pick a class
>flex "raiders"
When I first came back to WoW after not playing the first few months of Legion, I wasted time leveling a DH, Warrior, Rogue, Priest, and Druid until I finally settled on Shaman cause Enhancement is just so comfy.
I feel your pain.
"retail is dead"
Right now I've got a paladin, priest, mage, and monk at 100-110. And a level 90 warrior.
I like healing, but priest, monk and paladin got boring. Not interested in shaman or druid. Warrior was okay but I realized I'll never find a guild as a melee DPS or a tank, especially considering how new I am to the game. Mage is fun but it's so popular I feel bad playing it (autism) and I have never played a DPS in an MMO.
Considering making a warlock to try that out.
>bonus roll gives even less gold than you'd get from doing a 3-minute WQ