She would be nothing with those damned glasses of hers. NOTHING! How dare she steal the spotlight just because of those stupid glasses.
John Perez
Mason Gonzalez
Happy Halloween!
Camden Garcia
Happy Easter guys, glad i can light the menorah and play some good old sportsball.
Bentley Williams
The year of Teach (monkey)
Nolan Phillips
I don't even know what you're trying to say.
Yeah, I was worried about that. It's just that I remember seeing some people putting together basic information on V's skills, so I wasn't sure how active any anons from here were in that. I know for a fact that some of them used to frequent here, but I'm not so sure anymore.
Still, I had basically been with the general every day for a year and some change since the summer of 2014. I know how dead things can get.
Did you save the translations anywhere, though? I'm looking to start doing some of the Famitsu V comics (I'm in the middle of re-doing one that just slapped the English text over the Japanese), and while I'm not really into hentai, I wouldn't mind doing them, assuming it wouldn't be too much of a mess redrawing everything.
Juan Rodriguez
If you want an active EO community you should go to the SA forums, they actually data mine the game and stuff.
Jason Harris
Those are the people I'm talking about. Even after just lurking there for a bit, I can tell some of them post here/used to post here.
Tyler Davis
They're probobly not here anymore after we turned into fan-art dumping/best girl competition genral.
Matthew Sullivan
what other way do we have to keep this place alive
Julian Jackson
Untold 3 when?
Jaxson Bennett
I actually hate the work I did one the first one, I remember saying I was just going for literal so if it sounds stiff then that's why
And for this one I didn't do completely but I did help another user with some corrections
Landon Clark
Hudson Lewis
Brandon Thompson
I'm thinking of getting Untold 2, but did they fix the DLC issues of the Japanese version with the western release? Things like locking out parts of the map and DLC bosses, I mean.
Jackson Ortiz
Okay, would it be okay if I rewrote parts of the translation to sound more natural and to be more in the style of the localizations? I'd ask you you to approve everything before I started setting any of the text, of course.
Though I did notice two things: 1. I saw you weren't sure about one of the lines (They're normally hiding, but they seem to be sensitive). It's been a year, so did you ever figure out a better translation, either by giving it more though or by getting better at Japanese? 2. I noticed the comment at the end and the pages drawn in pencil weren't done. Redrawing doesn't seem like it'll be too hard, but if I'm going to spend a decent amount of time editing all of the pages, I'd prefer to get everything. Could you translate those, too?
Are you asking if they included all of the Japanese DLC in the Western base game? They didn't, but they did make almost all of it free during the week each piece released. Obviously you can't get them that way now, but I'm pretty sure there's a way to unlock all of the DLC if you have a hacked 3DS. I want to say you're not missing much, aside from the highlander class and the frog boss (which drops the best equipment for the beast class), but I'm sure you'd prefer to decide that yourself.
Jonathan Nguyen
most of the dlc isn't worth getting anyway and that locking out parts meme wasn't really true anyway, the maps are just as large as they were in U1 and the secret, post-game areas can be accessed without the DLC too
Caleb Reyes
At some point I deleted the EO2U undub romfs that I had. Now 3dsiso refuses to load and I can't find anywhere else. What do I do?
Liam Watson
Thanks for the detailed answer, user. Alright, I'm gonna buy it and just pirate the DLC.
>that locking out parts meme wasn't really true anyway
Then what was pic related about? The red bits are parts of the map cannot be accessed without the DLC. Or did they actually fix that in the NTSC/PAL release?
Ayden Thomas
Those parts of the map exist solely for the bosses and their quests and there's nothing else of interest whatsoever. If you think that they could have filled those parts with actual explorable terrain rather than DLC boss puzzles, just look back to past games and see how often map space gets filled that much.
You should still get the DLC though. The avian warrior deserves as much presence as it can get.
Henry Brown
Angel James
Henry Sullivan
Jaxson Ortiz
Aiden Russell
Jeremiah Long
Alexander Smith
I am going to get some fucking chicken.
Do not let this thread die.
Liam Gonzalez
I want to give Chloe a glass of my milk
Mason Sullivan
> It's been a year, so did you ever figure out a better translation
I did actually when I was going over them again, I guess I can give them another revision
>Could you translate those, too? It's just stuff like "Thank you for buying my work." "This time I made a yuri book, it was fun, etc."
Cameron Hughes
Grayson Rogers
>I guess I can give them another revision Can you translate also the pages with Ricky and Highlander, if I remember things right, these were the only left untranslated
Easton Allen
I still like this face
Lucas Scott
The face of a whore
William Young
To me its more of "Lol look at this cheeky fuck colorin under the doors" face
Samuel Mitchell
Tyler Allen
Alexander Thompson
I guess nobody has it since CFW makes it obsolete?
Aiden Cooper
Don't let my shitty work go to waste again user. It was the reason why I never bothered to try translating parts of EOV