/AGDG/ - Amateur Game Development General

Gogem is our worst developer edition!

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker | Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com | LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com | Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites
opengameart.org | blender-models.com | mayang.com/textures

> Free audio
freesound.org/browse | incompetech.com/music | freemusicarchive.org

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Recoloring everyone to make them white took a while, but it was done.

Looking better and better.

Refugee simulator?

>making the thread early just to force your new fucked up OP
nice, love this meme

lolidev did literally nothing wrong

thx famalam just trying my best!

>lolidev did literally nothing right

Happy new year you fucks

>1.3 seconds to generate 2k unique combinations

ok negro watch me

>Randomizing is the same as shuffling, and if you want to keep them unique you have to generate a suspect and then check if there's no one like it in the list of already generated suspects, so you are pretty much doing a bogo sort kind of problem, very inefficient.
Honestly, I've been drinking so I misunderstood the original post. A better way to put it would be...

That I would store data in a real number, with each digit representing flag. So instead of eye color and deformations and hair color and height all being distinct variables, it'd boil down to a series of base 10 or 16 numbers stored in one long number. Like, with the first place determining eye color, the next for hair, the next for race, the next four for their height, the next two for their occupation, etc.

I mentioned randomization because I figured that all this data applies to randomly generated characters, which it might not, in the end. I'm not sure. I'm rollin deep

How would you go around designing an ability system that would supposedly be able to encompass most abilities?

For example, the ability to create up to 52 copies of yourself, each one is extremely weak and has a 1 minute respawn timer after death.

The ability to freeze up to 3 simultaneous objects within 20 meters of yourself.

Teleport within 10 meters on a 5 sec cool down.

Immunity to damage for 2 seconds on a 10 sec cool down

Ability to freely control tables

as someone who went out of their way a few times to revert the op from memetastic butchering, i appreciate this and previous ones' attempt at compromise through separating the links with |s instead of newlines, making the whole thing more condensed while keeping the entirety of content

>this post

>full sail dropout shitposting
Wow. Just wow.

it's 0.001, actually under 0.01 seconds.
started at 1.319, ended at 1.320, check the screenshot.

is he gone?
is it safe to post?

A tileset contains multiple tiles, using set_cell(x, y, 0) on a tilemap will set the cell of the tilemap to the 0 tile in the tileset. 1 will be the 1 tile in the tileset, and so on.

>Time to attack myself like a maniac because I'm insane and think it's a genius tactic
What a relief. For a second I thought you were attempting to interact with game devs as if you knew what you were talking about. Good one. Ebin troll.

He's right there: So clearly not.

while ( dummies.size() < something ) { // or what ever
new dummy;
hair = random_hair();
eye = random_eye();
brain = random_brain();
if ( !dummies.quick_find( dummy ) ) {
dummies.add_sorted( dummy );

code it

>he's doing this on NY Eve

L... Lol?

How many games have you seen that in, user? Ever wondered why that is?

Report shitposters to clean up thread early

ok doesn't matter, watch me

How do I start making an electronic TCG? I have no idea what to do.

there are no janitors on new years, sadly

It should be clear by the stupidity of the things he argues that he's just trolling. He says stupid things about math, static lights, game design or whatever and once someone corrects him he tries to turn it into a meme like that will make him right. Bizarre and desperate behavior you might say.

that's close to a bogo sort. The wost possible way to solve this problem.
It's like throwing a deck of cards in the air, picking them up, checking if they are in order, and repeating if not.
It will go very fast for the first couple of values, but as your list grows the amount of checks you need to do becomes the bottleneck.

>have you seen that in, user?

seen in that?

What do you mean

just copy mtg

No idea how to program a game, or no idea how TCG work? You really need the later more than the prior, honestly.

You can make a super class that has a grab-bag of many different effects where methods implement parts or wholes of those effects. You expose the methods as individual entities of the class and then a new ability will have some list of those entities that it wants.

It is still a clusterfuck, but allows you to mix up abilities. If you can separate different effects into sub-catagories, such as on-hit effect/blah, then the logic of how you can mix them can be a little more manageable.

In the end it is, if you want it then you have to code it.

he's sort of close. the proper way is to encode all combinations into a single number, so roughly like 0 for appearance and 4 for eyes is 0 + (4 + numAppearances).

Now that you have all enums represented by a single value, you have two choices: randomly pick 2000 numbers, storing them in a hashmap and checking if they're been picked yet (O(1) time) or store a counter and increment it 2000 times between the minimum valid number and the maximum valid number - incrementing it randomly by some amount such that you cannot reach the end before making 2000 characters.

For 2017 I want to get discipline so I can stop relying on motivation. I just want to make game.

How do I discipline?

Except we know the amount of dummies we want and we know the possible combinations are much higher than that amount. If we implement our sort and search in any sane way this will run faster than having many nested loops and is dead simple because look at it.

I've played a few TCGs here and there so I understand the basics. I'm just stuck with the programming part.

player vs computer like those single player MTG games, or player vs player like MTG:Online?

Or we can:

for ( some_trait : some_trait_set ) {
for ( random number amount ) {
new dummy
trait = some_trait;
hair = random
feet = random
beard = random
... // so on for as many as you like
add( dummy );

Still feels bad, but slightly better, maybe

Agdgs, should I follow Sebastian Lague's Unity tutorials or the official Unity tutorials?

Just like make game

Player vs Computer for now.


yeah I want to see this shit.


put your aggy in my daggy

Tell yourself you'd rather be dead then complete X and mean it.

>2000 times between the minimum valid number and the maximum valid number - incrementing it randomly by some amount such that you cannot reach the end before making 2000 characters.

Oh, yeah. Of course that is it.

Well, my point was just that he was doing it the worst way and any other way you can think within reason is better.

Of the engines listed in the op/on the AGDG site, which is the most adaptable? Like, which one has the widest range of efficient/practical application? I just wanna avoid learning a program and then finding out it's really only good for one niche of game types. Is there one that has more ubiquitously applicable fundamentals. Once that, once learned, can be applied to other systems, more than the alternatives? Like how once you learn photoshop or illustrator or the like, you can half-way figure out other image editing programs.
My current MO is to teach myself programming and make a simple pong clone or something for practice, and then work on one of two brain eggs; both of which would be 2D (a platformer and an adventure game). Finishing self-teaching by April, and beginning the development of one of the actual two projects by April or May (I'm a student and work part-time too). There are other ideas that I think would make cool games, which something like Unreal would probably be best for since they're 3D and ideally very pretty, but jumping into something like that would be foolish, so I figure I'll start with pong and move into a mega-man/zelda situation.

I already went to teh AGDG site, but it's information is much more general that what I hoping for.

ok, in that case I'd suggest you start with a simpler card game and build up from there
so, make a black jack game
by the end of that, you'll have systems in place for decks, hands, dealing cards, cards in play area, etc

visual bugs are the best part of gamedev

Game Maker.

that sounds like an absolute number look up nightmare to work with.

>Finishing self-teaching by April


if you are sure about going for 3d, then your options are Unity or Unreal, either would be fine
if you really want to learn programming, then c++ and either SFML or SDL

it is not that bad. you write it once and it's done forever, infinitely* scalable (until you go beyond the size of uint64)

(your MC is a QT)

Chance of dupes there.

I'm too lazy to write a jsFiddle of this right now, but I think it would be worse, and the thing with the O(1) lookup time is that the hash could take a long ass time to compute and you are still going through a list of hashes to get the actual value, so the performance might be even worse (not sure though, Ive only ever used hasmaps, never implemented one myself).

I'm done with it, the solution works, it gives uniformly distributed suspects, and computes super fast anyways, so I think there's no need to over engineer it. I'm now working on a city map generation to diversify the scenery in the game.

Anyways, pretty glad my shitty code got you guys interested.

New meaning to pear shaped figure.

she a pear nigga

If your doing what I think your doing.unnecessary optimization.

that is funny though, reminds me of a time I tried to make a game with the earth to scale down to 5*5 foot squares. I could have did it but thats a lot of squares.

yeah I think the for loops is fine for this case, but the conversation seemed to steer towards theoretical better ways. if it was something that took 5+ seconds or had to be done in regular intervals then you'd want to change it

Make an Ability class. Give the Ability class a list of IAbilityEffects. All these novel effects have to be their own class which implements IAbilityEffect.

IAbilityEffect is a few simple functions like UseAbility(onTarget) and useAbility(onLocation).

Is lumberyard usable? What language does it use for scripting?

3D would be later, if after I finish one of the 2D projects I feel more confident in my abilities than I am about whichever project I didn't do. A 2D platformer or adventure game would be the first order of business after practice pong. And yes, I very much intend to learn proper programming, so I will google SFML and SDL.

How much of unity's reputation for putting out buggy games is actually the system's fault?

Just the basics. I'm sure I'll still be learning through and past the second project.

2d go with game maker
3d go with unreal or unity

that's really the only defining factor. all three are general purpose engines that should be able to do whatever you want in them.

unless you're trying to make an mmo or some dumb shit

>How much of unity's reputation for putting out buggy games is actually the system's fault?
it's always the programmers fault

it's a weird room. it actually starts in the water and is completely helpless. fire projectiles evaporite immediately as it fires them while submerged. and since it moves slower underwater and pushes itself backwards when firing the bomb, it will potentially never leave water. (pic. unrelated)

> unless you're trying to make an mmo or some dumb shit
10 years ago I probably would be

>2d go with game maker
it doesn't make sense to recommend game maker to someone who wants to learn programming

It's like the generated everything universe that everyone goes through. If it goes to far you end up with "open sky on steam now". I think everyone goes through that?

bullshit. gm is one of the easier ways to ease somebody into coding/general gamedev workflow. worked for me.

Some weapons so far, polishing required but it gives an idea of what I'm going for.
I'm the kind of mad man who wants 100+ weapons in this so all suggestions are welcome.

then you get stuck in the big open world simulator, then some crafting game. maybe just me.

example combos


pic related is times, the 0.003 is when i accidentally ran the algorithm while i was still writing the result of the previous algorithm to a text file. also, my algorithm always produces exactly the amount of unique combos i tell it to and never ever iterates over every possible combination unless i tell it

I'm going to be learning C++, and probably other languages, as part of my day-job training (Computer Sciences. & Information Technologies). Anything I can do to get a lead is going to help though, so I'll google the aforementioned guides(?) regardless of what system I go with.

Pretty much the only languages that don't use c++ are Unity and Game Maker.

It's one of the easier ways to teach someone all the worst ways to program.

>Bug becomes feature.

wait i made a mistake ignore that

cool, code?

I don't see it that way
it's like recommending someone who wants to be an architect to first spend a few months building things with Legos
Yeah, they could do that, and they might learn something
but it would make more sense to start them on Legos when they were 5 years old, not when they're an adult

Also, how does the legality of the free-versions of these systems usually work? Just be sure to buy the full version before you release?

there is no cost associated with C++ or SFML or SDL, they're free

(I don't get tired of hearing it. thanks!)

What would you guys recommend then, aside from Game Maker?

just learn to program and then use a real programming language
then you can choose whatever you like best among unity, ue4, sdl, sfml, etc

> okay, but what about systems like GM or Unreal?

game maker is good for a beginner. If your plans get to big, you will run up against a wall.

unreal is also free
after your game makes $x in sales, you then start paying y% royalties
I don't recall the exact numbers
GM I don't know

actually i don't think i made a mistake, i'm just tired

Fixed an issue where planets were actually using the same set of rules for generation so they felt extremely samey, also properly including things like water and destructible "coating" on terrain that you can blast away to look for resources.

Also very unfortunate generation for this clip considering it's an ice planet with everything blue anyways.

Keep going.
(cleaned it up)

i love this meme

thats pretty cool

cute cubes

How's godot? and is it something I can learn without prior programming experience or should I start somewhere else?

also, what are some good books to read for learning regular programming languages?

Also is Codeacademy worth it?

for the record this is a different person from

explain how it makes sense to recommend something that isn't a programming language to someone who wants to learn programming?

All weebs are the same.

you learn very basic programming. And maybe a little advanced stuff.

that is not a proper analogy. gml isn't pseudocode, it provides a perfectly valid framework to learn all of the basic programming tasks.

it's bewildering to me that "game maker" is supposed to be too hard to figure out when "just learning some actual code" is both more abstract and still requires you to fuck around with shit like minGW which is about ten degrees more harmful to somebody just starting out.