World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
Op! You seem to have forgotten all the OP information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
noone uses that information
www.google.com gets you all of that easily dumb anime poster
This is a pretty big change if true about nighthold
Used to be no requirements to raid, then suddenly gotta complete a long quest and grind rep which takes at least 3 weeks
Casuals gonna be pissed, bet it's not required for LFR though.
I used it!!!
But user, that would make you a shitter
You're not a shitter, right?
It had pretty useful information!
Why haven't they added Grommash's long hair as a male orc haircut?
I'm fucking sick and tired of those dumbass braids.
I dinged 110 last week
>Used to be no requirements to raid
yeah no you had to do a ton of shit to raid in the past
>cm mode set mog
ok hold up,lore question.
So,druids and wildgods are connected to dream in the same way demons are connected to the twisting nether meaning they can't die?
Can they also come back to azeroth? like being reborn or just coming back with the same body
no and no
>challenge mode mode
Do enchants work in instanced pvp????
Why cant i start my next artifact research!? im going to forget this and be behind everybody else
donut response to me EVER again
holy paladin more fun than resto druid?
hate resto druid - so boring, like watching a baby grow older and feeling like I'm healing
dunno about wildgods, but druids can certainly die, but part of their essence ends up in the dream
they don't take form outta nowhere and roam out of the dream though
not really. cast heal if someone loses hp, dps a bit if you can be bothered, reapt
go disc
>tfw you suck with Rogue
look on the bright side, user, everyone sucks with rogue
>tfw rogues suck
But why does Ursoc appear at the end of EN along with the feral cat druid?
Took me a while to figure out how to decrease the size of this video (and did a shitty job) that i was going to upload in the previous thread. Anyways, this is me killing the bot that i found in stormheim, is it just me or does blizzard not care at all that they're still within the game?
that is some prime breeding material right there
is this nostalrius footage or something? the resolution looks like something straight out of the 2000s
just put a large video on comfy or similar next time can't see shit
bots = money
they'll do a wave every now and then on hacked accounts for pr, but deep down they don't care
that's a shame, but casting heal and actually feeling like I'm healing is a huge step over resto
I do like disc, though, guess it's time to level my priest
guys i know i fucking suck at editing, don't taze me
how do i correctly renderize a 1920x1020 video in order to fit the 3 MB criteria?
you don't. put it on an external site
>Warcucks get to quest with a literal raid boss.
You downscale it, moron.
except we actually have a proper campaign unlike hunters
Hunters do have a campaign.
You're thinking of Warriors.
Holinka literally doesn't give a fuck.
I mean, I know PvP is a joke but still, this guy literally does not care at all.
Managed to somehow gain every single piece of LFR hunter from EN
R8 pls
I like that a lot
Makes me want to roll a hunter, their gear looks great so far
Love the ToV mail gear especially
is haste really the second best stat for arms warrior is is that a jewish lie from icy veins
icy veins is 100% accurate most of the time
are there any real girls here in wowg that i could add to my friends list?
>People who run ahead of the tank and pull despite being too shitty a DPS to finish the current group of mobs quickly
>While wearing "The Patient" title
>tfw you wipe on mythic Odyn at 12%
Would be nice if people would run to the correct brands instead of killing each other.
How has your raiding been going user?
>Season is marginally shorter than normal
>80% less titles than the 1st season of the previous expansion
>Brian Holinka was able stop 80% of pvpers from playing wow in a span of 2 years
How does he do it?
Limbos ofc
>are there any girls on the video game board of an indonesian erotic cave drawing forum
(Tou) tell me doc.
Yes it is, but it's far far behind mastery.
Ion gives even less of a fuck, that's why he let Holinka do whatever he wants.
I don't think it's Holinka's fault.
It's just that class balance is so shit no one plays.
You think so?
I love it, honestly, makes them feel like shitty NPCs you have to deal with in a dungeon rather than actual players
he was joking
off yourself
rate my mog shitbags
isnt holinka the guy that balances pvp?
SOMEBODY wishes he was also prime breeding material
you should use that crossbow from ulduar can't remember name but it fits with green etc
That helmet is ugly
fak u noob
Huh that was a lot faster than I thought it would be, second easiest hidden skin.
i'm going to have to level my lock before the next expansion so i can get that
>have a question about rDruids
>Vjera isn't in this itt right now
>look mom i posted it again
Is there any way to Sim Healer DPS?
Post them e-peens senpai
fak u nooob
stopped at 7/7M 3/3H, mostly because we finished 7/7M kinda late and people want to have some downtime before we start NH instead of worrying about ToV, I for one would rather level my alts and get all the secondary shit like fishing out of the way
we're probably going to end up doing it after we have tier, bosses are going to be even easier and the reward is still the same as people that have cleared it before 7.1.5
fite me
wtf is that drama in the op?
>default character window
>whoring for ilvl so you can fuck up your stats
>tfw aff lock
>still need to wait another few days for ak 5
>then god knows how long to get all the skulls for the hidden
>used to laugh at frost DK
>now I regret not rolling one
If I was whoring iLevel I'd be 895 equipped buddy
t. sub 890 shitter
I have an instatoken but I think I'm just gonna level from 1. I have a feeling like there would be a lot of shitters who don't know how to use their own spells. Are Tokens a meme ?
they're 3 button bm tier
It takes 15 mins slapping a dummy around to learn your class.
go unlock it the other variants via doing 200 wq or 1k honorable kills or 100 dungeon queued.
>tfw you don't have any chars over 880 since launch because no guild to raid with + am dps so it's usually harder to find groups
should i just go heals?
>get 2 fast legendaries on my 110
>have to wait a month to equip both of them at the same time
i mean the cat dude was a archdruid,like your character in the meme lore and he is alive and well in the dream
Only 8 days left for the fresh server ... are you excited lads?
he is not alive in the sense that he can just get out of there like demons can, at least it doesn't seem like it
I don't think this kind of shit was actually explained lorewise, maybe in next warcraft history book
find something new to spam you uncreative piece of shit.
you don't even deserve a dotted line.
>for the fresh server
u wot m8
tfw still not revered with nighthold on Alchemist to get rank 2 potions even though i have the rank 3 recipe in my bags
True but they're way, WAY more fun than bm. Am surprized at how few people are complaining about bm. Blizz took the largest dump on that spec out of all of the ones currently ingame. Leaving numbers aside, at least Survivle is somewhat fun to play in pvp, and they're making MM a turret spec in 7.1.5.
Tl;dr JUST hunter my shit up senpai
>$300 equal 2 paychecks.
Is this actually a thing in America?
>Tfw Inscription but seriously thinking about going Alch just so I can support myself for raids
holy shit these threads are so dead now
>several minutes between every post
there really is nothing to do in the game