Is there hope for Africa as a continent?
The only industry they have to offer is mineral mining and farm land.
Is there hope for Africa as a continent?
If they farm well there's hope.
But they cant even do that.
>The only industry they have to offer is mineral mining and farm land.
about like Australia.
or Texas.
Does shit like this go down with the Aussies?
>hunter gatherer tribes going for agriculture
I wonder if they would even accept farming in their culture? Seems outlandish to suggest such a thing to them.
And Australia and Africa are comparable economically?
No!? I wonder why that is...
Africa is 4 times bigger and makes twice as much money?
They need to ramp up their tourism industry.
Starting with what they already have, scenic natural beauty and a diverse collection of animals, they can build up. Make tourist's stays luxurious and fun, in a Vegas fashion. Then the revenue can be used to fund other interests and industries.
Investors and a stable political structure would be necessary, which is not going to happen anytime soon with the amount of warlords who are only interested in short term gains.
The only way they'll make it is by farming.
Africa is 50+ different countries and if a handful of them don't get their shit together, farm a valuable crop and unite under a government that isn't crazy, there is no hope.
After farming they'll have a chance at getting minerals unless they sold away their rights.
...Who the fuck would want to go to Africa?
There were some lights from Africa. Outside of places like libya that were ruined from outside, generally the way to create a wealthy nation is to avoid corruption. That is where Africa fails badly
I'd go if it wasn't for the niggers. Africa by itself isn't really bad, it's the niggers that are the problem.
You're not wrong. I'm a nigger myself and I think the niggers in Africa are a bad influence for the other niggers.
Mugabe has got 5 years left tops before he passes away from natural causes, and if Turkmenistan is anything to go by in terms of long term despots and succession; whomever runs the joint post Mugabe will probably not be so hard on the whitey hate.
or he could go full Maduro, but then again Zimbabwe is already at rock bottom
Botswana seems like it might become a middle-income economy pretty fucking soon. But they're only 2 million people, so it's kind of like Singapore I guess.
yes, I'm pretty sure that fat fuck Jubba Reinhart eats the Abbos and then mines on thier ancestral lands
This. Didn't they try that with Sun City?
Im from South Africa and things are actually getting worse economically if that is possible. The only thing driving Africa's economy is population growth. Look at the change in GDP per Capita and you will see that things are not getting better the population is just exploding. If there is a major financial collapse which causes foreign aid to stop there will be a huge number of deaths and economic growth will stall. Look at Nigeria for instance its growth is solely based on a population explosion.
Not when the US destabilizes it every time leadership emerges that threatens it's petro dollar
>be made head of union
>propose a common African currency like the Euro backed by gold to sell oil
>"whoops, looks like you're in need of some 'Democracy'
>3 years later be dead and country in complete ruins
Thanks Obongo
Botswana is a well run country and actually is one of the few African nations not run by a bunch of thieving criminals but to compare it to Singapore is completely ridiculous. I go to Botswana regularly and its mostly just mud huts. Even Gaborone is a tiny city with mostly dirt roads as soon as you get out of the few main city blocks. Also the very high rate of AIDS holds them back. It's a great place to live if you like the rural life but it will NEVER be anything like Singapore also it is very reliant on South Africa and the way South Africa is going it may not fare so well in the future (it's land locked by the way)
>African nations not run by a bunch of thieving criminals but to compare it to Singapore is completely ridiculous.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... I did not mean that.
I just meant that maybe because they are both small populations it's easier to clean up their act and modernize. Compare to somewhere like India or Brazil. I never made or intended a direct comparison only in the magnitude of the task vis a vis the population size
As long as niggers don't respect ownership every person who wants to build up anything in Africa will be under constant threat of having his work destroyed.
So no, it wont go anywhere.
I think it is just impossible to compare Botswana to any modern nation as their are such vast differences. The only thing they have in common is population even the size of the countries is vastly different. Africa is Africa and unless you have been their and experienced these places and seen what is actually happening on the streets it is hard to understand them, not impossible just very hard.
This is a big problem. Even Namibia, which is comparable to Botswana in governance has started on a bill to allow land reclamation for no compensation, basically Zimbabwe type policy. Very scary stuff.
Russia has the same problem. You hear stories about entrepreneurs who want to start a franchise in Russia. And when they go to the west and then go back to Russia they will find the business has a new owner and there are guards in front of the door saying that the business is now owned by the russian maffia. When something like that happens the news goes around fast because nobody wants to lose money. So they just avoid Russia in the future.
I live in the Netherlands. And a lot of people who invest in Russia demand that the business they invest in gets a legal seat in the Netherlands to secure their investments. Even Gazprom and such often have subsidiaries that fall under Dutch jurisdiction. So they are at least safe from the courts.
If you threaten one business the next thousand will scratch their head.
If there is lots of profit to be made from oil and mining why don't they reinvest that in other companies or infrastructure improvement programs. I saw a documentary where this guy was selling smart phones in places where the homes were like a shanty town. Why don't they spend money on useful things. Or saving?
lack of education, short-sightedness, cultural issues including the fact that showing off a new phone is more important then basic needs. and a bunch of other socio-economic issues.
>or Texas.
Texas has been investing in high-tech education for decades, you might be supprised. I knew a few texs with engineering degrees.
Black Africa already has more chinks than it ever had Whites durring colonisation period. They invest heavily and are wellcome by local tyrants, because chinks dont give a fuck about shit like human rights or democracy.
21 century Africa will belong to China.
Mass sterilization of males and make all non-African countries financially support the rapidly decreasing population
On discovery channel or national geographic I was watching this program earlier where they were mining for gold in Africa. And their mining operation was disrubted by some angry guy with a machete who destroyed the digging equipment. If you are a poor local who just has a farm or something you probably cant afford to just replace your equipment with new gear. A local would just have gone out of business.
The Chinese miners just came with a personal army. Which worked quite well. The Africans do understand force.
Mugabe never said any of the last part tho.
>Russian mafia
Do they really have this much influence still? Russians are literally the Africans of Europe.
Robert, pls go.
It's not russians, it's the chechens, they are the niggers of russia
Liberal detected.
nice trips, very true
And their quality of life is something to be proud of?
No, too many niggers
>Is there hope for Africa as a continent?
Fun Fact:
China now owns more land, resources, and oil in Africa than ANY of the European colonial powers at ANY time in history.
Niggers are being raped by new masters now, and the Chinks don't have any moral hang ups about Niggers genociding other Niggers like you silly white people do.
They are much much better organised than niggers. No, scrap that - niggers have no organisation at all.
Also - russian goverment IS mafia. In all post-soviet block mafias are built by ex-secter service people.
> (OP)
>>Is there hope for Africa as a continent?
>Fun Fact:
>China now owns more land, resources, and oil in Africa than ANY of the European colonial powers at ANY time in history.
Yes, I wrote that few hours ago. Funny how western media keep that fact hidden.
any article that thoroughly review the China's domain over Africa? I am rather interested.
why don't you go live there if it's so great then?
Sun City is a great example of where the continent needs to aspire to replicate. The African National Parks would benefit by replicating what makes the tourism industry at Yosemite so successful.
Positive feedback loops mean your rate of development increases faster and faster as time goes on. The Americas, Europe and Asia are so far ahead of Africa now it's unbelievable. The planet isn't that big, technology is available to be shared and imitated, and yet Africa took nothing from colonialism, and from what I can gather will take nothing from the Chinese either.
China's industry's might be a god send providing employment and infrastructure, but to follow on what someone said earlier, how much investment are smaller companies and individuals going to make if the right of ownership is not respected?
Charity isn't helping it. It's population is booming. It cannot feed itself. Not looking good.
This... someone i know built a huge farm there, left for a few months, came back and they had simply taken ownership and acted as if they didnt know him.
to be fair this happens to vacant homes in the US all the time.
They'll be hope when it's one of the last places on earth where the land hasn't be raped and poisoned by factories, drilling, and pesticides.
No it doesn't happen often.
And when it does, the citizen can go straight to the police.
Before the building, landscaping, and massive investment in attracting businesses, workers and tourists, Las Vegas was just desert.
Who wants to visit the desert? Nobody.
Who wants to visit Las Vegas? Tens of thousands of people annually with lots of disposable income.
That's the point. Africa could be the next big thing - with enough investment, and if the locals can be persuaded to cease warring, looting, infecting everything with aids, and ethnically cleansing the white devils for five minutes.
>China's industry's might be a god send providing employment and infrastructure
Holy shit.
By UN estimates, the Chinese were directly responsible for arming africa's current, ongoing Genocides by providing money, weapons, and training to UN Sanctioned warlords.
The death estimates of "genocide" as defined by the UN has surpassed 2 million people since 2000.
Every one of the countries China sells to on that map is basically some warlord who cannot do business with the West.
Oh, and when the Chinese count "infrastructue projects" the're basically openly money laundering weapons deals since very small percentage of the reported amount actually went to real construction projects.
Thanks for the redpill.
I feel no sympathy for the victims of the numerous warlords as there was nothing of value lost. Good to know though.
Why China no like Burkina Faso and Swaziland?
i hope you are right and chinese are killing those monkeys
Average IQ in Africa is 70
IQ is genetic
What is Flynn effect?
every two bit official skims a bit off the top until there is quite literally nothing left, mineral wealth doesn't actually translate to improving the country's HDI when corruption is as bad as it is in most african countries
They actually have a substantial advantage over Yosamite in the wildlife of Africa in the South Eastern countries. People will pay huge money just to gawk at them.
Not to mention they can organize hunts and kill specially bred or old ones for the right fee.
That's why they really need to crack down on poaching, those could be multi-millionaire dentists, putting money back into the preservation of those species for future hunters, while also hiring locals, giving them steady, and difficult to out-source work.
The Chinese will reap what they sow, like everyone else that has done this before.
the profits from mining mostly end up in two kinds of pockets:
first, the foreign mining firms who set up and run the operations.
second, the local governments.
the mining corporations dont give a fuck about what's going on beyond their mines, and the local governments in africa are highly incompetent and corrupt, so they rarely get anything done.
overall, africas problems stem from its population. their cultures, their habits, their manners, their whole way of thinking and general mindset are incredibly backwards and generally incompetent with most forms of complex and efficient organisation.
Hey, if they ever achieve some sort of peace, it could turn into the next trendy vacation spot.
>Chinese genocide niggers
I'm ok with that. Africa is too fucked up already before Chinese came. Chinese are going to put niggers in their place.
$500 per voluntary sterilization
how can it go wrong
Africa's biggest problem is war wrecking the economy and causing political instability. Now that countries have achieved lasting stability there is more incentive to invest in Africa instead of just harvest raw materials and send the profits to a swiss bank, however it will still take decades for things to pick up.
Just build public infrastructure to prevent production bottlenecks, implement import substitution with subsidies on highly efficient equipment; paying high-skilled foreign workers to educate your own laborers; and moderate tariffs, promote a high degree of entrepreneurship, and promote free domestic market access.
Too bad so many of the African nations are falling for the free trade and Washington consensus meme.
Lets be honest here /leftypol/. Africa is a shit hole today, was a shit hole 1000 years ago and will be a shit hole 1000 years in the future (unless genocide takes place).
Being red pilled is realizing the sub humans of Africa will never be civilized. Even their American descendants have a hard time acting civilized despite having lots of mixed white blood.
they did that, after a year or two the native labourers quit their jobs, the public infrastructure falls apart, and the country falls to pieces
The chinese are moving in now and marveling at all the shit that was given to them freely that they squandered
they were handed two jewels of africa that we built - rhodesia and south africa and they FUCKED it all up
Won't make a difference anywhere near the needed amount to be able to get their shit together.
Think of it like adding turbo charging to your car.
A good engine will become a very good engine.
A shitty one, will only become a bit less shitty, but still won't be on par with the good engine (especially considering the good engine ALSO has turbo).
labour even cheaper than chinks
Not an article, but I shill this book every time we talk about Chinese influence in Africa. If you don't feel like reading it, I'll sum up the key points:
>Since the late 1990s, more than 1 million Chinese have moved to Africa.
>The Chinese have built hospitals, infrastructure, schools, and even stadiums for the Negroes, but they're only interested in making money.
>The Chinese usually bring in their own workers for these projects. They'd rather import an illiterate bricklayer from Henan over using local black workers. They even pay Chinese workers more than they do the Negroes.
>The Negroes might benefit from things like infrastructure, but they aren't learning any skills and the Chinese are taking and draining their resources.
>The Negroes be mad, and are also upset with how poorly the Chinese treat them. The Chinese believe the Negroes are lazy and stupid, and like I said, they're only there to make money.
>Negro governments need dat Chinese gibsmedats though, so they never confront the Chinese over whatever problems their citizens have with powerful Chinese migrants.
>As all this happens, Africa is the middle of a population explosion. By 2040, many African countries will have populations double their current numbers. How can these countries possibly survive when they can't even take care of the citizens they have now?
I honestly don't believe there's any hope for Africa as a whole. There's no way most of these countries will succeed unless they cut down on their population growth and form more stable political institutions.