All of these terms get used almost interchangeably nowadays:
Country, nation, state, nation-state
What are the actual definitions and differences?
All of these terms get used almost interchangeably nowadays:
Country, nation, state, nation-state
What are the actual definitions and differences?
country is a land belonging to certain nation and state is authority ruling over certain land. when the state has authority over at least most of the country and that country alone it's a nation-state.
you're saying the state is the majority entity holding on capacity to violence? ie a fictious corporation-meme?
What is a nation though?
a communist corporation with human birth certificates as stock (literally both cattle in a pen & capital)
t illusionary lines for fictious boundaries & fictious monetary policies & currency
i wouldnt say the stock are egalitarianly valued hence the paradox of the whole example
in b4 my communism gets called out
THE central tenent of the communist manifesto is a centralised bank with no competition for money species
A group of people who share a common language, ancestry, history, culture, genetic makeup, territorial history, and religious tradition(s).
The French nation inhabits the country of France and is governed by the state of the République française.
A nation-state is a state that is concerned with, promotes, and advances the general strength, wellbeing, protection, and care for a nation. The Japanese state (Nippon-koku) promotes the general interests of the Japanese people at the exclusion or possible detriment of other, non-Japanese peoples and nations. Not out of malice, but out of the fact that a nation-state is created with the intention of advancing the interests of the nation and ONLY the nation.
What the hell is that the unholy Photoshop Union of a puma and a pitbull?
a nation has a central bank like a owner with a million leashes to each of its citizens necks
why not make them armed citizenry with ak47s and shit that a re hyper enlightened trans gen etc?!
australia is literally the most perfect scenario ull ever get a chance at it with.
A discrete area of Land defined by culture and history.
A group of people sharing a common identity
a political construct exerting authority over a land and it's people
A State that claims it's legitimacy by representing a nation and it's interests
These words are sometimes used interchangeably but they are very different things.
Take Ireland for example. It is a single country divided between two states, the Republic of Ireland being a nation state, Northern Ireland a province belonging to a multinational state. Ireland is inhabited by two nations, the Irish and the British (though a third "Northern Irish" identity is forming slowly), and 4 ethnicities, the Gaelic Irish, the Anglo-Irish, the Ulster-Scots and the Irish Travellers.
Hopefully this did well to illustrate the differences. between a country, a state and a nation.
That Ireland example is great. Thanks user!
Thanks Based user.
Pretty much this.
Nations: Scotland and England
State: United Kingdom
What about the country?