Fighting Games General /fgg/
When will they port the NGP fighting games to PS4 and Steam?
Hey bros I'm on a budget building a new PC to play SFV and Tekken 7.
This look good? Just wanted to hear your thoughts before I submit the order.
fighting games make me want to end my life
SFV lobby?
>dual core
brick is that you
>tfw aegis setups on akuma
you stand no chance shitters
>its another "random lewd anime pic as the OP" thread
Great job
*wake up teleports out of your setups*
heh... better luck next time, pal
you just have to accept mistakes and in time you wont mind them
4GB of ram is too low for today's standards. Maybe you should up it to 8GB and get a 1050ti instead of a 970. That way you won't need an 450w PSU. Don't know how SFV performs on a dual-core processor.
goob rammygear
>wake up teleport
fuck this bullshit man
i know it's not invincible because ihave successfully landed a command grab on a guy who tried this, but so many akumas successfully teleport out of my meaty, it must have a super weird hitbox or something
Grabs work on the teleport. It just gives him strike and projectile invincibility.
Nah I think I have some sort of mental issues
>freezing my fucking ass off
>asshole brother won't get his ass up off rev to go turn on the heater
fucking goobers....
>4GB of ram is too low for today's standards. Maybe you should up it to 8GB and get a 1050ti instead of a 970. That way you won't need an 450w PSU. If you switch that i3 for an i5 4460 both games should run flawlessy.
>over half the pro players hate sfv
why do you still play it
>want to get back into SFV
>old main Mika is shit
>SFIV main Juri is also shit
T-Thanks, Capcom.
That's because it's strike and not grab invul senpai
How much is Urien's target combo on block?
knuckle du won recent tourney with mika
>tfw won forty real hard american dollars in a netplay tournament after getting sent to loser's first round
successful night playing street fighter lads
Mika is still good with great decent corner carry. You just can't clap meme your way in neutral now.
Yeah Mika is so shit thats why Du won another tourney with her
Waiting for Tekken and hoping it stays alive. There's not a lot of options on PC, either way.
Du wins no matter who he uses. He's just that good. Also link to GF?
How much FM can I get back by buying a character for 100k and doing their tutorial, challenges, character story and easy survival?
mika is shit despite the best player in the world who wins with a ps4 controller winning with her
What stops Akuma from just waking up with teleport every time?
Its on KarinUSF4
So, where can I find the legit frame data for season two SFV?
You fucking with me, punk?
Throwable on all frames.
Saki fighting game when?
Its maybe 3k for story and 2k for trials and easy survival gives no money so around 5k
maybe 6k absolute tops
I main Akagi
Also you get some for levelling up the character
1K for every level and doing all that gives you about 10 levels?
I think, in the end, you get 10 to 20K~ FM back.
Something like that.
very good, I'm sure someone will bite
Never say Du won a tournament with a character. You make it sound like Du won with Mika when he used Guile far more in other matches.
get the FAT app. they just updated to season 2 today.
Put Sakura in SFV
yet he chose her when it matters most.
no one cares about girl ryu
Free cam in replays when
give me guy instead
Yeah, but would he be in that position if he just used Mika the whole time? Du never wins by sticking to a character. I doubt Du would win if he stuck to Guile either.
This has nothing to do with strength in character talk. I'm just saying that Du winning "with A character" is incorrect at this point.
Can somebody PLEASE post that one Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Arcade infographic with all the characters????
joke ryu when
ninja ryu sucks
next year you'll have marvel, tekken, and right now you have gg, mkx, basically everything besides that gay ass gundam game
I prefer Urban Ryu.
Mortal Kombat is worse than SFV and GG has no community where I live.
when is tekken ryu
Quick, /fgg/. I only have $10. What's the best fighting game I can get on steam for under $10 that still have an active community that isn't Skull Girls?
brick noooooo!
Should I buy Revelator dlc characters now or wait for a sale?
literally nothing
play sg or play fightcade
>chipp players
>do a dp motion
>demon flip comes out instead
Buy them if you have disposable income.
Fuck that, when is meme ryu?
>goober ryu
no one wants this
however, the masses want sword ryu
Do you tech?
Or do you eat the upsidedown kick?
What year is Street Fighter V set in?
>do ryu's target combo
>raging demon comes out
>do Urien trials
>spend 10 minutes in practice
>go for some games
>get in for free
>press literally any button
>confirn hits into damage
>do retarded pressure with v-trigger
Is this what it means to unga?
>buy SFV as my first fighting game
>unlock urien
>get platinum rank in my first 10 games
the only way you can get demon flip instead of teleport is if your inputs are all over the place
for example teleport forward when facing right is 421+KKK
to get demon flip you'd have to do 456213+K or some combination like that
clean up your inputs
you make a hard read and commit
harambe costume for Urien when?
Oh man, you can parry magic in 3?
I want to sniff those stretched textures
you could do it in 2 as well
Tekken please come out in january.
with some shields
SFV sucks because:
Game is shallow and dry (medium punch, medium punch frame trap, dash throw or jumpin for huge damage, shimmy shimmy)
Combo variety is shallow and dry
Game is more random, anyone can win at anytime
The better player doesn't win more than other SF games
Graphics are butt ugly and inconsistent for a nextgen game using the latest unreal engine
Every character plays the same except for guile and sim
No Sagat
Footsies gameplay is ass
6.5 frames
Any whiff punish you see in SFV is by accident, not by reaction
Online is trash
Offline is trash (thumbs up if you're ready!)
Watching is boring more than half the time
Playing is either boring because of repetitive gameplay, or infuriating due to netcode or gameplay mechanics
Ibuki rework is lame
Juri rework is lame
Akuma has a dan fireball
A good Rashid isn't as hype as a good El Fuerte
Top players like Daigo cannot truly use their decade of fighting game skills or express their personality through gameplay because SFV is as shallow as hearthstone
SFV gameplay is similar to a turn based game, you block all day or eat throws and crush counters until it's "your turn" much like hearthstone
Fireballs suck
Anti-airs are retarded
Akuma looks retarded unless you pay money
Ken's face looks retarded
Mika is still retarded
Season 2 Balrog is cheap
Striving to constantly play solid only results in not being the best, because sometimes you just have to turn off your brain to win in SFV due to the nature of the core gameplay
The game is only played because of money, and because casuals don't know better
Pouble dost.
Wait, where are the combos?
I was told I can't go online until I have autism perfect execution.
>playing ranked
>fight an akumer on a 5 win streak
>he beats me and takes his points
>I beat him the next two times don't get any points for niether
>go against someone thats two ranks above me
>he gets points
>I win the next
>dont get any
It keeps saying failed to retraet data. Is it my internet?
why does it hit so hard with the anchor
nope, just capcom cock in your ass, nothing you can do afaik
oh you're that shitty pseudo trip who thinks may is garbage
I never said May was garbage what the fuck are you talking about?
>le kappa meme
You should go back.
>I never said May was garbage what the fuck are you talking about?
woah there!!
Anchors are fucking huge mate
Right? Feels bad cuz I keep giving this game a chance cuz the top players will make it hype, but then again, if infiltration and daigo are playing fucking Tetris it would be hype. This game sucks. I've played every sf game to a good amount besides the ex games which I only touched in my childhood and never before have I felt so strongly where the player who knows frame data is always the winner in sub-par level play. This game is all about the shitty ranged neutral buttons (hurr durr gotta be in my face to hit me bruh) and knowing what is positive so you can spam buttons safely. I've been playing sfa2 almost daily and I never get tired of it, but one hour of sfv makes me feel pissed.
I just don't like it when people put words in my mouth.
Is birdie a bad choice for a beginner to fighting games?
from the catalogue thumbnail i thought this was gonna be a pic of an anime prariedogging a shit
>Tekken is much more beginner friendly
>Tekken 7 FR is oozing with content and very polished
>game is beautiful as fuck
>classic akuma is in it
>some fags will probably buy it as a statement against SFV's launch and review it as so on steam
Harada you piece of shit, make it crossplay. This is Tekken's chance to be huge in the west.
You should buy them and post more jack-o.