/wfg/ - Warframe General

Strega edition
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/wrTz2r2.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit
> forums.warframe.com/topic/738152-the-glast-gambit-update-195/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:



First for nyx a best and tq a worst.


Alright you fucking retards. Time for a lesson about Saryn:

Spores damage without the proc is enough to annihilate sortie-level units EXCEPT grineer, the other two factions, especially Corpus, die like butter. See webm:


Pic also related (though different run). 88% of kills in sortie 2 augmented shields defense. THAT'S how you make Saryn scale into sortie-level content.


Now shut the fuck up about "m-muh viral procs!" I don't know why I waste time arguing with retards when it's all there in the fucking frame guide

Nth for "TQ doesn't know basic mechanics"

>6 post
>5 visible
great its going to be this type of thread


>Have yet to run into a full group of Nidus yet

This could be so much more chaotic.

>sortie level content

please can we just let this go. I already admitted I was wrong, and the actual difference is marginal at best, and it doesn't change my original point at all, which is that Saryn's damage falls off against lv80+ grineer

>30 limbos
Fuck, and I thought I was weird for having two of them. Did you buy them with plat?

Reposting because old thread was dead by the time I said it
I'm going to try making the build for the Toxocyst and see how I feel about it, otherwise I'm sticking with my Akstiletto P.
Any suggestions for the build or is it just;
Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, P Pistol Gambit, P Target Cracker, 2 Elemental Mods of choice, and Hollow Point
I thought Magnum Force might be useful for once because free damage, but it would make hitting the initial headshot annoying. Or is it worth it?

>Magnum Force

Not even once, user. Especially not where you need precision.

>Hollow Point

I would slot a pure damage mod instead like Primed Heated Charge. Hollow Point has never impressed me, YMMV.

But user, the guy with animu girl faces said viral procs are worthless and Saryn is trash. Surely he can't be wrong?

Oh yes he can. I'm the one who bought up her being good against Grineer in the last thread. Fuck yes I mad.

Nah, this is gonna continue for as long as I feel like, just like your dumb shitposting does.

sorties are the highest level content worth doing left in this game, get with the times

Post your rarest mod

>viral procs are worthless and Saryn is trash
I never said that. Literally my only point was that Spores damage falls off hard against sortie-level Grineer, which it does

goddamn it's like arguing with a brick wall

>tfw drained the helminth and threw the charger in the trash where he belongs

finally can get all cozy with my tin mommy again, never touching pub matcher until there's a vaccine

Ammo Drum.

Literally got two Efficient Transferals and a Vital Sense from the Dragon Mod pack gifts too. Please send help.

Ok everyone clear up, autistic is having a sperg.
God I love this moment.

I understand the good point of Primed Heated Charge, but mine isn't maxed yet (R7) and I'm saving what Endo I get to finish off P Pistol Gambit and P Target Cracker (both R9)

When is it worth it to use P Heated Charge over Hollow Point in this case? I imagine they're comparable damage as I have them now, but I'm not good with math, so I can't really hash it out myself

How do elemental mods work? Is it just flat damage with a chance to proc it's gimmick or is the damage the amount the proc does? Because 15% cold damage doesn't make much sense, 15% of what? My base damage for the weapon?

>he still thinks damage is the valuable part of Spore

Point at him.

Point at him and laugh.

Spore is all about the viral procs in high-level content. It effectively doing double toxin damage to targets is just gravy.

All this saryn talk.
I should sell my saryn p for plat.
Im too retarded to use it I guess.

What frame is that, Nyz? Looks sick.

Yes, it's based on your base damage. If you have a weapon that does 100 damage and you plop a 15% cold mod on there, you gain an additional 15 cold damage.
If you then throw in a base damage mod that gives +100% damage, you'll go from 100 to 200 base damage and your cold damage will increase accordingly.

>he's too fucking stupid to know how to make Saryn's damage scale despite THE EVIDENCE IN A WEBM IN THE VERY POST HE'S LINKING
>instead he hides behind "m-muh viral!" utility

>has not posted a single shred of evidence that Saryn falls off against the grineer


how do you play oberon?he seems underpowered

>nidus tumor infected my fav warframe
>its getting worse by the day

jesus christ DE


Nani? tq is wrong and he's shit?!?!

how about YOU post evidence it works

holy fucking shit

I've proven in the webm that I play Saryn effectively, and I'm saying it doesn't. Goddamn you are dumb

>get primed heavy trauma from baro months ago
>never used an impact weapon really
>get jat kittag
>mod it with pic related

I'm also in the same situation with Buzz Kill. I have a Buzz Kill, but for the most part it doesn't fit into any weapons I use. When would I use these +impact or +slash mods? Are my jat kittag mods retarded and I should use the primed heavy trauma somewhere? What weapons take advantage of +slash or +impact?

Nyx Prime

Not a good way to start off this thread.

I drained Nidus cyst, but some random probably going to infect me on Hieracon.
I don't know how it will work for he other frames since I'm not buying stasis shits just to get rid of them.

you don't

wait you mean there are ways to get rid of the thing?

>how about YOU post evidence it works


>He's too fucking stupid to know how viral procs work against high-level grineer
>Instead he hides behind "m-muh frame guide" posting

errr he already did from the last thread.
And this is for you:

IDK, I remember playing around with Hollow Point on WF Builder a while back and can't remember it being worthwhile. I tried it in game and wasn't getting crits often enough to make up for the loss in base damage. Primed mods might have changed that but I'd rather Sharpened Bullets without Peacemaker and Primed Heated with it.

I'm not overly fussed with on-paper DPS though. If a build works for you that's the most important thing.

Status and damage are two different things.

-Status chance is a flat figure per shot.
-It indicates how likely you are to get a status effect.
-Which status will be applied depends on how much damage of each type is done.
-Physical damage types are weighted three times higher than Elemental for status chance
-If a weapon does 500 Slash damage and 500 Fire damage (just as a hypothetical) then you have a 75% chance to get a Slash proc and a 25% chance to set them on fire.
-Some status effects are more valuable than others.

It's a bit of a complex subject but those are the highlights.

but you DID make a claim. You're claiming that Saryn's damage scales against high-level Grineer.

no he fucking didn't. Last thread is still up, link the evidence

oh look it is this shit again.

>sortie-level content
it is fucking nothing

You posted an end of mission screenshot and video capture from fighting the Corpus and said that it proved Saryn didn't work against Grineer.

Holy shit god damn.

>he still thinks Spores damage is bad


Fair enough. I'll forma enough times to be able to use both, and see what they feel like.


You_have_claimed_Saryn_is_shit_in_highlevel_sorties_but_have_yet_to_post_anything_varifying_that_claim_. Because_I_did_not_make_the_initial_claim_,_I_do_not_have_to_have_evidence_.

When I meant drained, I meant making the Charger with the Kubrow egg, it removes the cyst and incubates a charger.

This is my guess, don't take my word for it, but I'm guessing the Infested room is suppose to give the option to rid of it?
I mean it seems like most of the Cyst, Helminth, and Infested room bullshit is pretty unfinished, they lead to no where as of yet.

tq was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
tq took the wrong road
That led to
The wrong tendencies
tq was in the wrong place
At the wrong time
For the wrong reason
And the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day
Of the wrong week
Used the wrong method
With the wrong technique

>He still things using Spores for viral procs is bad
I can smugpost too, you mouthbreathing double-nigger

Serious question.

Are there mods that make you run slower / glide less distance? I'm getting fucking tired of how fast and slippery Nezha is

I posted a webm/mission screen to prove how effective Saryn's damage can be, and to provide evidence I know what I'm talking about to back up my claim that Saryn's damage sucks against grineer.

Holy fucking shit, if you REALLY wanted evidence, DO IT YOURSELF. Go into the fucking simulacrum, spawn a bunch of lv100 Grineer, and attack them. WOW SO DIFFICULT.

Holy fucking shit. I'm literally the only one on this retarded general who ever fucking bothers to provide evidence of anything he posts. The moment evidence is requested, you retards slink off like a group of teens on prom night


Saryn porn is so meta.

The reason it worked against Corpus, you gibbering retard, is that they have shitty health pools and toxin ignores their shields, which scale a fuck ton higher in sorties than their health even without the enhanced shields modifier.

Spore's value against Grineer is not (primarily) its toxin damage. It is its innate Viral proc, which makes it much easier to overcome their bullshit damage reduction at high levels.

But no, you're clearly right because a webm and screen cap of a fucking Corpus mission conclusively demonstrates how useless Spore is against another faction entirely.

It's possible to do both you retard, build for both damage AND viral procs. But of course you can only do half of that, much like how you only possess half a brain

I see you're illiterate

I'm going to farm for vengeful revenant!

Replace body count with drifting contact.
I'm pretty sure the only weapon you can use Buzzkill with is galatine Prime

>I posted a webm/mission screen to prove how effective Saryn's damage can be, and to provide evidence I know what I'm talking about to back up my claim that Saryn's damage sucks against grineer.
Not either of them, but this isn't enough to support your claim.

It's for the Latron.

Stay with the Crit chance.

>It's an ad hominem episode
Sounds familiar?

>I'm getting fucking tired of how fast and slippery Nezha is.
Then you do it slower and don't use lube. No body is judging you.

As for your question: no.

It also works against Infested. It's especially effective against Corpus because of what you said, but it also works against Infested. It doesn't work against Grineer because of their absurd EHP values.

You're literally fucking agreeing with me here. I never fucking said Viral procs were useless against grineer. I'm saying the Spores damage itself is bad against Grineer, but against Corpus/Infested it wrecks them. YOU EVEN ADMIT SPORES DAMAGE SUCKS AGAINST GRINEER

Goddamn does nobody know how to read in this general

>Only got common and uncommon from the packs

I wish you luck on your journey user.

May droprates be fair and bestow upon you.

so go into the fucking Simulacrum and test it yourself, holy shit this isn't hard

In fact, it's so easy literally ANYONE can do it. Post a webm of Saryn killing lv100 Grineer. Prove me wrong! It's that simple!

>Entire argument about spores is about using it for viral procs in sorties
>Keeps mentioning damage even though that's NOT what the argument was about
>complains about nobody being able to read
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Again you are WRONG, it's tq buttmadening general.

There's also the minor problem that anyone who's even vaguely familiar with the mechanics of the game knows there's no reason to post a webm or do Simulacrum testing.

BPNC is basically demanding we provide proof from first principles that 2+2=4 when it should be blatantly obvious that, yes, 2+2 really is 4.

No mods can do that yet.

I guess you could try equipping a Hobbled Dragon key but I doubt that will really solve the problem.

wait I'm right?

but there's so many conflicting answers, and the wiki isn't clear on it

Does health type AND armor type affect incoming damage? Or does only the armor type matter?

Dragon packs should have one Rare each by default.

And then you'll bitch them out over either using a weapon to kill the massively weakened Grineer like a normal fucking person or complain OMG KILL TIEM SO SLOOOOOW any way.

Keep moving them goalposts.

Both the health type and the armour type affects the incoming damage.

>no targis prime
>no skana prime
>probably no lato prime

>Dragon packs should have one Rare each by default.

*two, my derp.

I'd join you but all i'd do is stand around and shoot shit with the redeemer.

I'm looking at nightmare mods on the wiki and they look like shit. Am I wrong?

>wait I'm right?
Well since you ask, where's the answer

>STILL no evidence

but the other guy says otherwise


>You're literally fucking agreeing with me here.

No I'm not, you halfwit.

I'm saying that the primary value of the ability is dropping Viral procs on large numbers of enemies so you can kill them twice as fast.

The toxin damage is still going to help, and the Viral proc is even going to double it,

But since you've decided to be deliberately obtuse what's the point of continuing? You can keep arguing that the Earth is flat, it ain't gonna change the facts and there's no point engaging you further on it.

>"The wiki isn't clear on it"
>Literally says at the top of the page if you read a tiny bit

Shred, Blaze, Drifting Contact and some others are almost always necessary.

I do in fact have none of these, oddly enough. but I'm not minimaxing either. So I don't care about certain weapons.

>Playing defense
>Frost player thinks we can we can go another 5 rounds
>Trust his judgment since he's playing Frost
>We get completely wrecked
Fucking Frost players man

Magnum force is a waste, your ideal build will be the three essential damage/multishot mods, two Primed crit mods, two elements for a combo, and then Primed heated charge. You could throw in one 60% element/status in the combo for fun, PM has fuckhigh status chance, but that's all slots accounted for. More fire rate would benefit peacemaker more than +60% base damage anyway.

that was clearly a shit frost player and you are a shitter for believing in him

one of those isn't a weapon

the others are used for status/A E S T H E T I C

you're misconstruing my entire argument

My entire point:
Damage of Spores wrecks corpus and infested, but falls off against Grineer.

I never said viral procs were worthless or unimportant. In fact they're quite important. I'm talking about the DAMAGE component.

> finally after 3 years

>Am I wrong?

Blaze is awesome, it adds to the total damage of your weapon like Point Blank and increases Fire damage.

Seeking Fury gives your shotties punch-through and lowers their reload times.

Shred gives punch-through and RoF which is useful on a lot of rifles, especially the full-auto ones.

Drifting Contact basically combines Body Count with a status boost and is available all the time.

Other ones are a bit more situational (eg Vigour on a Chroma providing the perfect shield numbers and boosting HP all in one mod) but those are must-haves even if you don't use them on every build.

Extract when you gut tells you

>Using Spores for damage and not viral procs in high level areas


Cheers mate

Anyone see the goalpost any more? Where the hell did it go?

>post webm of Spores damage shitting on sortie enemies

>trusting pub judgement

It's a meme build.

Mapwide viral is comfy for casual Saryn. Sobek w/Acid shells scales from max health of target and thus explodes enemies w/half health when viral procced if they're slightly weak to corrosive or have the same health or less as your exploded target. It's fun.

Is there any way I can make it so the game doesn't put me into a mission-in-progress? I don't want to get locked out of my syndicate medallions