Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

I spit on the Nexus edition

>What's new?
Zul'jin (the Warcraft version, not the WoW version) on PTR next week, release following week
Latest In Development Video
Year in Review
Weekly Sale

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Where do I find you basic-attack-only-Jaina fuckbois?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

>Current weekly brawl:

>Latest patch notes:

>Hero rankings, various statistics, talent calculator:

>For new players:

>Tips and other useful resources:
There's also a leddit page but we don't talk about that


Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw d.va never be in this game

makes me sad


>Hey lets make Odin even more obsolete

What's Zul'jins voice gonna be like?


probably a mix of both

>Tier 1
Rag, Thrall, Dehaka, Malf, Tychus

>Tier 2
Li Ming, Zera, BW, Valla, Chen, Zarya, Falstad, Alarak, Rehgar, Raynor, Muradin, Johanna, Artanis, ETC

>Tier 3
Morales, Kerrigan, Tyrael, Jaina, Chromie, Monk, Hammer, Sylv, TLV, Zeebo, KT, Auriel, Prot Warrior

>Tier 4
Tracer, Illidan, Tyrande, Xul, Fury Warrior, Lunara, Zag, Li Li, Sonya, Leoric, Uther, Tassadar, Arthas, Rexxar, Arms Warrior, Samuro

>Autism Tier
Azmodan, Abathur, Medivh

>Tier 5 (AKA memes, shit, trash)
Butcher, Nova, Greymane, Murky, Cho, Gall, Gazlowe

>the team engages 3v5
>talent down
>healer dead
>objective not up

why dis always haben?

Where's Diablo?

>Brightwing anywhere near Rehgar.
>Prot Varian that low.
>Kerrigan that high.
>Uther not in tier 5 with Li Li.
>Samuro, Illidan, Lunara that low.
>Forgetting about one of the strongest characters in the game right now, Diablo.

If you don't know how to play you probably shouldn't be making tier lists.

>Tier lists

>Tier 1
Rag, Thrall, Dehaka, Malf, Tychus, Diablo

>Tier 2
Li Ming, Zera, BW, Valla, Chen, Zarya, Falstad, Alarak, Rehgar, Raynor, Muradin, Johanna, Artanis, ETC, Prot Warrior

>Tier 3
Morales, Kerrigan, Tyrael, Jaina, Chromie, Monk, Hammer, Sylv, TLV, Zeebo, KT, Auriel, Gul'dan, Lunara

>Tier 4
Tracer, Illidan, Tyrande, Xul, Fury Warrior, Zag, Li Li, Sonya, Leoric, Uther, Tassadar, Arthas, Rexxar, Arms Warrior, Samuro, Kael'thas, Anub, Tyrande

>Autism Tier
Azmodan, Abathur, Medivh

>Tier 5 (AKA memes, shit, trash)
Butcher, Nova, Greymane, Murky, Cho, Gall, Gazlowe, Stitches

Fixed the shit list.

>Making tier lists when on certain maps characters go from non factors to being the best characters in the game.

>Gul'dan tier 3
>same tier as lunara
>outclasses her in every aspect making her obsolete
>etc not tier 1
>falling for the dehaka meme
>still rating diablo this high after his survivability nerf
there are a dozen more mistakes since nobody really plays and tests anything that isnt fotm including you guys.

Tier 3 is full of characters like those.

>my boy zeeb in t3

you my friend are a pleb

a proper tier list simply lists hero which are so garbage that there is never ever a reason you should pick them.

Chromie, Gall, Nova, Butcher, Anub, Cho, Sonya, Stitches, Li Li, Tyrande, Uther, Abathur, Gazlowe, Murky, Vikings, Zagara.
Picking any of these and you are shitting on your team.

I'm new to this game. What heroes can jungle the mercenary camps easily and early?

>The Butcher
>Varian (Twin Blades)

There are a couple others, but these are the first to come to mind.

Chromie might not be a complete memepick anymore, we'll have to see when we move to a meta where mages aren't the worst role in the game.

Sonya's still viable on PvE maps.

Tyrande, Uther, and even Li Li are all viable supports situationally.

TLV still holds a TREMENDOUS winrate on Garden.

Abathur is still pretty good on Cursed Hollow I believe? I don't play Abathur, maybe an autist can assist. He is at his worst though.

Zagara is actually still fairly strong as a solo on Braxis iirc.

The rest I agree as being pretty awful.

>Tier 1
Is this what the silvers and golds at /plebbit/ still think?

>team is me as Abathur, TLV, Kael, Azmodan and someone who never played Tassadar
>enemy team is ETC, Arthas, Brightwing, Xul and some other ass

mfw we somehow won it
Never again

It's not like Tassa is a hard hero, user.

Not really hard but when the odds are stacked against you with this dumbass team, thats the last thing you want to hear

Why is everyone putting Samuro so low down in these tier lists? I thought he was really good?

He falls off the higher you go, not unlike a few other Heroes.

Still curious as to why there hasn't been a tier list by MMR yet.

He was on release.
He's Illidan-tier now.

>tier list by MMR
That's simple
Anywhere below Diamond:

>God tier
Azmodan, Abathur, Zagara, any hero that autismpushes and soaks really well. (except TLV)

Did they even nerf him that much though?

that's kind of dumb, I thought he'd be one of the few really high skill-cap heroes that you can make insane plays with.

>recently get into this game
>play some brawl today
>every other player is level 40
>2 of the players on my team for the entirety of the brawl match constantly die thinking they can 1v5
>of course we lose

I know player level doesn't equal skill BUT,
how is it possible to play the time it requires to get account level 40 and not know you cannot 1v5.
it's basic game knowledge.

Yeah, something like that.

>smurf placements
>oh what low silver
>everybody flips their shit over my Gazlowe and Azmodan hovers
>completely fine with the 39% win rate Auriel and 41% Li-Ming

Mhm. Sort of thought that's what he might be, but on release he could just E up to somebody then mash Q and W to blow them the fuck up.

He has been reduced to a jungler or clone bot now, I think. Haven't seen him in a while. We turbo meta now.

HotS has possibly the lowest average intelligence of any ASSFAGGOTS because a lot of the playerbase simply doesn't care.

Basic mechanics will take you far in ranked.

>play some brawl
brawls are for money, and fun if you come from reddit. there is also, as far as i know, no mmr calculation for brawl, so everything goes. do it for the money and never come back

>draft already fucked
>four brawls or quick matches

Oh, drat. I had hoped the counter would reset with seasons.

Hope they just fix Raynor and don't break him, desu.

Well that's good and bad news.
I can probably rank up quickly without too much time spent learning the specifics of this game but at the cost of slogging through all those low rank matches playing with absolute retards.

I started playing because rag looked fun but how strong a pick is he in ranked play?

Rag is fairly strong right now.

How the fuck does it make sense for Earthquake to only be on a 60 second cooldown? You basically root the entire enemy team three times over the course of a teamfight, while also healing (and shielding at 20) for a fuckton.

Why is this allowed when shit like Wailing Arrow, March of the Black King, and Bladestorm are 90, 80, and 110 respectively?

>Falstad's Final Spark is, like, a two minute CD.
>Cancerquake (omg its viable ty blizzard i hated missing my sunder) is on a 60 sec CD

Because you niggers and reddit insisted that EQ was a dogshit ult for fucking FOREVER.
It's always been sleeper, the Sunder nerf and the trait procs put it over the line.

makes me happy tbqhfamalama

He gets banned almost every match.

>an ARAM where nobody can dodge if I won't trade them Kael'thas

Feels comfy.

Probably still being banned over the actually busted Heroes, lmao.

Doesn't mean he's OP. New-hero syndrome is huge in this game.

>Basic mechanics will take you far in ranked.
Only if you play thousands of games to even out the RNG of getting retards in your teams who belong in bronze

This is bullshit, desu.

Unless you somehow manage to lose 60% of your first hundred or so matches, then go 0-10 in placements.



>HotS has possibly the lowest average intelligence of any ASSFAGGOTS

No. That title goes to the EUNE LeL server.

>Towers of Doom
>Sylvanas insists on doing camps and capturing towers
>ignores all teamfights and altars
>doesn't even want to listen when the entire team tells him to do something else


>afk leveling account on lel in Vs. AI
>swain bot has over 40 kills and 0 deaths
>two mastery level 7 players in the game

I'd believe it, desu.

Pure PvE works for a surprising while, actually. Stopping your split to quickly show up to win/lose the objective before immediately splitting is usually better, though.

Pure PvE works in all maps except Towers of Doom.

Will he have a "I Will bury you here" kill quote?

Yeah, that's the thing. Plenty of people get up to Platinum or Diamond strictly split-pushing, even if it nets them a 30-40% win rate on Battlefield, Towers and that other one.

Also makes me wonder if/when we'll get a map rotation, or ban/blacklists, or something.

Wait are there really no WoW themed maps? With all the great areas that Blizzard has cooked up over the years? Fuck, they could style a map literally after Dota because they own the Defense of the Ancients map. They could make the map boss a red Granite Golem. Not sure what the objective could be though.

Yeah, no Warcraft maps, unless I'm mistaken. Surprised we haven't gotten Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch at this point.

Wouldn't mind the League/Dota map, though.

>(You)s are gone
y tho
Has Japanese Moot cracked down on the shitposting?

I haven't a clue, actually. 'Heard something about the mod team, but don't really follow that.

Should I buy Chen or Xul?

Why is Cydea such a popular character? She had less than 5 minutes of screen time in D3.

It's just a samefag, user.


Chen if you're good with him. Xul isn't nearly as fun if you play against intelligent people.

Chen's worse against "intelligent people" You're pretty useless as a Chen.


She isn't. I just like spiders.

Probably Chen.

Xul for PvE split-push freelo until somewhere in Platinum, or Diamond. He feels to have fallen off recently, though.

>leaver queue is just as fast as normal QM queue
How often do people disconnect from games?

>tfw got so good at banning and counterpicking i cant even find an UD game without going through 5 drafts dodged by the enemy team

Daily reminder that this is a game for moba rejects and hyper casuals and it will never have a competitive scene.

The only people any good at Heroes are from other mobas, and you'll never get as good as them by playing Heroes because it holds your hand and never teaches you anything. You will forever be the HotSbab that goes to the objective because it lit up on your map instead of walking in their base and ending the game.

The Diamond+ in HotS is low-mid in DotA and LoL.

If you play for any reason other than to mess around with Blizzard characters in a hero brawler you've chosen the wrong game.

Not a samefag, I think we are only 3 anons who want her.

HotS does not teach you a single thing about how to play. It's a case study in what happens if you shelter your child and hold their hand through everything.

Basic game knowledge isn't a thing here.

>hurr durr my vidya gaem has hiugher skillcap than urs XDD cesuel XDDD

He's sort of right, though.

It really isn't. I do think things do start to look up after you've gotten to Diamond I-II, though.

There's a lot of filler in those games though, such as last hitting. Denying is better but still masked as "m-muh last hit!"

It's almost 2017 /hotsg and we still can't have this fight on the nexus... Come on blizz, it's time.

Yes, and Heroes of the Storm showcases nicely what's left when all the "filler" and is removed.

the brawls let you see what the average player actually plays like because it doesn't use rankings. and the average player is pretty damn ugly.

i had the exact same thing happent today, guy tried to 1v5 as medivh, he was 0-2 by 1:30. i asked him what he was doing and he got extremely defense, going "IVE NEVER PLAYED THIS HERO!". i told him i had never played my hero before either, he said "but yours is a tank and im squishy". so i said "then why the fuck do you think you can 1v5"


There's more to non-hots than filler. And hots is not those games -filler.

literally who? no one gives a shit about WoW faggotry senpai.

No, it's more like the skill cap is unreachable for people that only play HotS because they won't learn anything.

I said the only people any good at Heroes are from other mobas, as in, there's a skill cap but the only people even close come from DotA or LoL because you have to learn how to actually play those games to get to high ranks.

Anyway, believe what you want.

>He's sort of right, though.

Yeah, but how is that relevant to anything? I couldn't care less that there are other ASSFAGGOTS in the market which are more complex. Why would I play lel or doto of this is the game I'm enjoying the most?

The difference in difficulty is irrelevant to anything but dick-wagging circlejerks.

No one told you to care if it's the game you enjoy.

You just objectively chose the wrong game if you are competitive in any way about it.

Can't argue with that.

Why would Valeera fight Jaina? If anything they'd be friendly towards each other.

>comparing [[[skill]]] in assfaggots
>when quake, cs and sc exist

She'll come, user, and you'll love her more than I already do...

You see user, we hots players are all part of the same WoW faggotry, wasn't this game called "Heroes of Warcraft... And Friends" anyway?

>a new "where do I find you" text
God's work

Because they get drafted in opposite teams obv

>WoW faggotry
That's a weird way to spell cardstone.


whats the speedrunning strat to get the GEnji skin

i have a friend with me

cs 1.6 takes a whole childhood of rigorous playing to master.


Sgt. Hammer and/or Sylvanas.

Push the boss lane to core, recall and do boss at 3:00

On Towers of Doom just leave 1-2 people to defend, preventing the bots from instantly recapturing it. Hold all six points to end quickly.

One is blue team, the other is red team...

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Technically he shouldn't hate the Horde yet, as losing his arm is a part of the long chain of events which led to him despising the Horde, and this version of him is clearly decently well before.

I am about 80% sure I played a Brawl a few days back that had at least two to three bots.

I'm talking solo-walking into towers and shooting skillshots at Bird Medivh levels of suspicious



Looking back on 2016, what were your personal highlights?

For heroes, it was Greymane, Xul, Dehaka, and Varian.

Skins: Striker Li-Ming, Scarecrow Xul, and Lil' Rag.

And the two Starcraft maps.

Oh, and make sure the AI difficulty is set to Beginner, of course.

Yeah, because you don't have to win. People just want to get it over with for the free gold.

>also no post-game report screen