Also, how devoted are you?
Religion Poll
I guess I'm fairly devoted.
Nice spooks, faggot
Deist at heart but I go to Catholic and Orthodox services whenever I can because I find them extremely pleasant, especially the orthodox services because there is a large domed church. There isn't really an equivalent Catholic Church in my area
Atheism is a religion, commie.
What practices do you do?
You wish.
>no bagan option
This poll is abrahamic
t. New Age
My belief system isn't listed.
Very devoted.
Bad poll is bad.
What is it?
Nonpracticing master race
>hasn't read stirner
k, lol
Protestantism, Lutheranism specifically.
Fairly devoted, working to become more devoted though.
I meditate
I follow the 8 fold path
>Atheist 40%
So most of you just larpers?
Good to know.
>all these catholics
I identify as a Catholic atheist.
All the theists combined in that chart cannot combat the overwhelming might of the orange atheist blob.
I'm afraid the fedoras have won this board, gg.
Veeky Forums catholics are the fedoras of religion
But user, what you posted means that 60%, the absolute majority, are not atheists.
Sikh. I cut my hair, and most people other than my sibling would not consider me bro-tier. So just barely devoted if at all.
I want pope worshippers to leave.
Deists and pantheists might as well be atheists, that makes it just over 50%.
I identify as an atheist who awknowledges possibilities of god(s), deities creating the world throught evolution or some other means, but who will not take their message upon faith and replicable evidence.
correction: and demands replicable evidence.
Atheist with a passive approach. If you feel your holy book improves your life for the better, that's your business.
But deists subscribe to a theistic cosmogony and agree with Genesis 1:1; and pantheism has been described as the polar opposite to atheism, in which everything is the immanent God, as opposed to nothing.
Deists think God doesn't give a fuck about humanity and might not even be capable of giving a fuck. Pantheists just call the universe God. Neither have any sort of dogma. In practice they're fucking atheists.
>Neither have any sort of dogma.
I just showed you which ones.
>In practice they're fucking atheists.
In practice if you're a theist you're not an atheist.
In practice if everything is God, so is you and everyone else.
The worldview is not the same.
Sure is logical in here.
>43 mudslimes
Explains the anti-white threads
I'm atheist, but I identify myself as a transzoroastrian, so I chose that.
How devoted am I? Uh..
>In practice they're fucking atheists
Not necessarily. Fucking totalitarian atheists.