Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Play KI
I agree
daily reminder jive is for casuals
capcom defense force in full throttle today, on new years eve too lmao
uh... yes? Virtua Fighter is the same way. How many new people did you expect to pick up VF5 after VF4? It's not like it got any easier or appealing to casuals. Still, VF5 is a great game, regardless. On that note, in case you're wondering what killed VF specifically, Koreans were angry that the Korean backdash was removed after VF3 and decided to exclusively play Tekken.
Play Rashid's game
New Year's Eve and Day are meme holidays
holy fuck you could at least pretend like you've played something other than weeaboo trash
Put Rikuo in MvCI or i start killing hostages!
A game being particularly a pain in the ass to play (within a genre that the mainstream considers a pain in the ass to play to begin with) is an indicator of a bad game.
agreed SFV is the highest point of skill in all of fighting games, how many times do you see a perfect guile combo? that's right
VF is pretty technical. I'd say it's a hard sell to someone that doesn't want to make it their main game. How many VF tournaments have you won, user?
So all fighting games should be incredibly casualized to make them good?
It was all good till I saw the flat face. What the fuck
Rash's face is hilarious
>goober literally crying that he can't use his s*ck ass trainingboar setups on every knockdown
>he literally can't understand the concept of a fighting game that has footsies and isn't about brainderp trainingboar grind
can't make this shit up
Mechanical turk on the cheap I see.
>oh, you like futanari? My cock, is it too big....?
wud chun desu
Nah they just shouldn't be needlessly complicated to the point where it becomes an extreme niche within an already niche genre. Thats how you end up with a dead online mode.
Technical =/= Hard
VF is one of the easiest fighting games to get into. Anyone who has spent LITERALLY more than 10 minutes playing the game knows how insanely easy it is to pick up
Stop pretending like you know anything beyond weeaboo anime shit
Message to Rashid:
I have your girl.
If you ever want to see her again wire me 250,000 fight money.
>arguing semantics
Stick to these posts
Kind of a hard argument to make with Laura the way she is right now or how Mika was last season.
Are you serious? If it were that easy, it would have more players. Like most 3d fighting games, it requires a large amount of frame data knowledge and specific combos for character weights. I'll ask you again. How much VF do you play?
It is not semantics at all. You are lying about a game you never played to try and prop up your argument.
Stick to training mode anime grind a
If you have a PS3, would you like to play some Virtua Fighter 5 with me, then? I'll admit I'm not the best, but I used to play it fairly often.
anime games aren't needlessly complicated though.
people just like to perpetuate the myth that they are for whatever reason.
I'm not even involved in your petty argument friend, you're just acting like a child
>VF is pretty technical
How so?
Are you playing fighting games to celebrate the new year?
Which fighting games do you plan on getting better at in 2017?
The sales and community activity speak for themselves.
GG is definitely needlessly complicated. It has a whole bunch of mechanics and sub mechanics that add very little to the game
none of them
Oh you meant visually, I can see where you're coming from then. At least the girls faces are pretty.
I like anime fighters but don't pretend they aren't incredibly complicated. I just got done reading a GG "beginner" guide that listed 3 or 4 defensive option selects as fundamentals.
So? That's hard?
Who's asking??
If we're talking accent core era GG then yes, it was needlessly complicated with a ton of sub mechanics that only a few characters used/need (slashbacks, jump installs, impossible dusts, etc)
xrd at least trimmed those down or combined a few of them, with stuff like auto jump installs and blitz shield.
overall some more esoteric nonsense like various fuzzy OS's and such still exist, but only for high recognizable situations and you can learn all of them in like 10 minutes at most.
so overall it's not as bad as it used to be.
The same reason 3d is technical in general. Hundreds of moves. Even if most of them don't come up in competitive matches, it's still useful to know the data for said move when it does come up.
The fact that the environment and stage selection heavily comes into play. You have to practice on specific stages to know what setups work well on them and which ones don't. Does the stage have a fence? Is the stage rectangular? You might not be able to complete your go-to combo if you're in a position close to a stage's edge. You can potentially lose a match simply because you didn't factor in your opponent's option to use the terrain to his advantage and get a ringout to win despite being at low health.
And even then, while character mechanics are pretty universal, learning the nuances of those differences between characters can take a long time to really utilize. I mean, look at Vanessa Lewis compared to Akira Yuki. The former requires the knowledge of both stances to be viable while the latter requires knowledge of his commands heavily to be good. e.g,, you can't just mash mindlessly and hope to get a good chain with Akira, much like, say, Angel or Nelson in KoF. Not exactly a great comparison, but it's the best one I can think of in regards to 2d at the moment.
And like I said before about weight, because of characters having different weight classes, you have to practice combos just for characters of that weight, or else you'll end up dropping it if the character is too light or heavy.
Like I said, a lot of this applies to 3d in general, like Tekken, but these are the reasons why I'd say VF is technical and requires a good bit of knowledge to play well.
Still want to improve in KoF XIV. Watching Juicebox's guides and I've learned a lot. I can beat random BRs on Fightcade in '98 now, a feat I couldn't manage when I started playing KoF in 2012.
How is this more technical than SF? SF has just as much stuff to learn except in different ways
"GG is too hard that's why it's dead" argument makes zero sense. All fighting games are hard.
you can learn how to perform those OS's in a few minutes, and applying them just takes trial and error in learning where they work and where they dont.
eg, you can use fuzzy block to (mostly) negate slayers Under pressure>It's Late okizeme with the low high low fuzzy block variant.
slayers 2k comes out faster that it's late, so unless it's intentionally delayed it'll block both outcomes for you.
Is the Hori Hayabusa a meme? It just seems like a looser JLF.
jokes aside is there anyone as good in their main game in /fgg/ as Guymam is in BB?
I mean in terms of sales vs actively anime actually does pretty well. Its just that less sales is going to mean less active members. Not to say they don't stand on their own as individual entries but you really can't tell me SF and MKs high sales aren't at least partially influenced by previous entries.
Guilty Gear just doesn't have the background. Like seriously how many people actually played the original Guilty Gear or GGX? Maybe I just wasn't in the scene back then but it really does seem like Guilty Gear just kind of showed up in GGXX and went from that whereas SF was huge since 2 and MK had a massive controversy which helped it become so popular.
But VF doesn't have any more moves than any other fighting game and frame data is no more important than any other fighting game.
Again stage size is literally nothing that is not already in the vast majority of fighting games.
So far you are telling me VF is so bare bones and devoid of anything technical that you have to list universal things that are standard with every fighting game to ever exist
Guymam is fucking hot garbage at BBCF.
GG has been getting games since the 90s. It has failed to ever broaden its appeal in the last two decades. Your excuse does not work.
stop taking the bait
OG Guilty Gear was hot garbage, and only became a game with actual mechanics and actual fun around the #reload era.
#Reload came out 13 years ago. GG is still as dead as it was back then.
GG is hot garbage, period. Fighting games with little to no footsies are trash and that's why GG has failed to broaden its base.
Is SFV a good game?
But then I won't get any more (you)s
(you)'s are back
Stage selection is meaningless in Street Fighter. 3d movement, and the questions that come with it like "is my opponent going to use a move that tracks? What direction will it track? Do I evade away or towards the screen?" only exist with a Z axis in play. Learning movement is also much more important in VF than SF. Sure, you have to learn things to play Street Fighter, but most of its systems are pretty basic in comparison to many other fighting games. The hardest thing to learn in SF execution wise is link timing.
What? On average, a VF character has 70+ moves and 2 or 3 options from their temporary stances. The frame data issue is that characters have so many more moves than other games, you need to memorize even more frame data. Not to mention that basically every character is viable, so you're likely to see potentially every character even in serious play. Are you only counting normals?
In most 2d fighting games, the only stage management is knowing how close you are to the corner, which is generally the same distance on every stage. It varies heavily in VF. Some stages are 10x10, some are 6x16, et cetera. More importantly, whether or not the corner has a fence is also very important in Virtua Fighter. If a stage has a fence, many characters have more movement options such as wall runs or throws that push the opponent against the wall. If the stage has no fence, you have the potential option of triggering a ring out and instantly ending the round. Some stages have half fences where it is possible to both use the fence for movement and to knock the opponent out. Many characters are either much better or much worse depending on the stage you're on. Character with lots of easy pushback pressure like Taka? Great on fenceless stages because he can easily knock the opponent out of the ring. Character with a wall jump or powerful throw that requires a fence like Vanessa Lewis? Good on closed in stages.
KoF 14 will come out on PC eventually, right?
you lying
Don't start what you can't finish goober
Give it a few years. I think it would have come out on PC faster if China didn't un-ban consoles.
But it has broadened it's appeal in the last two decades. Xrd has outsold GGXX so far.
are you a mugger?
>Xrd has outsold GGXX so far.
Why were they even taken away?
Actual fighting game discussion on /fgg/? Holy shit, it's a new years miracle!
2d fighting games truly are... 1 dimensional
I havent played SFV since Urien came out and I tried him and had fun until I got bored again. Whats the verdict on the season 2 changes? Specifically for Laura and Mika? Can I finally play Mika without being a braindead coinflipper? Or did they just take away the wallbounce and give her nothing in return
Both Laura and Mika are braindead coinflippers, typical for grapplers. Laura is just better than Mika this time around.
Mika is shit now, but I'm still playing her because I'm too lazy to learn anyone else.
>Mika is shit now
>Du just beat the best Cammy in the world with Mika
Ryu in SF4 has about 70 moves, they are many characters with more moves than him in that game and SF4 has less moves than many of the older 2D games.
characters in virtua DO NOT have more moves than characters from other games, stop trying to claim they do.
VF also has less characters than the vast majority of 2D fighting games and even other 3D fighting games.
again the best you can come up with is staples from the genre that are standard across EVERY fighting game.
What do you think a succubus does?
That's Du, he could win with any character. Bruce Lee could kill Chuck Norris with a fork, but that doesn't make it a viable weapon. He would still have to put in a considerable amount of work to do it, and someone on a lower level would have an even harder time of doing that.
Magnificent, isn't it.
>one button dp which catches crossups
>multihit projectiles both fast and slow
>insane pressure with plus on almost every move
>built in mixups and crossups
>parry which counter EVERYTHING with very short recovery
>best projectile super in the game
>insane damage
>unlockable move
>dive moves
>throw invuil on a lot of stance moves
Is Leo the cheapest fighting game character ever? He litreally have everything.
Plays video games if her tvc ending is anything to go by.
>Specifically for Laura and Mika? Can I finally play Mika without being a braindead coinflipper?
lol how about don't pick a 50/50 character then
>buy no-footsies kusoge
>complains when it turns out to be kusoge
>flash kick
>sonic boom
>good overhead
>meme pressure that only noobs get killed by or characters without reversals
he's just a noob killer 2bh
Tomo owning Mikado right fucking now with Leo.
just learn to ib or throw him in the middle of his pressure desu
he's not the good.
yeah because he's played leo exclusively since his release
leo isn't a bad character but he's not top tier by any stretch
he's gay af until you learn the matchup, and that's when most Leos fall apart
I can honestly deal with all of his shit except the counter. The counter is just the worst that fucks me everytime.
70? Counting absolutely everything, SFIV Ryu has only 42 moves, last time I checked. 24 normals, 12 specials, a super combo, 2 ultras, 2 command normals, and a focus attack.
If we're talking about old fighting games, plenty of them have completely unviable characters that never see tournament play, e.g. Marvel vs Capcom 2. You will actually see every VF character in a tournament. When's the last time you've seen anyone use MvC2 Tron Bonne or 3s Hugo seriously? I don't even remember USFIV Hugo seeing that much play, for that matter.
What other 3d fighting games feature ringouts as an important besides Soul Calibur?
Post good matches from obscure fighting games:
If you try to play braindead as Laura, you'll get nowhere.
GGXRDR FT10 Roud Robin
Tekken 7 FR 3on3 Megane Grandprix
Come at me
see you in UNIst in 2017
>VF match request gets ignored
>people would argue about mechanics than play games
I want Kilgore to come out already. This spinning gun shit is great.