I hope you continue to not get any usable epics/savior weapons this weekend /dfog/!
Sebastian Cruz
Things described as "better than nothing"are almost always worse than nothing.
Elijah Gomez
Kind of like playing M Spit.
Levi Young
Anyone else remember when neople first brought back DFO, and some anons were all like "DFO is gonna die again", "Ohh DFO is DEAD DEAD DEAD", well I bet those anons ain't saying shit anymore.
In all honesty I'm so happy we have DFO again
Joshua Phillips
DFO doomsayers have been around since Nexon launch and they are still around.
Cameron Thomas
Mr. Lee said there was a high chance of failure when they launched but they still wanted to try it. It makes me happy we're still around.
Eli Collins
What's so fucking hard about making memespit any better without removing fun or gutting already existing builds? >Give a Tag Gun skill to mark enemies instead of that machine gun thing, allow certain skills to autotarget said marked enemy. Bonus points if it also boosts debuffs. >Give black roses micromanagement controls including an autotarget feature on marked enemies, suju treatment, and the ability for the harem to shoot while moving >Give him a toggle moving shot buff (because that shit's fun), and bullets become either unlimited or at least reloadable in a way that doesn't fuck up any swaps. >Bring back bullet sharing for fuck sake, and give additional benefits for anyone who's not a ranger. >Danger Close becomes a toggle like evolution chaser, make it focus and increase attack speed on marked enemies. Make it cost a small amount of mana per shot if necessary. Also keep the burning ground for proc memespit funtimes >Revert Neil to the original self and give it a toggleable passive that lets him automatically shoot enemies for you. >2nd awakening passive lets black roses to use some of the tacticool shit for you ala m mech's passive so you can keep tapping X while dropping claymores and shit instead of just being a lame ass damage buff. >Supernova becomes roomwide AoE. >The vortex mine is fine, might need a bigger AoE though. And that's just on top of my head.
Cooper Ramirez
Me too. Was pretty stoked the first time I heard the news and am still glad it's around for the global audience.
>balance the class so it does better while retaining the charm of the base class and makes things more intuitive I don't get how Koreans find it so hard either.
Cooper Nguyen
Is it better to do hells in a party or alone
Julian Brooks
Alone, just like my life
Logan Robinson
What did she mean by this?
Dominic Sanchez
>"My class is shit!"
Nicholas Watson
Summoner, Witch or suicide?
Anthony Young
Rangers Samurai
Leo Price
b my fmage gf :3c
Owen Myers
Guide should be edited, the frozen scythe actually outclasses lib scythe, so that's usable for Avenger.
Charles Reyes
But to pick that, you'd have to play Avenger.
Benjamin Clark
Well, yes, I'm assuming the Avenger portion of that guide wasn't really meant for anyone other than those three people.
Josiah Sanders
>lose my internet right at 12:00 >Start the New Year's wasting a hell ticket
Happy New Year's to /dfog/. Here's to another year of omg (lol)s, eurobeat gassing, male
mages, Tessa...s, WHENs, NOWs, moms, Break Your Crack, ebins, bugbugs, and the new memes of 2107
And fuck you, Axtea, think I wouldn't see that shit?
Lucas Nguyen
What frozen scythe are yall talking about?
Oliver Ramirez
Happy new year, have a drink on mom
Christian Garcia
What accessories should I get from my 2 boxes?
Nolan Cox
crappy new year, /dfog/
Justin Diaz
>And fuck you, Axtea, think I wouldn't see that shit? SHEEEEIT
Easton Parker
>buy mj >cute gays >nyangko retarded
Grayson Fisher
>female user please making eat okay
This general is slut infested
Samuel Sullivan
I just want dinner from a femanon once
Ian Reyes
>Leveling up a F Spitfire for the 1+1 event >enjoying it >look up the rework they get in the future >take out everything fun about the class
>Run hells all day >Get 2pc Reqium, 2pc super armor plate on pexo >Get Balmung on WM >Get last peice of amnesia set on sader Get lucky faggot.
Easton Carter
>finished another epic set >that's 2 (two) finished epics sets due to the event
happy new year (^:
Liam Bennett
Can I borrow your lucky faggot?
Hunter Harris
No, but you can borrow my unlucky faggot.
Wyatt Gray
This male male is mine back off.
Easton Collins
>finished 3 (three) epic sets thanks to this event danks nipple :^D
Jayden Ward
I've thinking about htis more, and I'm actually mad about this. Flying across the air and spamming grenades as fun as fucking hell, killing that is fucking retarded and ruins a fun as hell class. Welp, at least now I know not to brother to gear it up if i hit max level with it.
Henry Young
When will they make Epic Chrons?
Kayden Taylor
I thought it was fun too, but it got really boring in the higher levels.
Daniel Watson
>killing that is fucking retarded and ruins a fun as hell class That's what happens when you only select feedback that comes from people that only stick to what's meta :^)
Parker Lewis
Since raid was released I've noticed something, and I don't know if it's just a coincidence.
I've noticed that people who call classes by their 2nd awakening name almost ways turn out to be complete fucking shitters who don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Anyone else notice this?
Blake Kelly
Perhaps it did, but still completely reworking a entire class for no good reason is the dumbest shit.
On that note, I just gotten back into the game like a month ago, and I believe the rework came out in October for Korea? Did any other classes get fucked up like that?
Cameron Wood
That sounds dumb. You're dumb.
Jack Anderson
that picture is dumb
Noah Williams
Everyone I know calls the classes by their level 15 class. WM, BM, Asura, etc.
No. I know you might find this hard to believe, but pretty much every class got buffed and reworked to make them significantly better and more enjoyable.
James Flores
i think it mostly depends on the character length asura and indra are both 5 letters so they're interchangeable same with sader and saint don't think anyone calls rogue by any of her awakenings or kuno1 by any of hers always dt over nemesis always ds over deicide always sm over majesty prime vs mmech is common because again 5chars but nobody calls fmech optimus (unless they're making an optimus prime pun)
Ryder Evans
>I know you might find this hard to believe, I mean yeah I admit I'm probably being a bit stupid about the spitfire thing, but no I can perfectly believe that it was a decent rework on the whole.
Justin Parker
The spitfire one kinda came out of left field for everyone. Even now Korea doesn't really know what's going on with it, other than that bullet spit is still good. Fbrawl and Avenger initially emerged (very) poorly from the rework but they've since gained traction.
Sebastian Taylor
Well, that's good to hear at least. I wasn't really intending on maining spitfire or anything, but I just got the second awakening today and vomiting all of the grenades was fun as hell, so knowing that goes away is just a bit disappointing.
Any place where I can read the list of changes to the classes? Would like to know what to look forward to.
You'll have to sift through it a bit, but it's all there. Only problem is that we have some of the changes and not others, but whatever.
Jayden Murphy
where did you find this?
Jonathan Cox
This is stupid
Landon King
Thanks user-kun, I appreciate it.
Jaxson Flores
The only one with the word Frozen in its name.
Landon Adams
>Nobody gives a shit about Male Mage >Nobody gives a shit about Thief >Nobody gives a shit about Demonic Lancer >People actively dislike Knight >Everybody is hyped as fuck about female Priest
so when will Neople realize nobody gives a shit about new classes unless they're new genders with mostly the same subclasses?
Nicholas Ramirez
Does vanguard need a rework?
Alexander Adams
I made a default knight and stuck with her till 67 during the knight event, then once i wasn't able to get the knight event stuff at 70 i decided to spec her elven, stupid move on my part because elven playstyle was difficult.
Point is, knight class by herself is really fun, albeit she was an mp guzzling slut, looking back, I should have never sub classed her and just get her to 85.
Xavier Reyes
Both lancers need a rework.
Eli Scott
So I'm making a M.mech so I can lvl future alts faster.
Devil's Toybox seems like the best bet for making auto room clear Tempest's, but what about the best magic stone, sub equipment or weapons for a reasonably cheap price?
Eli Morgan
>Magic stone Selist's tear works fine >Sub equip I use the chron sub, other subs aren't that good if you're going for cheap >Weapons You can get by with just a halidumb weapon if you want to level alts and just that. Otherwise I'd say grab a driving part, there's one on ah for just 45mil right now which is a pretty good price.
Dominic Thomas
45 mil seems like a like when ultimately all i'm getting out of it is +2 tempest, I guess halidumb it is, thanks.
Noah Jenkins
There's an autogun that gives you two tempesters when you summon, but I don't see it on ah right now. It's usually around 30mil if I remember right.
Jeremiah Wood
when are the dumb gooks going to do something about those sub-human chinks
Alexander Nguyen
Closer to 80.
Aaron Thompson
>방깍 >bangkkag >mow >bang kkag >room shovel
Are there no koreabros lurking /dfog/? Can I please get a translation for this chart?
Angel Price
specifically, the misc column? at least for spider set's misc note, please
Elijah Diaz
it's literally just the effects of the items
Liam Jenkins
Which of the F priest do yall think will be the most OP.
No wait, scratch that, what do you think their power levels will be in order from least to greatest?
Tyler Cooper
more specifically the effects of items that don't translate into direct damage increases for the user for example for mana vortex that's where all its cooldown reduction and resets get shoved in so mana vortex is a shit set for raw damage (blue numbers) but the cooldown effects are top tier (red text) for spider queen it's how much def you can expect to shred (방깍) and what % increase of damage it roughly is the damage boost without factoring in def shred is top tier (red) and the def shred by itself is top tier (red)
the reason nobody translated that column is because you can just open the game and look at the text of items
Except I gave a lot of shit about Demonic Lancers. because I love spears and I'm not talking about bugbug's sorry excuse for spears.
Brody Gray
>Except I gave a lot of shit about Demonic Lancers loooool
Owen Ramirez
180 epic souls (900 eyes), 600-900 high grade crystal, and 180 epic frags for a lv85 epic transfer. This seems like nothing when you compare it to crafting an actual epic.
Aaron Jones
So what dungeon do you guys spam for hells?
Evan Young
Metal Brakium
Kayden Jones
It's still almost $1100 worth of hell runs to get the eyes needed.
Eli Ramirez
Lorien Hollow.
Xavier Green
You still need to actually find the epic item you want to transfer on another character and getting 180 epic souls/900 demon eyes is still requires a ton of hell modes to be run. Epic transfer is considered not really worth it in most cases.
Benjamin Lewis
Grandine Power Plant
Jason Gonzalez
Guys I'm a little out of the loop and I'm trying to decide which class to give the growing Unique Weapon from Seria's Equipment Gift Box. Trying to decide between DT, Noblesse, Demon Slayer and F. Spitfire. Which one of those classes benefits the most from the growing weap?
Lucas Phillips
Doesn't matter, it only scales to 75.
Cooper Myers
With half hells it's even easier to obtain eyes, especially on alts. I'm already up to 1.1k and will most likely get 150-200 by the end of the day.
Already have 2 set pieces I need on 2 different alts. 3/5 on my main and it almost feels like cheating with transfer. Eyes is the least of my problems. However I'm not going to do that just yet since I still have a shit ton of DC to burn for 90 cap.