Power stance editon
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>Community & Fanart
Power stance editon
Replaced by dual weapons >Character Planner
>Community & Fanart
Just in time my man.
Nice soulsfu.
Also is it just me or is the best ending of DaS 3 also the game over of DaS 2, what with usurping the flame and all? What I'm saying is that Nashandra literally did nothing wrong.
never played a souls game
can i skip the first or is the trilogy one story?
The trilogy is kind of one story but it's a repetitive thin story. I'd play all three though.
Don't skip the first, it's the best in the series.
Only the stories of 1 and 3 are connected.
i just don't want to add three whole games to my backlog but looks like i'll play all three
Dark hand grab is no joke. Well, at least the damage isn't.
Play the second at least, it's probably the best mechanically.
Post your favorite Souls games in order !
I only have played a bit of DaS2, but I really didn't like it. Haven't played BB yet.
Note that this is only my opinion, there is no need to get triggered over it
I wish I was as talented as the guy who did this ;-;
DaS 2=DaS1>DaS 3
all I've played senpai
there is no story in souls
it's pure gameplay
>you will never free Dancer from Pontiff Sillyman
why live
Tower doesn't stand in front of the mountains, it is built into them.
I hope we can all put this behind now.
>you will never get the Dancer to sit on you
Indeed, why live
Why does my Estus occasionally refill one drink in DS3?
Fuck me, even with CS Rapier and a coin, I can't get the fucking BKGS to drop.
It's actually traced. Nice digits user.
>ePic Digits dude xD!
i actually don't find story or lore a compelling component in any video games
i want to play video games, not cream myself once i light the flame or some other gay bullshit. story in video games was a fucking mistake. thanks id soft
I absolutely love Friede's Scythe. It's a great weapon to punish aggressive players.
Well even if it's traced, the coloring is well done.
Thanks :^), shame I didn't get quints here
Both of these far surpass the others, they're don't belong on the same list.
That's because almost all video games have shit stories, characters, themes and world building.
>they're don't belong on the same list.
I can agree with this part at least.
no i don't think you understand
it literally shouldn't fucking matter. story is completely and utterly arbitrary in video games. if you want to enjoy that shit go fucking read a book
Depends on the kind of game really.
Fun bit of trivia: People criticized some of the first talkies for trying to have a story, saying that film should just be film and stop trying to be theater.
most modern film is just mindless action
>swap flynn's for chain
>swap havel for life +3
>swap favor for favor +2
>swap chloranthy for chloranthy +2
>drop to 13 VIG
>use five spare points to reach 15/15
If you're going to twink, twink properly.
Yes, true. Just like almost all video games that try to have a story can barely even aspire to be popcorn flick quality. And most theater is pozzed out melodramatic shit. And most books are airport fodder.
nobody spends +50m dollars on special effects for a conversation about killing someone between mobsters, they spend it on the actual scene where they go and perform the act
video games exist for gameplay. you shoot mans. that's it. nothing else. nothing more. if you play video games to enjoy their story just watch a let's play of it on youtube
So you only play heavily marketed AAA games from Activision and Ea?
Think of them as random potion drops from mobs. The stronger the mob, the more likely of a refill drop. I forgot the actual rule to it through but invaders always drop 1-2 refills.
I don't think anyone knows yet. It seems random.
1 and 2 are totally different stories, 3 references 1 a lot and reuses locations but is still a separate story.
You can skip any of them or play in any order.
DS1 plays the worst on PC, has the most awkward controls but is the most memorable and fun.
DS2 have the most balance and content (most weapons, most areas, most bosses, etc.), but is generally inferior in quality and atmosphere. It's quantity > quality. Don't get regular DS2, get Scholar of the First sin. It also plays the best on PC with the least hardware requirements/issues.
DS3 has the best graphics and probably the least content. It's a shorter, more linear game than the other two but has good atmosphere and is the most active right now.
DS3 is probably the best to start with if you just want the most accessible.
DS2 is best if you have a weak computer or want the most hours of game for your dollar. It probably gives the worst first impression though.
DS1 is best if you are not sure if you will like the series, it's the most interesting game and the cheapest. If you like how DS3 looks but you want to get all the references/story/lore when playing it, start with DS1 first so you have that knowledge going into DS3. DS2 is really it's own, mostly separate lore.
Holy shit merry Christmas
Basically the only thing linking them all is the first flame, the undead curse, and all vaguely being in he same world. Plus some shallow references and name drops to make autists go squee.
This move always feels good to land
post webms
what is this
Just make sure before you judge DS2, you get past the boring first playthrough and judge the game on your second.
It gets much better if you get to the DLC, do PvP, and go to Ng+. Also, you're supposed to turn PC brightness down and burn ascetics during NG, so if you didn't do that, you should give it a try.
You still might not like it, but a lot of people formed first impressions of it right away without really diving into its advantages first.
The fact that you have to really get near the end of the game to access the coolest parts of the game is bad, but that's why it's probably the worst in the series. Still worth playing though.
I think I ran into you in the arena. Heretic Knight?
>Just make sure before you judge DS2, you get past the boring first playthrough and judge the game on your second.
You don't need to do a whole playthrough before you decide if you like the game christ. The opening areas are a bit dull but if you get to Huntsman's copse or maybe Earthen Peak you should be able to give it a fair shake and decide for yourself.
You're one of those guys who reads nothing, skips cutscenes and then asks "What do I do there, where to go, how do I play, why is this all heppening?"
That's me in the webm
Pyro with no CBV, GCFO, Black Serpent, Black Flame, Great Combustion, or Fire surge is tricky.
Someone never played a Kojima game
Good video games are about emotional experiences, just like books and movies. It doesn't matter if those experiences come form wrestling with the game's mechanics or from participating in a story.
The reason people praise metal gear solid 3's ending is because it's the perfect mix of participation and written context. There's both an experience in the actual gameplay, and the story context of what the gameplay means.
Dark Souls is way more about the gameplay than the meaning, but the meaning is still there. Some people like that more.
meant for
What gave you that idea? I like shit like Dark Souls 1, Metroid, and Castlevania where you have to blunder along and explore.
Guy he was arguing with and I'd say a Kojima game is pretty much his perfect counterpoint to my argument about storytelling in video games being something valid to focus on. It's forced and awkward as fuck.
You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you?
If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me
>quitting DS2 before DLC, before power stancing, before pvp
why even buy the game then?
Sorry Solaire but my one true Dark Souls 1 waifu will always be Quelaag.
Because while all those things are great, if you hate the rest of the game those things will not be enough to save it for you.
I was wondering when you would start spamming them until I realize that were all you had. It might've been laggy on my end.
If your tastes are so fickle that you hate the rest of DS2 and those things won't save it, then you shouldn't be looking at other souls games to buy anyway, the other souls games are just as far apart as DS2 is from them
There are people that only like 1 of the three Dark Souls games. There is nothing wrong with that, it's a matter of taste. But they won't necessarily know that out of the gate.
I'm trying to see what little-used Pyros are good.
So far, Profaned Flame, Fire Whip, and Boulder Heave aren't bad. The rest suck.
>kite guy entire duel getting a couple of hits in
>dodges most of my swings
>time is about to run out and he does a running attack to try and take me out
>switch to one handing my great sword and have caestus in the other hand
>hit the parry
>time runs out right when I land it
Wew, I should get better at parrying that was fun as fuck and pretty intense.
>Half the difficulty in the game comes from retarded fucking camera angles
nice game
>caestus in th-
stopped reading. nobody cares. you're not skilled or good.
Whatever your first souls game is, if you don't like it early on, you won't like anything else in the franchise. That includes DS2.
Whatever your first souls game is, if you like it early on, you'll be a bit disappointed when you try the other games and find out they're missing things that your first game had, but you'll still play them anyway. That includes DS2.
The games are all too good to skip, but too different for people to not have favorites.
So Andre is suddenly showing me much higher scaling damage than trogg says should be getting. Anything changed lately?
>Whatever your first souls game is, if you like it early on, you'll be a bit disappointed when you try the other games and find out they're missing things that your first game had, but you'll still play them anyway. That includes DS2.
DS1 was my first souls game and I ended up liking DS2 the best. Opening areas are still crap though.
Fire Whip isn't as good as it was in ds2, Boulder Heave and Profaned Flame are only good against people who run into them. I got hit multiple times through but I was just whiffing around like an idiot and lost all my stamina. Since you're using parting flame you might as well use black flame with it aside from the other testing spells but I guess you wanted to test all of them for full effect.
What's wrong with the caestus? I have no equip load so I can't really carry anything else.
There's some utility to underused stuff like that just because people don't have the muscle memory of avoiding them.
Yeah, that's sort of my point. If you like your first souls game, you'll go on and play the others and enjoy them, just maybe with some disappointment like "opening areas are still crap"
Not saying your first is always your favorite, just that if you like your first, you'll enjoy all the other games enough to at least want to play them, unless you don't have a PS3/PS4 for BB/DeS.
It's got really long parry frames so it's a popular tool to offhand for parry spammers.
nothing, he's just upset that you parried him
but in all seriousness, a fraction of the board thinks using meta weapons and an offhand caestus is sin in spite of the fact that they're willing to use pontiff's CS and llewlyn as though it were dramatically different
Fire whip is good in Poise Souls 3 because if someone gets caught they're staggered no matter what armor they're wearing for the rest of the spell.
I had a few people try rolling through it and take 700 damage.
I see From went back to their roots for DS3 and made all the default settings total shit again.
it's only popular because the frames are early and the animation ends quickly, parrying shields have way more frames and look at what good it does them
Boulder Heave has lingering AoE, physical damage and insane stagger potential so there are niches that it can fulfill. I'm not really sure about Profaned Flame since it hasn't changed from ds2. It being that you can use it by toggling off aim and use it under your feet like you would with lingering flame. People would come at you with a running attack and wouldn't have the time to dodge it.
Nothing, it was kind of OP compared to other parrying tools pre patch. Now it's fine.
Yeah, regular small shields are honestly so much better due to the lower stamina drain on partials that I don't mind caestus.
The no recovery time (what was it, 8 frames?) it had at some point was retarded.
I'm still sad at how the actual parrying tools are pretty bad.
>Barely have enough time to attack dancer once with a dex weapon
is she even fucking possible on a str build? She only stops attacking long enough for a super quick attack
> Now it's fine.
I certainly wouldn't call it OP but it's still objectively better than everything else due to the low weight investment, and the fact that even if you aren't parrying with it it's still the lightest thing you can bless in your offhand.
Maybe I'm just sore about rapiers having midshield parries though, I don't know.
Dark Souls 3 just took me 2 hours to download fuck
But i got a new GPU, heres to some FUN
First time I beat her was with a terrible str build and propaned GS
Dancer's punishable on certain attacks like the aftermath of her spins. It's all the bosses after her like Champ and Dragonslayer Armor that are a nightmare for STR weapons due to how little recovery frames they have after all their attacks.
>2 hourss
6 for me ;_;
Dancer is very slow and telegraphs most of her attacks though. Sulyvahn is much harder.
Ah got it. It was my first attempt at parrying against another player and it just happened to be the right weight to use with Lorians UGS. Didn't know it was considered meta.
I find it easier to land a couple of hits when I'm positioned behind her and throw in one or two r1s whenever she uses anything that isn't side wailing.
>stabbing the ground
>dual sword toss
>grab or slaps
>jump attack
God help you if you're trying to avoid both of her swords, one will somehow manage to rollcatch you into a combo.
I beat Dragonslayer Armor on my second try, almost beat him on my first. Don't get the big deal.
I'm still disappointed we don't get a bare-handed parry unless we go 2 bare hands.
caestus a shit
>tfw no in game Zullie waifu
>Dark Souls 3 just took me 2 hours to download fuck
Fuck you faggot. That's pretty good compared to people who have to wait more than 10 hours. It took me 3 hours and all I did in the mean time was cook and eat lunch.
>playing DaS1 first playthrough
>fucking around in Blighttown(was going to Demon Ruins to stream Yellow Fog area but got sidetracked)
>soapstone message says "Here!", which, at a dead end, almost always means illusory wall
>hit the wall, illusory, chest
>check chest for mimic
>it's not, but the sword hits the wall behind
>illusory wall behind illusory wall
>what the fuck
>secret area
>tfw you missed out on secret hunting because of fucking dumbass luck