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First for loneliness

how to fix the game:

winston and symmetra switch primary weapons







Amélie not Emily ok

It will be hilarious for the first several hours. Then it will be horrifying.

>low plat friend gets on
>literally never plays the game
>yo user let's hop in competitive
>uhh we should warm up in qp first
>yea u right
>2 qp games later
>lets go comp, im warm
>get matched against all diamonds
>they all suck
>my team all suck
>literally the only one on the payload
>stall if for minutes at a time until i die
>the other team just advances it all the way to the next checkpoint because no one else knows how to play the objective
>blow through the first two checkpoints on attack
>get stopped for 3 minutes because attack torb and sombra won't switch or group up
>5 minutes objective time
>lose 70 points
>friend logs off
I always thought those greentext about horrible players in low rating comp was exaggerated but holy fuck. How do people remain sain at these levels?



Currently on a 16 loss streak, feels bad man. I'm getting 4/5 golds per game too, I just can't seem to carry any team hard enough for at least 1 win.

Why Reaper wears the mask?


CHING CHONG DING DONG [muffled teeth chattering in the distance]

>tracer dying over and over in another part of the map
>50hp for 2 minutes straight with an ana next to me
>roadhogs who cant hit hooks
>team losing 4v1 against junkrat
People weren't joking that gm is the new diamond.

Symmetra is now hilariously unplayable

>You will never have metal gear as an hero

Still need ideas of who to only main and account name for a fresh smurf. Dubs decides.

>Diving a Mercy before you're at max charge


>Mercy outdamages Symmetra if Mercy has an aimbot or Symmetra stands completely still

It's high awooooon

FACT: Zarya mains are the most powerful race on earth

Electric Jigaboo

I want that red tank to be added so badly

FACT: Mei mains are the most cancerous. Even more than Genji or Tracer.



Punished blue


Hard to lose with a regenerating health bar and two shields that feed your damage

>playing "not allowed to do anything except stack shield generators" the mode with expanddong and wewlad
I'm tired of these epic memesters. I just want old qp back

Balls Deep

I'll post results as soon as we get some fucking dubs here
this will count if no one else gets dubs because it's genius

>old qp

No limits is the answer. No one gives a single shit in NL and it's a lot of fun.

Is this the original Zarya design?



>Replace Turret Mode E with a duration based small rein shield
The heal is basically useless because it can't help you survive pressure like hog's can, it's there for spot healing yourself but you have fucking healers for that. A short term personal defensive buff would help him deal with pharah's and such hitscanning him across the map until you and your healers can adjust

>Make Recon Mode's gun better, reduce fire rate and increase accuracy so it becomes a semi-auto rifle instead of a garbage machine gun
Recon Mode should not just be "move to the next location" mode, it should be a viable alternative where you use both 50/50. Move up and fight in recon mode, secure ground in turret mode.

>Give Recon Mode a wall-vision ability like hanzo/widow
Call me crazy but recon mode should be able to perform reconnisance

>make Tank Mode bigger/taller
You're so goddamn close to the ground in tank mode you basically have to melee shit with your cannon. It's so small it fucking disappears behind chest-high walls. That's not a tank, it's an RC robot.

>4 man premade
>3 of them instalock dps
>start telling the two of us who to play

>D.Va's ult still hits you behind walls

These hitboxes are bullshit

>That braintank in the back left

shit that could be a cool concept for a hero
>player is a weak little shit with a pistol that barely does any damage

>calls in his braintank, super strong, almost tank like health

>if the player dies the tank shuts down and is a lot easier to kill

>can either get it to follow him or send it to locations with E

>every time he fires his gun, his robo-tank fires its main gun at the same target [provided it can see it], but the tank cannot engage targets itself

>in order to keep shitters away from his mech, he has an area-denial grenade he can throw and air-bursts like an S-Mine

>Ult increases the RoF on the players and therefore, the braintank's gun, also starts shitting out the same grenades the player throws with no cooldown

>secondary ult to call another one out if it dies [similar to d.va]

would it work?


thattank in the middle is so big it woudln't fit through some doors

actually that would make for an interesting game mechanic

>4 man premade
>they all pick dps

>Doing really well carrying QP as Roadhog yesterday
>Boot it up today and paired up in QP's ridiculously

Haha dubs

Imagine if D.va really had long range machine guns instead of her cannons

So only slightly more broken than she is now

Fuck this Korean whore

#2 doesn't look like it would fit her current gameplay well, but I love it's design over #5 in terms of the mech

>2v1 a team on the point as Soldier
>almost cap point
>D.Va shows up
>stalls long enough for roadhog to show up
>then the other guy I killed earlier shows up
>point is capped


I do play NL, but like I said, over half of all those games have had somebody that won't stop bitching about not stacking heroes (y u guise taking dis seriously? iz meme mode xD), and especially wants to stack symmetras since that's NEVER been done ever before.
I mean, it's not that I have a problem with hero stacking or stacking shield generators specifically. It is fun. I just want some fucking variety in my games without having to jump between 5 different game modes because blizzard decided "oh no wait, we actually DO want to split up the community as much as possible"

Get rekt noob ;)

>competitive matchmaking is exactly the same as qp

how do you fuck up this badly

He's a big guy

>4man premade
>all pick DPS
>in a group with one friend, 4 man tells us to pick a heal and tank so we pick a Roadhog and Zenyatta
>4man all start complaining after the enemy team takes the first point telling me to switch because Zenyatta can't solo heal and my friend to switch to Zarya becuase "roadhog isn't good on this map"
>switch to widowmaker
>4man explodes
>friend switches to Hanzo
>4man leaves

Just chooze hanzo and widowmaker in that case


Whenever anyone asks this there is a 99% chance that they overextended

How do I make Tracer work in solo?

>tfw the general is moving really slow

What have you accomplished in Overwatch recently /owg/?


By not picking her


>Say group up
>They get routed and slaughtered
>They spam
>Spread my ass for the enemy team to fuck me hard on the point

Discord is gonna tear this group, just like it did with the smash bros one

1. Go fast
2. Shoot dudes

>be genji
>go into lijang tower point by myself because overtime
>actually 1v4 the people inside
>get out of point to chase lucio as ana and reinhardt are outside the point
>reinhardt charges the choke at the opponents gate
>ana follows
>i kill the lucio and we lose the point cause no one was in

I mean I am probably partly to blame but jesus fuck.

I don't think I have ever played a worse fps game in my life.

What do you mean?

Watching the animated shorts, and as much as I love the game and appreciate how well animated the shorts are, holy shit does the story suck
>I am good because I am a person! Look at me standing up for peace and human rights!
>I am evil!
>why are you evil
>I have no motivation for being evil, I am evil just because!
>oh no hope nothing bad happens
>bad things happen, everything looks bad
>good guys save the day, bunnies hop around a field, bad guys are mad and flowers for everyone
The whole "evil for the sake of being evil" can be done right in special cases, but it only works if they as well as the protagonists have underlying reasons for following their paths like Dio and jojo
But there's fuckall in overwatch, and the shorts make no fucking sense in contrast to the game. Why the fuck would tracer and widowmaker share a team? Why the fuck would tracer and winston fight against eachother over shit?
They make up all these rules in the lore and throw them out the window in the game. I just don't fucking get what they're trying to do

>4 man premade
>pharah is killing everyone
>they won't tell one of their dps players to change to counter pharah
>lose round
>"why even group up if you don't communicate? t. me"
>"because experience bonus"

happened somewhere around plat-diamond

Dear Blizzard,

Make Symmetra shit again or the kitty gets it

tfw mercy main

>be me
>be reinhardt
>pushing up on hanamura
>my team kills their bastion and 1-2 other people
>We have advantage
>Go in and take the point
>literally the only person who came in with me is S76
>Everyone else is still cowering at the entrance as though the enemy team was still turtling
>at least soldier is with me
>look at soldier
>he's standing literally just outside the point
>they respawn and our push fails

quickplay is suffering

flashbang headshot tracer
flashbang fan the hammer everyone else
is that it?

when does the winter event end?

Reaper is evil because he feels abandoned and betrayed by his friends, experiencing constant pain from medical condition and regularly gets bullied by everyone

Overwatch isn't an FPS any more than dota is an RTS. It's just a a different control framework over the MOBA gameplay. Instead of clicking on dudes from an isometric view you click on dudes from a first person view.

>throw them out the window in the game
the game is not canon, the interactions are there as a flavor

>Making push
>Team mates picked off one by one
>They all rush back in solo as soon as the spawn in
>Get picked off again
>Keep doing this until time runs out
Why do people push solo when not flanking?

yeah but if your rolls on cooldown don't fth. also if genji has his deflect ready don't use it on him.

So the game to the story is like toys to an action movie?

Are you retarded?

You should stick with your team no matter what, if 2-3 people decide to push in you should push with them and not sit back on the point because they will probably lose that fight without you and the the enemy can easily pick you off after that. It's like you are voluntarily putting a mei wall between half of your team.

exactly that, you are retarded if you cannot understand how things work

Recently got Rapid Discord


And made a video but I'm not going to do comp for a few days


Blizzard games are notorious for bad backstories

This is how it works, yes. In-game interactions are "what-if" moments. They do not canonically happen.

This is literally true. The game is not canon.

This games needs a flamboyant male hero.


This game needs a cute loli.

Okay, let me put it simple you can fucking understand how fucktarded you are
You're saying that the game, a product, was made, like toys, to advertise and sell the story
the story that is free
the story that was written after the game was made

you're saying that the game exists as fanservice, and not the other way around

This is so fucking retarded for so many reasons. Mainly, the story is free, can be read by anyone, all the shorts are on youtube and you have to buy the game
Who in the fuck would read the tracer comic and say "Man this is great but I really wish this was a game that's like a team brawler but an fps"
No one
Fucking no one would
Mainly because the comics are nose-deep into character and not action or actually exciting shit, which would sprout the idea of it being an interactive media. at best it could be a film, but we already have the shorts. which in turn compliment the comics and vice versa
Fuck off

they are supposed to be soldiers and supports
this isn't a fashion show
this reminds me of the bright suggestion someone had here of adding Emily into the game

VERY fast mei moving at incredibly hgih speed

>Finally starting to get all the holiday skins
>Wanted to buy them at the start of the event but knew id get them again
>Now dont feel like wearing them because it's not christmas anymore
What do

He should come hang out with me. We'll paint each other's nails and talk about boys. And i'll knit him a sweater while he watches retarded mexican teleplays and eats home baked cake

He's not saying that. You're saying that.

He's saying that the game is not canon to the overwatch universe. It is an arcade "what if" experience where goofy things can happen like characters who hate each other being on the same team or solemn mercenaries wearing fucking santa hats.

When will Blizz show us how Talon trained her?

is there a checklist image for all the christmas items? like with all the other events, where can i find it?

The game that can have Soldier 76 shooting himself makes sense as cannon.
It's not cannon, because it makes no sense as cannon and a cannon game wouldn't be as fun or make any sense.

So the game
which birthed the story
which the story is based on

isn't canon

the source



I'm trying really fucking hard here to separate the two but it's literally impossible

>a canon game wouldn't be as fun or make any sense
See: tf2

You can't even read. Just stop posting and go back at digging holes in the ground with a stick you fucking troglodyte. The game itself is just an arena where you pick a variety of characters in different scenarios, nothing like that happens in the main story.

The main story itself is not finished yet and they are trying to feed the players bits and pieces with comics and animated shorts. Can't even believe that there are people like you that cannot understand that.