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Ezreal edition!

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thicc edition imo.

I want to IMPREGNATE Evelynn!

Its been an ezreal edition for like the past 2 days stop with this shit

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Xth for Katarina
Best girl

drooling retard with 0 reaction time/10

""""Tank"""" mains are the lowest form of players
enjoy your busted itemization while you can, the year of the adc is near

He's the best!
c-calm down with the ezreal threads, please?

>the year of the adc is near

>brainless button mashing


>year of the add is near
Hahahahhahahaha *unsheathes rapier* enguarde fuccboi

>This butthurt

even if it's bait it's hilarious

>It's a newfag shipping shitter tries to force their ebin imaginary boyfriend on the thread episode

man I hate reruns

Hey I'm coming down for my 800 gold in about 30 seconds, alright?

god damn i love yordles

I just like tanks, man.

>guy in champ select bitches that I picked GP and he didn't
>decides it's a good idea to pick riven instead
>switched with him so he could stop bitching
>I've never played a single game of riven despite getting her
>0 idea of how to do anything
>meanwhile our GP mid can't farm for shit

Well that was fucking terrible

props for top lane life

darius is a little iffy though

reddit with le ebin ''Tobias Fate XDDD''

I had this dream about Lee Sin where I was Teemo and my Q was Lee SIn Q and I 1v1'd a Lee Sin and he fucking killed me

why has sona been turned into a yordle?

nothing wrong with maining riven

>darius is a little iffy though
what makes you say that?

ayyyy another morde main wuddup

>GP Mid
Unless your team is all AP, Midlane already has a "farm up the early game while securing kills globally with your ult so you can rape asshole late game" champion, his name is Karthus.

So, I have a support buddy to duo with finally. What's a good duo lane to climb with? We're finding success with Janna + MF so far.

What looks better in game, Snow Day Ziggs or Master Arcanist?

I rock snow day because I don't have arcanist desu

Jarvan Tahm Kench

Arcanist imo. You can just look up the models on lolking though if you're curious


I wish I could live a life as full of adventure as yours is
I just think hes an easy champ. Opinions kinda warped though from my bronze friend who flames and only plays darius.



Decide for yourself

If you want to have fun? Kalasta and Sion.

Sion ults into someone, you ult him and throw him back into them, and then he Q's them. They are not allowed to play the game.

I'm more upset at myself that someone picked Riven without asking to trade (or saying anything for that matter) and I switched with him. If I knew someone wanted to play GP I could've just picked someone else. At the same time I don't feel bad about it, since there was no communication prior to it and picking Riven assuming people play her is a bad idea

Yoo, I knew there were a couple others lurking around.

what happened? out of pictures? :o

On my phone atm since my computer is in the shop, gettin a hardware diagnostic so I can see what parts I need to upgrade so I can stream Vidya again :d I'm so freakin bored though

There's no way you're awake for every thread. You must have a script to post this constantly.

we all knew imthem was a scripter

Pre-juggy update was easy as fuck, like to the point it was laughable. Now he actually has to work for the stacks and trades. Not to mention he's useless against mobility and range(which is now meta for top lane apparently). I actually feel like his kit is healthy now.

How bout u script deez nuts idiot :fire:

>It's another "Every single one of my lanes die and we're 0/10 while I'm still level 5" episode
Just why
Just fucking why
Why does this always happen to me
What the fuck am I supposed to do?

Hey can you guys post some league related reaction pics? I lost my folder and this is my only one atm. Thanks

>shitter going off on vg vs vg voicechat



Git gud

Kill yourself, you unfunny piece of shit

just carry harder famitachi

smurfs cant handle getting pregnit by human size babys user

:joy: :joy: :joy: but user the joke was meant to be you :joy:

no see i've pinged 6 times "enemies MIA" and have typed in chat that theres a 200 percent chance ur headed bot right now so back up. There's no way my bot duo would be retarded enough not to listen.

Watch Natsume Yuujinchou. I'm going to sleep though. Tell me about it when I wake up.

>Eve not having child bearing hips


>ADC wants jihn
>"I would advise against jhin"
>"I dont particularly like him as an ADC"
>"I will make you like him"
>Bot lane is 0/11 against a draven at 15 mins



here you go :3

>play more
>git gud

not human size my dude, she's like 6 inches tall and lives in a toadstool.

Good morning lolgen
Time for some vidya games and streams, going to the movies with people then playing some legolegends, f-fuck you all:^)

i bet nidalee is grimey.

Tfw no Kat version of this

have a good day bud




>the year of the adc is near

Yordle art is the greatest


Since WHEN in the fuck Poppy is now Sona?

>imthem still hasn't said merry christmas back
he really is a jerkwad

What to heck??1?1?1?1 when and wherw

>computer is in the shop, gettin a hardware diagnostic so I can see what parts I need to upgrade so I can stream
This is a joke right?
Surely people aren't dumb enough to do this?
Tell me you're not paying for what some basic googling can tell you

kinda wanna do this for the lulz

It's free dingus and I'm doing it because my compooter degraded and I need to know with certainty to source of the problem before I start droppin some fat stacks of greenbacks to get back on track

how do i turn myself gay, I already like to play sona and soraka

you mean something broke?
>it's free
until you pay for whatever they think needs fixing

basic hardware troubleshooting isn't hard at all

>bot lane is now the " "I'm coming down for my 800 gold in 30 seconds" "Teleport is for ganking" "TONIGHT WE HUNT" "THEY WILL FEAR ME" "5 man group outtanowhere" "The Tank outdamages the carry" " lane

What went wrong?
When did everything go so wrong for bot lane?
Why did this happen?

>our toplaner picks some basic champ like Garen/Mundo/Trundle
>feed him 3 kills
>wins the game by right clicking
God bless, tired of giving kills to #LCSBIGPLAYS champs only for them to waste the lead they had.

Listen pal it's no secret that I'm not computer savvy I would rather have them examine it for me for free since its a service already provided, than end up fucking it up even more myself. I am going to have to pay money for new parts anyways, why the fuck shouldn't I use their service to know what needs to be fixed and what might

>kha top
>fiddle jg
>malph jg

these will never be meta again

>You will never do one-aa triplekills again with full ad malphite

>Deal most damage
>Get a free cumdumbster that obeys you
>Just farm farm farm and project one obj
And yet marksman baddies want them buffed. Im fucking disgusted

>But enemy assassin/tank/mage charges me I died
>Translation: Im a shitter who doesnt farm,position during and before fights or make use the roots and slows.

I swear these people are the worst players, while acting so entitled. Also why the fuck doesnt bot control the fucking Dragon anymore? Fags just farm and blame jung, even at high ranks

How do we make bot lane great again?

>get fit for more comfortable fapping
>chicks at the gym start hitting on me

fucking sluts gtfo i dont have time to play league and have money sucking gf

Its tricky, depends what you're already in to


0-4: I buy Nautilus so I can meme with him top
5-9: I buy EZ to do no damage bottom

good night

designing the game to have interactive lane phases with fights
that generally means introducing champions with more early game power relative to the baseline dangers of the map (minions, towers, and monsters)
as the map dangers become less significant (and thus farming them to acquire xp and gold also becomes less significant) then the mid game can begin earlier and earlier where a team can start gaining ground on the map without worrying about losing a lot of farm.

its time

>enemy team has a Xerath
>proceed to instant lose because scripts
>nobody believes me when I say it then auto dies

Good night sleep tight

>why the fuck shouldn't I use their service to know what needs to be fixed
Because tech companies know when they're dealing with a sap like you and will happily add unnecessary things to your bill. I know because I've worked for multiple. I've seen an old lady come in who thought she had malware, turns out her computer was clean as a whistle but she was charged over 100 dollars because we removed some cookies for her.

At the end of the day it's your money, man.

This happened because every other champ is a bruiser of some sort. ADCs are stale as fuck right now and Vayne is really the only one that can do well versus bruisers and not die to a gank all the time.

Do you think Annie Bot wants to fug Annie


What would sleeping with sonas softness feel like?

i'm gucci mane with a spray tan
the butterscotch boss

>Play well consitently every game
>Get shitter teammates

so if this is how matchmaking is

you get rewarded for playing like shit, because you'll have better teammates