/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Gaijin shills gassed when edition

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NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
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>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>place to actually discuss the game

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for anime

First anime of the year

Second for everyone complaining about the game is a wargaming shill and everyone defending the game is a Gaijin shill

Third for IS-2s

I want to get into war thunger
can you direct me in the right derection?



Be warned

when indeed

All German tanks nerfed when?



>playing warblunder

>it's a 't-34-85 is balanced at 5.0' episode

I have 2074GE what should I buy?

Is there a pic of the US boat tree or planned boats?

I know we aren't getting ships but what's the biggest thing we are getting

hookers and nigger slaves
premium acc. for 1 month

>it's a J7W1 outruns my Hunter F1 and then deletes the entire universe with his cannons episode

>its a leo over extends right into our lines and no one punishes him for it episode

Its New Years nigga go hang out wit friends or something

two stages to get the type 62

You always was a busta cj. Ain't never looking out for your homies nigga.

>grinding for the cucktank
>paying for the cucktank

Is the M48A1 stock any less suffering than the M47?

hope you like apcr bouncy death rounds

why do people complain about the P-47 having a low BR when teebs get fucking hurricanes with 8 rockets at 2.0??

>British Sherman II is 3.7 BR with APCR

>It's 2 BRs lower than the 5.7 Tiger tank so it never faces it or even the captured KV1 at 5.0 BR

106mm pen@1000m against tanks that have an average of 50-80mm of frontal armor.

Literally what were they thinking

so are focke wulfs clap planes but with really fucking good cannons instead of fiddies?

British FW-190 when?


Does anyone have info from the chink leaks on the Zis-2 LVT or Ki-21?
>Not just bouncing

Honestly it's the most appropriately tiered Sherman in game.

where's the download link? u lie

I'm not sure why a 1941 plane with rockets from 1943 has a BR rating low enough where it faces biplanes from the 1930s.

But the P47s are a bit lower than they should be, probably because after 4 years gaijin refuses to release any of the razerback variants.

confederate air force decal when?

The difference is the 190s can roll really well unlike the fat american planes.

because when the other side flies against the edge case where the P-47 is flown right, the tech advantage is huge

it's those fights they remember well, not the other times they simply shat on the 47

>tomorrow people will be getting their Zis LVT and I will just be beginning cause today was the first stage completed so far

damn man

accept me into jg508 pls

why would you want that

Name a better squadron.

>joining a squadron

>playing with friends

>making friends in a Veeky Forums squadron
what the fuck is wrong with you desu
just fucking join the vg chat if you want that

this is the one of the easiest events in recent history m8, keep up

fuck off you gobshite
the state of you

I'm serious man, why would you want to make friends with a Veeky Forums squadron? You've seen what the teamspeak alone did to this place regularly, right? You're not that new, right?

>tfw the only person in the sim queue for 20+ minutes

Holy shit, fucking KEKS. jg508 is the best out there (and in here)
u niggers are just jealous of the quality there.

>Veeky Forums squadron
i mean you can be good at flying fake airplanes and also be generally unpleasant to be around you know

nah m8, quality gets hate.

>not joining THINK


>not joining PONY


CD508 when? :3

Today's event has to be one of the worst I've ever seen.

It's just Hurricanes with rockets constantly.


new year's fireworks sounds a lot like b0ris' sound mod

>Stuka laser minigun pods

set it to fullscreen instead of fullscreen window

that worked for me

its going to change in 2 hours right

when ?

wat da fug is this transformers shit

hangar reverted when?

>not liking the xmas hanger
>all the festive decorations
>giant tree at hanger and seaplane dock
>tanks together with planes again on the hanger
>fireworks constantly going up

its the comfiest fucking hanger

100x better than the awful Halloween hanger we had this year

user I'm joking
it's comfy af

i hope they keep it throughout january

>shoot leo in turret
>nothing happens
>see replay
>hit him but no damage

why is the scorpion in the light tank tree despite being a tank destroyer and the US tank destroyer tree needing more tanks?

follow up question, is it good?

so Veeky Forums, have you compared yourself to the turbo scrubs yet?

They needed to make it harder to get the Sheridan


slav defence force is working overtime

Where do I do this?

warthunder.com/en/infograf/ You'll need to track your user # down via the website but put it after /infograf/ and you're away.

that's pretty average results

>its another episode of hand held tiger boo ulq railgunning me across the map through 5 trees

>not shooting him back through 6 trees

i thought it was a fucking meme

>mfw you're just jelly that you're not part of the fun club


>being a globalist


how can it be so difficult to produce good events, gaijin

are you all fucking retarded?


sry small family company(((

Fuck off niggerloving nazi.

>be eu
>literally import niggers
>calls anyone else a nigger lover

t. 40% white

the only non-whites in my country are slav immigrants

What? There's no EU in Warthunder.

What are your ideas user?

uninstall warblunder

why isn't this color in the game?

because I fuck you're mather you son of bitch

How is the Sherman II? Any good? Worth getting?

Its a sherman

why isn't this color in the game?

thanks doc

thanks doc

Those shitty recolor.

Because it's not a color photo.

>No ships planned


impossible to implement (((((

I think this recolor is very wrong....

Same problem they had with big tank maps. No one tried to flank on them because the game modes are shit and bottleneck people into just going to the cap, otherwise they lose. So instead of fixing the problem they change something that isn't broken.