Did people use them in battles Veeky Forums?
Why the fuck is this balding attention-whore so shilled here?
because he makes interesting,funny, historical videos? That are generally speaking reasonably accurate?
He's the one making all these threads.
No, I am.
Because ignorant people looking at the thumbnail and title of his videos and going "LEL HE DONT KNOW SHIT" without actually having watched them is quite funny to be honest.
even after watching the video I don't know why wrapping some cloth covered in pitch and setting it on fire wouldn't work. Pitch/oil should burn hot enough for it to not extinguish.
And of course you might lose a bit of range and penetration but then it's obvious that you wouldn't want to fucking use them if that's what you needed, and not a fire.
Don't we have actual Roman sources - during maybe the wars in Judea - of Romans using fire arrows and even fire javelins to light fires from a distance ? Sure, that doesn't really fit the usual stereotype of Hollywood's fire arrows, but it does the trick
What about the Song dynasty and arrows / bolts with incendiary rocket ? Wasn't shot through a bow, sure, but it's still something
And you're the guy in the OP shilling himself. It all makes sense.
Nvm he's talking about it
>muh Frenchmen
Why are the English so obsessed with the war they lost the hardest of any war they ever fought in?
Why do you always ask a question in the OP? Why is the question always structured the same way?
Probably because Lloyd starts these threads to get more views.
This video has 400,000 views, you think Lloyd cares about the thirteen people who post on Veeky Forums?
Yea probably it's very easy marketing. The way Youtube has changed it's rules over the last few days he'll be after all the $$$ he can before the bubble is finally burst.
He recently got in some problems with youtube demonetising his videos.
I think with Lindy he's half-joking in that bringing up the French all the time is a running joke, and the feud of English vs French is a topic that's ripe for lampooning, but at the same time he really is a typical Englishman that thinks he's better than those bastards across the channel.
The Chinese did.
Like by the fucking millions.
Dude, so many iditiots on this board cannot into satire. He's literally MAKING FUN OF HIMSELF when he says things like "I hate the French blow bla bla." That's the point.
It's like when I (being from the south) insult New Yorkers and other yanks for being pricks, when in reality I know that it's just a fucking joke and I'm poking fun at the faux rivalry
Those look an awful lot like Katyushas
Well its a korean one I believe