Mom is gonna freak
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Luther wasn't the bad guy, he really did just want reformations for the immensely corrupted papacy of his time. I guess it's humble in some sense to acknowledge that.
luther was pretty based, it wasn't until americans got hold of protestantism that is degenerated
Only based Lutherans are High Church ones
Ironically it is the High Church faction of the Church of Sweden that is pushing back the degeneracy
>Mainline Protestant
Luther regretted closing down the monasteries and convents. The German Lutheran church and the Catholic church saying they have clarified the issue of Justification and it is no longer an issue between the two churches is a massive deal.
We will talk when the Pope stops being a cuck
And Lutheranism go high church
What's wrong, OP?
good, there should be no such thing as a lutheran or catholic, only christian
It's a shame that the Anglicans and Episcopalians became so liberal, they could have spearheaded the union of High Church movements. The Anglicans were in union with the Prussian Evangelical Lutheran church during the late 19th century and actually had an interesting strategy to force the Orthodox Churches into union with them by setting up a Patriarch in Jerusalem
In the grand scheme of things I'm not so sure this is really shocking. Popes do ecumenical stuff all the time. There's sufficient historical distance from the reformation that both sides can acknowledge the importance of the event itself, continued disagreements notwithstanding. I went to mass with my friend (I'm Methodist) and saw "A Mighty Fortress" in his church's hymnal. We had a chuckle about that afterwards
He agreed to that with the World Lutheran Federation, which includes all the female ordination and gay marriage Lutherans. Most Lutherans against gay marriage and female ordination are not in that.
How many malinlines have escaped this?
Is American protestantism sjws on one hand and snake handlers and YECs on the other?
>luther was pretty based
Only ones are the Methodists, but they are close to full communion with the ELCA and the Episcopal Church, so probably just around the corner.
>Is American protestantism sjws on one hand and snake handlers and YECs on the other?
Basically, yeah. There are a few holdouts though. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church, for instance--they are YEC, but not Christian rock snakehandlers, and they aren't Zionists. But it's a dying breed.
>It is very common today to hear Catholics call a Protestant “a Christian,” or even, “a good Christian.” In the United States, it was already a practice before Vatican II because of the tendency of American Catholics to accommodate Protestantism, whose tonus dominated the social and business spheres. Then, there was the question of adaptation as prominent Protestants joined the Catholic faith, or Catholics entered into marriages with Protestants. It was just easier to call everyone “Christian.” Supposedly it underplayed differences. It was meant to create the impression that Catholics and Protestants were cousins in one big, happy family. Pope Leo XIII condemned this tolerance toward Protestantism under the name of Americanism, the heresy of Americanism, to be more precise.
>After Vatican II, needless to say, the practice of calling Protestants Christians has snowballed, with the official conciliar documents assuming this same impropriety. Hence, the Holy See, Prelates and priests have made its use as widespread as possible. Accommodation to Protestantism in our days has reached such a point that some Catholics, to distinguish between Catholics and their Protestant “separated brethren,” call themselves Catholic Christians. A redundancy if I've ever heard one. Only Catholics can be true Christians. No one who dissents from the Roman Catholic Church can be a Christian. The terms are synonymous.
It is becoming more and more so. The center-right intellectual social conservatives have been dying out, I'm Presbyterian and have just seen this happen on a massive scale. PCUSA, my denomination, has always been more liberal than PCA, a more conservative denomination. We allow ordination of and holding of the role of Elder to women, PCA does not. Recently we have also decided to do gay wedding and have openly gay ministers, and a huge schism formed, most conservatives went to PCA or remain unaffiliated with a Presbytery right now. Oh, and the liberals, gaining a majority admittedly condemned Israel publicly and further alienated conservatives.
So now, we have what is left of PCUSA, which is full of liberal babyboomers with shrinking congregations, rapidly heading to more and more Unitarian/Quaker feel-good talk. And PCUSA, which is also shedding its Presbyterian identity and will probably just be any other anti-intellectual Evangelical group in twenty years. I have seen the death of my denomination occur in only three years
American Exceptionalism yet again
>tfw no High Church Union to fend off degeneracy and crazy fundies
>tfw Catholics are becoming more and more low church
I can't take it anymore
This pope freaks me out. He's their "Oh my god we're losing influence and we need to cover up the pedophilia" pope
>I have seen the death of my denomination occur in only three years
i'm sorry. where are you going to go now?
Reminder that 90% of the victims of child molestation in the US were boys.
The problem is homosexuality.
>Sue Widemark A Penn State historian, Philip Jenkins, has done in-depth research of pedophilia and sexual abuse among the clergy and has come up with some rather eye opening facts (Pedophiles and Priests, Anatomy of a Crisis, Oxford University Press, 1996, Paperback edition, 2001). It seems that while .2 to 1.7 percent of Catholic clergy have been guilty of pedophilia (or sexual abuse particularly of boys, p. 80-82), a whopping 10 percent of Protestant ministers have been found guilty of sexual misconduct with a 2 or 3 percent pedophilia rate (p. 50-52).
>This is all the more interesting, notes Jenkins, since there has been NO media term "Pastor Pedophilia" coined at all! Jenkins theorizes that the media, proving the 'point' of the 'necessity' of sexual promiscuity, overemphasizes any instance of pedophilia found among the Catholic clergy since it can use this to criticize the entire idea of celibacy. But it is interesting that the NON Celibate Protestant ministers have a MUCH GREATER problem with it than the celibate Catholic priests!
>Jenkins' research was based on several highly respected studies and statistics. He points out that whereas sexual misconduct has always been a problem, among Catholic and non-Catholic clergy as well as among the general populace, what is new now is that the 'problem' of priest sexual abuse, constructed by the media as a result of a 'moral panic' occurring in the mid-1980's.
So I take it you laugh your ass off at twats who think Catholics hate the Gospel and that their mass isn't about Jesus and other retarded Fundie chestnuts?
I know there's obviously doctrinal stuff you don't like but that's hardly comperable to some retard making shit up about religious services he knows nothing about.
Come to the Orthodox Church, my friend
Which one?
Any of them. Orthodoxy is defined by a common faith.
How many Orthodox Churches are in communion with eachother?
They all are, except for some small sects who split over non-dogmatic reasons (and are thus heretical, since they take what is not dogma for dogma) like the Old Calenderists.
RCA, Reformed Church of America, they are conservative and having fairly interesting platforms and are more theologically serious, they are small though. They are pretty much the conservative remnants of the Dutch Reformed Church in North NJ and NY. There is also the tiny RCUS who are even more theologically serious, anti-revivalist denomination, but there are none around here and they are also creationists.
Still, I feel like I'm swimming to another ship only to find it will also be taking in water.
>Considering it
Come to an Orthodox service sometime
Also read The Way of a Pilgrim. Even if you don't convert, you should find it delightful.
I haven't gotten much into the doctrinal weeds to be honest. A lot of the foundation stuff it seems like Methodists and Catholics have in common; the creeds, for instance, and even "real presence" in communion. Methodism, as a folksy spinoff of the 18th century Anglican church raised on the American frontier, says many of the same things but without access to the exacting philosophy of European churches, which has its benefits and costs. That's my impression anyways.
And no, I know there are a good number of charlatans out there. I've been to a lot of churches through friends and have seen the whole continuum, pretty much. The guys who sweat and talk for hours about three random words in a random verse are just demagogues. On the other hand, there are churches whose emphasis on doctrine verges on the absurd. Such as "Double Predestination wasn't enough for us; to be accepted here you must believe in Triple Predestination!!"
>Only Catholics can be true Christians. No one who dissents from the Roman Catholic Church can be a Christian.
Catholic here. This dude is a retard, because Orthodoxy exists. If he doesn't think Orthodoxy is Christianity, I think he might actually be a literal heretic.
Not even sure what's so offensive about calling Protestants Christians, desu. "Heretic" and "heathen" are not synonymous, they are very distinct terms.
Well, that website also has pages that trash dancing as immoral (and I mean it targets ballet and even waltzing) and freemasonry as some sort of existential threat to the church's organization. At some point, you have to pick your battles I guess...
how you feel about this pope Veeky Forums?
>that filename
They haven't
Social Conservative ideologies be it politically speaking or in religion are rapidly turning into a beleaguered minority in America. For the ones that haven't yet it's just a matter of when not if. At this point conservative Christians are going to start the five stages of grief.
Pius XII stated unequivocally: “To be Christian one must be Roman. One must recognize the oneness of Christ’s Church that is governed by one successor of the Prince of the Apostles who is the Bishop of Rome, Christ’s Vicar on earth” (Allocution to the Irish pilgrims of October 8, 1957). How is it possible to be clearer than this about those who can be called Christian?
Leo XIII makes it plain that separated members cannot belong to the same body: “So long as the member was on the body, it lived; separated, it lost its life. Thus the man, so long as he lives on the body of the [Catholic] Church, he is a Christian; separated from her, he becomes a heretic” (Encyclical Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896).
Emphasizing the fate of those who break away from the one Faith, he says: “Whoever leaves her [the Catholic Church] departs from the will and command of Our Lord Jesus Christ; leaving the path of salvation, he enters that of perdition. Whoever is separated from the Church is united to an adulteress” (ibid.). Certainly, they do not share with us the same title of Christian.
Pope Pius IX stated: “He who abandons the Chair of Peter on which the Church is founded, is falsely persuaded that he is in the Church of Christ” (Quartus supra of January 6 1873, n. 8).
In the Syllabus of Modern Errors, the proposition that Protestantism is nothing more than another form of the same true Christian religion was specifically condemned (Pius IX, n. 18)
Is that ex cathedra?
I already been to some
I am worried they will not do marraige since my girlfriend isn't Christian
You are correctly worried, they won't.
2 Corinthians 6:14
>my girlfriend isn't Christian
She's protestant?
>seeing all this Christian infighting from an outside perspective
This is half the reason I come to Veeky Forums.
No, that's not even the pope saying "unequivocally" learn to quotation marks.
Why are you citing the Pope then when it's just like citing Joe Schmo? The Pope's words don't mean anything unless they are ex cathedra.
what the fuck
It's an edit.
I guess I'll marry in the Catholic Church
And then convert
They will recognize our marraige that way
Protestants are Christians too man
>Protestants are Christians too man
>They will recognize our marraige that way
The Orthodox Church doesn't recognize marriages outside the Orthodox Church unless they are blessed into it, which requires its own ceremony. They might be able to do it for a couple where only one is a Christian, but if I were you, I'd seriously reconsider being bonded to a woman outside of Christ.
How did they edit that
You gotta admit, some Protestant scholars like Maxwell and Fairbairn are based.
I don't think I can find another woman user ;~;
just get a fucking civil marriage
does this mean we won?
You strengthened his point if anything, user.
Not until Jews are being baptized the way dr. Luther prescribed.
This. Putting Hitler and Luther quotes side by side will only make people more wanting to convert to Lutheranism here. Unless they are commies in which case they hate any sect of Christianity anyway.
>Pope trying to actually do what Jesus Christ would do, including forgiveness
>All the """""Catholics""""" on Veeky Forums that did it so they could yell deus vult and be edgy little shits flip their shit when he does
This is hilarious
Did they intentionally chose autistic pope?
It's not the Catholics that are always sperging out about Francis, though.
Do you even read these threads?
But why.
/Concerned Catholic douchebag
>I believe In one holy catholic and apostolic Church
Why do protestants say this?
>Lutherans already pretty similar to RC
>High-church, justification debate is mostly semantics
>Pope lowers their guard with ecumenism
>Lutheran church dying at faster rate then RC
They're LARPers.
When will there be a containment board for religion like the one they have on KC
>actually had an interesting strategy to force the Orthodox Churches into union with them by setting up a Patriarch in Jerusalem
Interesting, but never heard of it.
The CC is also a confederation of 27 Churches, so stop being stupid
One Flock, One Shepherd.
John 10:16
One Church, One Pope.
he just gained my respect, despite being a filthy Catholic
lol, is this fucking real?
>We will talk when the Pope stops being a cuck
>Tfw I'm American and am part of a mainline Porotestant church
I've seen some crazy-ass fundies in my day and damn, it feels good to know I dodged that bullet.
>Be Christian
>Call the Pope a cuck for behaving like Christ
>This makes Christ a cuck
Well done.
To celebrate Reformation day ? What the fuck.
Didn't he say he would resign after a few years ? Thank God after him we'll get a nice, conservative, European pope.
holy shit, that image is so true. it forgets the rich asshole ones who run the prosperity gospel racket and the moral majority fucks who get fucked in the ass on meth benders.
heh, ok, i like him a little more now. that smile at the end is the kicker.
>the problem is homosexuality
You realize that the vast majority of child molesters were not openly homosexual right? And that child molesters are attracted to children regardless of gender right?
You're not going to actually try to pass this half-baked argument off as discourse are you?
>a nice, conservative, European pope.
Like who? Which conservative cardinal actually has a chance in your mind? Because I'm not seeing a conclave elect anyone any less reformist than the last three fools.
Is there any sign of resentment from within the church towards Francis? As far as I can tell he's extremely popular in the vatican as well as outside the church. The backlash towards him on Veeky Forums is a drop in the bucket.
screw europeans, Sarah for Pope
The pope is supposed to be the Bishop of Rome but he let the sackers of the Eastern Empire in and kissed their feet. A shepherd must tend first to their own flock before tending to the wolves.
>last three fools
Benedict XVI was one of the greatest theologians of our times and John Paul II is a saint.
John Paul kissed the Quran
Benedict was a great guy though, he was working harder than anyone else to uncover the child predators and take action since before he was even Pope, but John Paul blocked him. Then Then Benedict ended up taking the heat. Poor guy, he said in his recent autobiography that there is a very powerful gay, leftist lobby in the Vatican that kept trying to force his hand to do things. I'm sure they ended up making him resign.
This is kind of the vibe that I get about Veeky Forums whenever Pope Francis is brought up.
>the vast majority of child molesters were not openly homosexual
>child molesters are attracted to children regardless of gender
>people still claim Liberation Theology wasn't KGB Marxist subversion
Only a blissfully blind retard would think otherwise after Pope Cucknis I
Right, and those who sexually assault adults are attracted to adults regardless of sex.
> Christian acting in a Christian manner is horrible.
>Being a bigoted close-minded worshipper, that's the true Christian!
How do you decide what a true Christian is?