January 1-2 (Sunday/Monday): Miyamoto Musashi January 3 (Tue): Gilgamesh (Archer) January 4 (Wednesday): Void Shiki January 5 (Thu): Iskandar January 6 (Friday): Illyasviel von Einzbern January 7 (Saturday): GOLDEN January 8 (Sunday): Scathach January 9 (Monday): Ishtar January 10 (Tue): Miyamoto Musashi January 11 (Wednesday): All the above together
>[Events] -Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)
>News - Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php - New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game - FGO TV Project series confirmed for next year. - Upcoming animation update for remaining F/SN Servants
What are the names of all the Epic of Remnant chapters?
Jacob Brooks
>zerobabbie >right about anything
Parker Phillips
I don't think I want to. The First Order special was so good though. Seemed pretty approachable compared to the clusterfuck of timelines Fate/Stay Night is.
Justin Cox
You only got denied the refund with the actual message ? I did 2 refund the first was accepted, It can't be denied anymore, right ?
Logan Garcia
Who works good with Florence?
Hudson Bailey
>posting your own posts
Levi Nelson
Been away since right after the stream for a New Years' party. Anything new or important I missed?
William Howard
>gave Fate/Zero 10/10 Opinion disregarded.
Jose Murphy
xth for Brown qt
Josiah Brown
no one you use merlin instead
Oliver King
>Seemed pretty approachable compared to the clusterfuck of timelines Fate/Stay Night is.
Austin Lee
Any berserker not named Vlad.
Juan Lewis
Fuck off.
Adrian Moore
Even Nobu can't save Gudao because he's goddamn generic. Also >using CS in first episode
Christian Garcia
Zero is the best entry in the franchise You are just fucking contrarians
Mason Ross
>posting reddit link hahaha holy fuck it keeps happening
Jose Howard
>Wanted to roll on exact moment the year changed >Can't buy quartz
Bad civilization.
Holy shit.
Aiden Torres
Wyatt Morris
Is everyone only having the quartz issue on android or is it good on ios?
Easton Walker
Any bets for who she is yet?
Alexander Green
Any buster focused servant. Alternatively, she can be decent offense if you're trying to stallmeme and don't have better stall members.
Jacob Nelson
Tomorrow would be my guess, if not tonight. This does prevent them from getting money. Some techs were probably called in.
Justin Howard
>liking nobu for his voice
He's only good for memes outside voice acting, he's tier 2 at best
Chase Morgan
What CE is good for Musashi?
Ayden Lee
Urobuchi is literally the worst thing to happen to humankind.
Jason Rogers
What the fuck bros, why does everyone hate grand order? How will the anime community take us seriously after this blunder?
I can't find anything about a Shinjuku incident outside of movies, what is it?
Jaxon Davis
>gave 10/10 to f/z good taste reddit for once
Brody Long
Fuck off.
Tyler Jones
>animation was so bad we won't even get to see secondaries
Oh right they are already here shitposting
Isaiah Nelson
Who cares
Charles Nguyen
The varying levels of canon that is each route, what connects to Ataraxia, where Apocrypha fits in, etc.
The shit with the timelines is not easy to grasp for some.
Dominic Clark
Jeremiah Flores
Leo Baker
They only care for visuals and edge factor. I wish I was joking. The majority love a good looking thing, but fucking slobber over it if it also has some sort of darkness edge factor to drive it harder. not even shitposting
Henry Ross
New cute evil witch when?
William Bailey
We'll find out.
Sebastian Brown
What nips think about the nigger EMIYA?
Gavin Myers
>Mfw i get Musashi on my alt Why the fuck does my alt get every timed exclusives?
Dylan Ross
Someone will scan the sneks doujin and the Marie doujin right?
Ryder Thompson
>will fail to roll her Why should I care
Juan Jackson
>thought that was her whole ass at bottom right >just one cheek
Evan Perez
She's going to be evil. Third Ascension will have the bears filled with stakes or something.
Josiah Cook
He did good with Dantes and Arjuna.
Aaron Hernandez
>It's just a shame that whatever I liked about Fate besides the concept in general just doesn't seem to be here. Good writing?
Jack Adams
Camden Parker
I know right? Fucking glorious
Levi Rogers
Is this good for 300 quartz?
Quetz is NP2 btw
Xavier Thompson
> liking nigger ass Fuck right back off to Facebook. This is the land of patrician taste - legs and tits and shaven armpits.
David Hughes
So Grand Order took my Google Credit but didn't give me my fucking Quartz. What do I do now?
Nathaniel Wright
Who are you grinding half AP for /fgog/?
Oliver Gonzalez
Nah, edge and chuuni shit.
Oliver Ward
>white boi can't handle real women
Adam Williams
>legs and tits and shaven armpits. >tits Go with him you don't even know where you are.
Easton Barnes
Wait with the others.
Cooper Mitchell
>all exp I don't feel like it
Jackson Martinez
He does very well when he is allowed to ham it up, to be certain.
Granted the way they are writing Gudao, he's not a net negative to the character, because the character is very empty. Perhaps that will change as the orders go on for the animu, but s it stands now no fucking voice actor could make that role endearing.
Carter Foster
>Old hag >cowtits >nigger no
Nicholas Davis
Evan Bennett
Bentley Sanders
My brand new cute nurse.
Nolan Reyes
Why didn't crunchy sub the Koha part?
Noah Walker
Guan Yu 5* when lads?
Here's to more chink servants in 2017 and musashi is CUTE
Josiah Diaz
Quetz and gorgon although both of them are nearly max leveled. If I get sanzou or musashi tomorrow it will be them
Landon Perry
>have been waiting for Salem witches all this time >turns out to be a cute loli This is perfect, my dick is erect and my quartz ready.
Joseph Flores
Wait, and hope.
Dominic Turner
Why is that worthless whore contaminating the air those sweet children are breathing?
Owen Jenkins
they better
Aiden Lopez
>Stheno I'm so sorry. It's fine, I guess.
Nolan Rodriguez
my brand new pharaoh
Liam Fisher
Not even a Medb fag, but Wada's Medb is fucking hot
Jacob Davis
Merlin and Ishtar
Brayden Hughes
My erect penis.
Carter Gomez
I'm fucking dumb
Jacob Sanders
because they're faggots
Jose Gomez
Caeneus is my bet
Alexander Phillips
Why does the red man have a thousand yard stare? What sort horrific events did we fail to protect his smile from?
Lucas Adams
Did they ever update the chibi pack to feature newer servants
Wyatt Green
Imagine the fucking doujins with big brown badonk woman and Raikou. God damn.
Cameron Harris
Just finished leveling Ozy and Jack. Now for prism grinding.
Leo Watson
>Wada's comment on medb is "super celt bitch.... what a power word...."
Jason Howard
I know right, what is Shakespeare thinking being so close to them?
Leo Hughes
Musashi, Enkidu, Monk, Arjuna, Gorgon All at the same time
Lucas Green
She is as well as confirmed for Abigail, right? I wonder how much of a psychopath she is gonna be.
Cooper Gonzalez
Poor alt, it's doing its best to be played more by you.
Evan Collins
Who do you think the other seven Servants in Solomon's war were? Do you think he beat Saber?
Leo Hughes
Jonathan Morales
>Cleo's AQQ gives her 85% NP what the flying fuck
Jack Jenkins
Fuck, that NR is super adorable.
Kevin Evans
I dont understand all this rolls that I cant do it even with enough quartz