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Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

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No Choa butts

Do it choa you know you want to

you asked for this


I want to cuddle an elin.


can you fucking faggots take that shit elsewhere? the "haha im not lewd!" or "post butt" shit is actually the worst thing ever to see

No thanks

Why not!


I'm not losing that bet


But you've already proven you're a slut!

But I'm not a slut!

What's your definition of a slut then? I'm pretty sure you fill everyone else's...

The same as everyone else's

Then you're a slut!

I'm not

The only way I'll believe that is if you post a pure butt.

All the butts I posted are pure though

100% butt, sure. But everyone knows that they weren't anything but lewd butts to please those who ask for them. So, you're a slut!


How's your triple drop gone, /terag/?

I wish someone would triple drop me off a cliff.

can someone explain to me what is up with the dead child meme??

I haven't considered suicide this much in months, thank you Tera!

I haven't played this game in a year. Is it still shit and should I sell my account?

I have over 200k gold still.

i think its fun, try it out for a bit

its okay, gg inner boxes are giving me bad inners and i haven't run much dungeons but its okay

Well my reason for leaving was that the game got way too easy and heavy on memes. See police cars hue mounts.

That and it ran like shit for an old ass game that barely runs on ue3.

its not too easy anymore but its not that hard either, depends on the class you play
if you go archer, sorc or ninja it won't be that hard, other classes, especially melee will have a harder time though

200k isn't much nowadays. I doubt you can get much for it. Don't come back though, the game is shit. The only relevant dungeons is a snoozefest witha good party, or pure pain with shitters. The only other thing to do is the raid but gl getting into one that can do more than wipe on phase 1. Also the P2W has increased with dragons and yet more innerwear.

Play on CH if that is your goal, since half the server plays it for that reason.

rate my popori

11/10 deducted points for being black, however

either the character creator changed in a few months or i forgot how to make a cute elin

>it's triple drop weekend
>human tank friend says "user I am taking you to RMHM and we are going to learn it"
>reluctantly agree, but I'm scared because I'm a mystic and I don't want to make us wipe for hours
>elf priest is there too, has done it almost 70 times and says we will be fine
>other dps are helpful too
>we go in and he's teaching me the mechanics but all I can think about is the height difference between his human and my elin, and how if he wanted to he could push me down and fuck me senseless while the other healer watched or joined in
>start thinking about what would happen if the human tank pushed me onto my back, gripped my twiglike arms in his gorilla hands, and forced his cock down my throat while the elf priest lifted off my skirt and shoved his noodly elf appendage in my special place
>get all hot and bothered just thinking about this during the first boss, meanwhile one of our DPS, an amani sorc, keeps bothering me for mana and I start to imagine him punishing my negligence by teleporting beneath me and cramming his thick fat cock up my ass
>while I'm being triple teamed like this, the last dps player, our castanic slayer, watches from far away and wanks, or maybe films it or something
>end up dying on the first boss 2 times fantasizing about this, 1 time at the second boss, and 4 times on the final boss because while dropping motes around the edge I started fantasizing about all of them whipping and punishing me for the terrible job I was doing, and then taking turns cumming on my whipped back and inside of me until I was definitely pregnant
>by the end of this hour long run, I'm a stammering mess and I cannot face any of them, I just want their cocks, but they keep telling me I did alright for a learning run and they leave without fucking me
Should I just move to CH if I want to get plowed by the tank at the end of a run?

I don't think I'm playing this game for the right reasons.

What are your reasons?

I want attention.

How do you try to get attention, and what has made you think you're playing for the wrong reasons?

I'm not really having fun, so I must be doing something wrong.

Are you a cute Elin?


IGN? Server? I will give you attention.

my guilds dead, anyone on mt wanna power level me to 20?

no because youre a pve only faggot, go play on TR

you're a faggot


Good night anons, maybe a few more days and you'll get butts

another year without elin gf

what is stopping you from getting an elin gf user?

the fact that elins don't exist kinda stops you

ahh i want to suck an elin dick

Normal or knot? This is important.

normal you sicko im not some kinda furry

Perfect! Get on your knees, let's start right away.



Suck me off


Get in, we're gonna go do some dungeons.

Ready to roll out!

But there's more room on the other side of the seat...

Nah, if you run CH you'll roll an Elin warrior and only want to get punished for a bad run with a bullet in the fucking head.



What green crystals should I run as a mystic? Attack speed seems like the go-to for me, but with the mote self-heal glyph, and especially because of RMH, it seems like HP crystals might be the set to invest into. Thoughts?


>castanic slayer
he'd film it and use the money on a cheap hooker in castanica

Why does cyberpunk look so comfy when in actuality it would be a despondent shithole?

Gimme your best final boss music, /terag/!

Because the world is already a despondent shithole, at least with cyberpunk it'd be more interesting.

That is a very good answer.

hey fags, can you guys please make fun of slayers? that shit is super funny to me an I need a laff. post slayer memes about getting cucked


What happened to ancap?

Merged with Clueless

who /getting drunk alone at new years eve/ here?

not even gonna bother getting drunk, ill just sit alone and try to converse with a few people and fail miserably before playing whatever shit games I normally fall back on.

but if you get drunk your shit games will be loads more fun


You can change that.

im not posting butt

Not what I was implying, get your mind out of the gutter, slut.

wow im not a slut

shut the fuck up choa


post butt

>Choa begging for bullying and attention again


im not!

I want to bully choa with my dick until she's reduced to a sobbing mess

Which Server should I join?
I'm looking to start playing again and I wanna be a fresh lvl1 scrub.

ch or mt
ch is more laid back if you want that

>Choa begging for dick again

im nooot


are you ovulating now by any chance?

You can have mine when you feel like it, you know?

no stop this!

Ask me nicely Choa.