Ezreal edition!
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Ezreal edition!
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Tips for maining playing Teemo?
>ADCs are so garbage people are starting to play mages instead even though they need levels to function
>Now it's just Ziggs, but soon people will use it as an excuse to play other mages
>If ADCs don't get heavy buffs they'll basically be phased out entirely
What are pro ADCs going to do then? Basically become shitty mid laners? Maybe import 2 mid laners per team?
This video got me thinking... would Ekko be stuck in a time loop?
Anyone want to do vg vs vg on NA?
>declare yasuo
>team mate takes yasuo from me
>doesn't swap
>loses tower at 14 minutes
>loses game with 3/12 score
>People thinking that SoloQ = LCS
ADC's will still be core in pro play because, guess what? In pro play this little thing called "peel" exists for an ADC. ADCs do most of the damage in teamfights in the LCS and without one your team will just get steamrolled in teamfights.
Ziggs botlane works in soloQ because SoloQ, even at challenger level, is a clow fiesta. Hell someone was making Sion ADC work in Challenger even though it scales so shit that if the game hits 25 minutes you basically auto-lose with it.
hey man, he had a bad game, happens to the best of us
Is there any advantage to duo'ing with a random guy who you don't even team speak with
There's not right so I should just stop accepting when they ask ??
Watch Rainman and build gunblade, mallet into tank.
xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for btfo'ing Ez
>Watching diamond streamer
>Yasuo is on his team
>"I expect this Yasuo to feed"
>Yasuo feeds
Like pottery
what rank you in?
number 9 decides main season 7 fast
>Try out kled
>Shit on opposing Yorick and jungler so hard that both go 0-8 in 25 minutes
Damn Kled is a blast. Of course I was playing against a trundle jungle and Yorick top.
How should I play Kled against real champions, like Riven, Yasuo and poppy
Reminder that this game has no other purpose than producing waifus, porn, fapfics, and more porn.
Satisfying your ego through elo applies too but only concerns a small minority.
Did that buff do anything for garen?
Kar "outplayed" thus
AD Bard top.
some games are just a 1v1 with bots
Trying to go unranked until where I can maining Teemo.
Yo WTF Rushing Roa on malphite and maxing Q is hilarious
You're still tank af because of your FREE shield and FREE armor
Then you just get sunfire iceborn abyssal whatever and obliterate people
what is worth more; a level 30 unranked account or a Gold V account with good mmr
should wu just stack lethality like a madman for hot monkey dick damage or build defensive items too
It makes him fuck tanks in lane harder, longer, and faster
Otherwise he still has all of the same problems as before and is just a single-use quick cooking darius with no hook or slow
I love Kled! He's cute and my husband.
>Want to start playing league since all my friends play it
>Would cost me like 3 months worth of salaries to buy all champions
How does anyone justify playing a p2w game?
the client just crashed with a buzz error at the champ select
anyone else had that?
stop working such a shit job
alternatively realise you only need 16 champs to be rank 1
Buy a 6,3k champion and Il beat your ass with Garen
The gameplay is still skill based
just play a lot and you won't have to use a single dollar on champs
no one actually buy champions with real money
>paying real money for anything you can buy with IP
You can max anything on malphite and it'll work
Even maxing W early gives you ridiculous trading power against anything trying to auto you
you can get skins by just playing now too
the best
Obvious bait because no one can be that stupid but
>3 months worth of salaries to buy all champs
what a poor fag LMAO
Too late friend
That's right.
please share kindred tips and builds, I would like to play them but I don't know where to start
mid blitz
Won't people just play Morg if Ziggs bot becomes a thing?
>Whoa ult incoming!
>Lol black shield
The short answer is literally "Grind like some kind of Chinky MMO" and all the other responses you are geetting are just window dressing of this fact.
>post season 2 LoL
wait what, wasnt graves ad scaling destroyed?
im having an adc graves in my game
>3 months worth of salaries
this has gotta be bait, even the minimum wage in US can afford that
for builds, should probably stick with ap gunblade->liandries unless against a riven/nasus that maxes E
try to keep some mushrooms in the purple areas on the image, ignore the red markers
try to always have 1 mushroom up when up against all in champions like riven
learn how to use creeps to trigger your mushrooms to hit the enemy laner
if going on hit/tanky teemo maxing W second after E is fucking amazing, you get so much movespeed
go exhaust against shit like riven/irelia, it destroys them
mid teemo is kinda shit but you can make it work, you'd still rather go top tho
ivan pavlov's smite teemo is pretty good, red smite allows you to 1v1 people in most situations and you can smite golems/krug for hp to make up for the lack of tp
He works with just cleaver and youmuus but he's definitely best as an assassin
>season 2 is the hardest season
Stop this fucking meme.
>LeBlanc with silence existed
>Kass with silence and 80% AP on ult existed
>queen of solo queue Evelynn existed
>AP Sion mid terror days
>Urgot's reign of terror
>release Diana, Zed, and Ahri
>Shyvana broken as fuck
>Ionian Spark and Leviathan existed back then
>Madred's existed back then
Yeah, no. If anything, it was the easiest and most imbalanced season of all.
Wow, I really wasn't expecting such a complete and informative answer for my question.
I really appreciate it user, thanks a lot.
Also, you forgot the image.
forgot image
got my first 2 week ban since season 4 for raging at literal retards. No regrets. But can anyone tell me how long it will take to "reform" and reset my account back to good standings again?
I have had many chat restrictions before. Always when I would "reform" I would get reset back to 10 game chat restrictrions rather than get the 2 week ban, well this time I failed and actually managed to get banned.
Anyone know how long it takes to reset back to 10 game chat restrictions?
why morg? if you really wanna block ziggs' ult damages just use a karma mantra'd shield
Are chat rooms unavailable in the new alpha client?
40 games with no distinguishable "naughtiness."
He gets defensive stats for free from his passive so stacking health and ad is objectively better. Cdr too of course.
I didn't say season 2 was the "hardest season"
It was, by far and by every objective measure, the most skill based season in league of legends history. Riot's declaration of war on skill that started with season 3 is what gave us the decline of LoL to its current shitfest state.
Morgs shield doesn't work like that. It doesn't stop the damage from the ability. Only the CC.
im not sure you can
i got 2 week banned
next time months later for a single game of telling someone to kill themselves i got permed
it was the only game in the report log thing
fuck you riot
>most skill based doesn't mean hardest
If something takes skill, that means it's hard.
There is no declaration of war on skill. Though champions like Yasuo and Ekko are bullshit, to play them to their maximum potential requires a lot of skill. Same goes to Camille, Riven, etc.
If by skill you mean solo carrying, then yes, I agree, because it was easy to solo carry back in Season 2, which is both a good and bad thing, and why Riot has consistently nerfed snowballing in the first place. They did it to stop boosters and smurfs from going out of control as often as they do.
i'm fairly sure it does block magic damage
Wasted Pool Taric, Halloween Heca and Riot Graves for this.
>can't check my year in review on EUNE
feels bad being a slav
This is a gipsy Soraka
She's living on your land with out permission.
Post alt customs
It soaks up the damage like every other shield too senpai. CC invulnerability is the bonus part of it
but its still fucking shit compared to a Janna/Karma/Lulu shield
>brudny garen
>There is no declaration of war on skill
Yes there is. Including champs that literally play themselves with trivial minigames or "mechanics". Such as the Yasuo and Ekko you mention in the next sentence..
>Camille, Riven
>If by skill you mean solo carrying, then yes, I agree, because it was easy to solo carry back in Season 2, which is both a good and bad thing
No, this is but one facet of the war on skill. Riot trivialized early game with "comeback" changes and the powerloading of waveclear on fucking EVERYTHING. Now the first 10-15 minutes almost don't matter, we are just forced to go through the motions anyway.
While before, if you won your lanes you could END the game at 20 instead of waiting for a single pickoff after 30 and then deathballing everything afterwards.
>wasting best taric skin
>for anything ever
>morgana shield is worse that lulu shield
shit lolg says
>tfw ive played this game longer than anyone else ITT
who here /season 3 fag/
to soak damages it is, most Lulus go windspeaker shieldsluts nowaday because her q got gutted.
I have spent a grand total of 0$ on champions (spent a good but on skins and gifts though heh) and I'm currently high plat and I'm still going up.
Man, the things people reach for to blame when they're having trouble in the game is amazing. Champion pool is up to you.
Literally buy annie for 450 ip and go from bronze to diamond, it's been done on stream and is documented.
havent played in about 3 months
is it me or is camille pretty damn stupid
>responding to obvious bait
are redheads cumdumps?
The stopping the CC is the best thing about Morg's shield ya dummy.
who wants to know?
You can never too TOO sure its bait mate. Some people are just that bad.
Yes, Trundle is my cumdump.
>rising difficulty level to certain champion by adding to them special minigames that need to be completed to play said champ efficiently is somehow lowering the skill required to play that champion.
Dude stop.
When should you take scaling mr runes vs. flat mr runes?
even without looking at the wiki, it's probably not
vs physical damage sure, but vs magical damage most certainly not since morgs build more ap usually anyway
I don't think its based on game count.
She does too many things too well. So yeah, you could say she's pretty stupid
>tfw no adc gf
I can be your gf (male)
Is Soraka fertile? How much of her DNA is made of stars?
Can Taric impregnate her?
Start playing things like zyra or brand and you won't even need a bf to carry games for you
>want to play jungle
>queue jungle->mid
>get mid
>want to play mid
>queue mid->jungle
>get jungle
>want to play top
>autofilled to support
males can't be girlfriends you silly doofus
>ADCs are back to being turret poking BadAssassins
>Assassins still suffer from Highlander Syndrome
>current gen "tanky dps" shits on fucking everything