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Vel'Koz edition!

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So when they nerf Syndra is Vel'koz, Ziggs, or Ahri going to be next on the "fotm shitter please nerf unfun this is cancer I cant counterplay this" train?

it will be lux, because lux is busted


Name one good female support that has a nice laning phase. Lulu needs to get replaced with someone better.

it will be adcs because they are picked every game

Any higher elo player want to give a few tips or tricks for viktor?

gold and feel like i've hit a wall, can't carry hard unless my match up is completely retarded and i get fed early. Also nerf to rylais really hurting. do i still build rylais on vik?


karma zyra???

Build rylais

Literally just spam E into waves

Also buy lochbane

fresh memes
for real just cause theyre picked every game doesn't mean they know why theyre picked they just follow a meta invented in s1-s2
cheese sion bot works much better
or some lee/j4 comp
even fukin morde at this point

>edgy band for teenagers

post them

>be Yasou
>30 minutes into game & our support is 4/0/16
>I'm at 200 health and being chased by 3 enemies in enemy bot lane
>support is with me
>ping support to engage for a triple kill since they are kind of weak and support is full health
>support continues running and leaves me to die
>ask them why they didn't go for it
>they tell me that they want to keep their S rank score
>game ends
>support gets S+ so that means even if support did die that they still would have S ranked

The grading system has made supports selfish.

what music do you listen to while you play?

Karma has a nice laning phase only if the enemy team doesn't know how to stay behind minions or is able to predict Karma's Q's. Then she falls apart after laning phase.

Zyra's plants will steal CS and kills which means that the carry won't be able to have a proper build by the 25 minute mark.

>not gay or waifu OP

am I being tricked?

Does this bird make anyone else uncomfortable?

stop being gay

I fucking said to my girlfriend before this game started: Singed is gonna int his face off to Wukong.


Honestly though, how does someone go 0/6 in the first 10 minutes and then think "You know, I should CONTINUE to run behind the enemy t2 tower and proxy xDDDD"

>pick zyra
>they pick shaco

Its warring kingdoms

Its pretty cool. Is it the art style?

Last thread is almost dead so here I repost my stats. My Orianna usage was only as a supp

It's hard to get a feel from one's person by only the 3 most used champs

Rate me or tell me to kill myself

Have a good new year

Sona (can be agressive and hard carry or be passive just like Lulu)

I thought you were just retarded but now I think you're a complete fucking faggot.

>having a girlfriend
Kill yourself.

kys. you play safe puss champions that are not fun. lick my dingle dangle and waste your time with something else, like whittling ur balls off with a toothpick

Tank karma i still a thing, fucking boring but op after lane

To be honest, just ban Singed from your teammates. They watched 3 singed420 videos and suddenly they think they have any idea what they're doing.

xth for breast waifu

>explaining your build to our team
10 dollaridoos that typed ... or sigh when shit went wrong

obvioulsy nami

>it's a support that won't shut up about incoming ganks bot on discord and rages at you for not retreating to tower when you get caught

If I don't see an enemy in river or in tribush I'm not treating. You can't keep saying "The enemy jungler might be bot now" . You can't just GUESS where the enemy jungler is by watching the spawn camp timer and taking note of the last lane the jungler was last scene.

your champs are aids

I completely agree with you, but she's such a popular champion that everyone and their mother defends her. Some of the arguments I've seen defending her are disgusting...

"She has all skillshots and they're all slow and easy to dodge. You need to learn to play."

"She's so weak when you close the gap on her."

"She has to get items fast or she's completely useless."

uncensored where?

to the karthus user giviing info, what are some good/bad match ups?

yeah its dumb, when riot changed her e to be able to be instantly popped i felt that put her over the edge

also her ult cd is WAAAAYYY too short for how strong it is

Not him, but don't pick him into Ahri. I think Yas is a bad matchup too, not sure though

You're one of the reasons I usually, not exclusively, play safer champs. I "get off" by protecting and denying kills as much as I can, aswell as enabling kills for my team.

Hate to go against them? Play them? Be supported by them? Or all of the before?
Im guessing all of them, hu? :(
Different playstiles I guess

Have a good year nonetheless anons

there is none user, that lad draws them censored

kill yourself you immense faggot

>Lux's ult used to be on a 24 second cooldown with 40% CDR

ori is ok i guess, and pretty cool you play her support

but yeah playing against janna and morg is dumb, they are the biggest cock blockers in the game

what about akali and katarina? they are popular picks.

Half of the time, it seems like Lux players just throw out their spells without a care in the world, and there is little most of the roster can do to punish her for it. You could probably remove her shield and she would still be a good pick.

What a fucking waste

>little most of the roster can do to punish her for it
yeah she plays the game from like 1k range and most champions can't even dash/use ranged spells to reach her

>mfw this is how IS wanted fiora to be like
>mature stuck up bitch lady
>he got fucking crucified for it
>now people love camille

i mean im glad hes gone but this is just baffling

>tfw slowly switching to mid this season because ADCs are in such a shit state now

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>artist draws great doujins
>ruins them with shit cheating plots literally every time


at least better than fat guy cheating plot

how do i play azir

If we're talking about the lore, isnt Sona dead as fuck because Jhin killed her?

>Pick Kindred because its the only glowing white jungler that hops around
>Listen to this
>Murder everything to the coolest soundtrack ever


I don't usually hold to the belief that one person can single handedly lose a game for their team, but holy shit this riven was unbelievable.

I think Orianna support can be okay in very specific situations. Hope you have a happy new year!

>tfw getting autofilled more as ADC than support

how do i deal with getting harrassed under tower when jungler wont gank

i was veigar vs ziggs

Dont die
Get Nashors
Get Berserkers, not Magic Pen boots
Get Rylais
Get decent farm and not die
Don't die
build accordingly
Don't die

Did you die more than twice?
You fucked up, game over

Did you die once-twice?
Its recoverable

Did you get any kills or go neutral?
Congratulations its late-game. You're one of the best Hyper carries in the game at this stage. Watch your positioning and you're fucking awesome.


He wants to kill her out of envy, he just hasn't managed to do so yet. He wants to kill Yi as well due to his dojo school making his family broke or something.

So far, none of League's champions are dead in the current lore, except for the undead ones like Sion or the Shadow Isles champions. There's speculation if Kindred even exists though, but I'm pretty sure they do.

>read the first part of the sentence
>skim through the pic
>'I mean a 5/8 lee isn't exactly bad'
>read it all
>look at riven score

dont bully me like this :<
this guy gets it
i draw uncensored stuff sometimes when i'm not too lazy though

>one of those games your teammate is so bad you question life.
Wukong on my team goes for a lvl 1 pre-game duel with a QUINN.
Gives first blood
Quinn didn't even have to recall

I will leave this elohell soon

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Holy shit mang thats awesome.

Could you do something like this with Azir?

Skill order for jungle Sion? Q>W>Q>E and then I max Q followed by E and then W, right?

>melee who try to trade with darius
>people who don't know how pantheon works
>slippery crocodile
>super teemo
>looking to add tentacle lady to my roster

Top can be pretty comfy at low elo.

Build two core items:
Nashors first if you can easily poke them down within your range OR farm is very much a priority
Rylai's first if you need the health and utility to stay alive and not get dominated
Beserker greaves for most matchups, magic pen if their team is oddly tanky

Void staff + Deathcap are a must afterwards

Try to farm with auto's until 3 or 4 and then make VERY CAREFUL Q's because you can fuck yourself over if you miss. Don't use E into anyone unless you have more than 75% health as the health ratio is now gone. Use ult to push people away and time it so the ult hits when they come at you.

Other than that, don't die. Ever. I'm serious when I say you can do a shit load of damage but die from a stick being blown by a gust of wind.

I build ardent censer, redemption and the like, no ap items.

I usually pick her after the other supp already been chosen, when I am sure the other team has no sustain and when my team already has a tank.

I got no heals but my shield timings are good since the ball stays in the adc when not being used for vision.

Care to clarify which other facts I should consider when picking Orianna?

I want to know to improve the game for the best of my team

I'm awake. I'm awake. Did anyone watch the anime I've been trying to get you guys to watch for the past two days?

a bit long winded but ty

if it involves gay shit then fuck off.

>recently picked up this game
>is it absolutely beautiful and feeds my need for metroidvania
>absolutely fucking HATE KINDRED GOD DAMMIT

maybe I should give kindred a try since I get bodied by her so badly? I won my last game against her as hecarim but it was a constant up hill battle with her counter jungling me and out leveling me pretty badly.

She isn't that strong but she's still playable.

Also learn to not hate that which killed you. I used to hate Darius when I started playing this game. Now I practically main him.

Except for Yasuo. Fuck him.

tfw slowly switching to support and jg

I think Camille personality wise is unpopular and don't know anyone outside of me who likes it
she is just broken as fucc

Yasuo mains ww@

Why should I take fervor over bloodlust?

she seems strong early but then you realize when late game hits your jungler is a 2nd damage dealer instead of a tank/brusier so you lose fights.

I dont see why people complain about being autofilled support when adc exists

>I think Camille personality wise is unpopular
She seems incredibly popular even outside of her strong kit.


please help me

This is what i used to say about brand support until i got autofilled into it.
I was like "let me learn the weaknesses and counterplay to it"
legit there's none other than super fucking hard engage by him getting caught out like a retard (which goes for anyone) or a zyra who is equally strong and can 1v2 your 1v2

Has anyone else been playing normals and getting matched with a bunch of sub-30s? The last couple of days I've played in ~3 man premades and our randoms have been like level 28 with 32 wins.

Does anyone know what video editing shit is used for qtpie's youtube uploads?

The anime's called Natsume Yuujinchou and there's nothing gay in it. It's really good and you should watch it!

man i am having the shittiest of luck when it is comeing to junglers today,
literally the shittiest of junglers all day, ook at my match history.

I am a happy person.

Thank you!

i wouldnt trust you ezfag.

but i'll see what a google search turns up

oh hey it seems somewhat decent

Use your OP AoE stun and then nuke him with that insanely high damage ult.

>17/2 akali

>its another win lane but the other lanes fed so we lose the game episode
Daily reminder to not pick champions you're not familiar with in ranked

As the other user said, unless you're pretty confident on Karthus, picking him into Ahri is essentially just a fast path to a fed Ahri. She has kill pressure on you once she hits level 6 because of her insane mobility and if she lands a charm on you it can easily lead to your death. Also you are not going to land a Q on all that mobility. You just aren't.

Yasuo I'm more comfortable picking Karthus into. This has a lot to do with the fact that most Yasuo players are idiots who cannot separate their asses from their thumbs though. That said though, Yasuo cannot windwall anything you do, he's melee so you can farm under tower without giving him a lot of options to go all-in, and if he goes all in you can exhaust him and turn. Also Exhaust absolutely fucks him late game so take full advantage of that if he's a threat.

Katarina I have had problems with, but I have problems with Kat as EVERY midlaner. It always feels like no matter what I try, she will ALWAYS get fed off of something and be a massive pain in the ass. Honestly Kat would be one of my comfort bans if she was more popular.

As for Akali well, I actually have never played Karthus into her since the rework. That said, I cannot imagine Akali would have a great deal of kill pressure on you early game, and I'd assume you could just shove her in all lane like with old Kat.

your artstyle vaguely reminds me of shingworks

I got a fun one for you...

You dont have to redraw as much as just draw him once and cut/paste but try this with Ekko

>ASol is the last champion in 3 years to have a toggle skill
>Last champion with a toggle skill was Aatrox, 3 years ago
>I've been playing league for almost 4 years now

Where did my life go so wrong?

can someone explain what the fuck this corki build is

>triforce, sorcs, gunblade, ie, void staff, ga/hurricane

???? it look so fucked up and yet I do tons of dmg on corki idk

It looks like a classic episode of "Blitzcrank vs retards"

ALWAYS max W either first or second.

Q > W > E is generally what you do for jungling.

Can you do anything with Trundle and Olaf? Non-lewd and festive please!

should i buy cass, volibear, or trundle

i only play mid or top