What tools are in your kit Veeky Forums?

what tools are in your kit Veeky Forums?

Why is there a cut on her arm?

also those stockings are cute

Duct tape.
Zip ties.
Krazy glue.
Sawz all.

Standard socket and wrench kit with certain detachable screwdriver bits.
Large apex bits set
Bleeder hand pump
Jack w/ a couple stands
Oil filter wrench.
Electric impact wrench.
One $6 32mm socket that I used only once.

Pretty basic.

cheap shitty ratchet set (1/4 and 3/8 drives on the same ratchet like pic related)
some screw drivers

>tfw poor

Probably from trying to shave her hairy arms

>tool kits
>Veeky Forums

Why would a boar for benchracing busriders have a tool kit?


$50 Rachel set
Lug wrench
Duct tape
Bungee chords

Socket wrench set
Screwdriver set
Several pliers/snips
Wire cutters
Assorted zip ties
Assorted Tape
Crazy Glue
Assorted nuts and bolts and washers
Rolls of wiring
WD-40 and Lithium Grease
Little bottles of fluids and a funnel
Dahl Brand Steel Strapping.


Torque Wrench
Maybe a drill for putting holes in metal?

More like sexy time. That's why she got cut on the neck too.

Tire tire iron and jack that came with the car, most of pic related that also came with car + a small socket set and a quart of oil


>not having a Casio calculator and earmuffs in your kit so you can benchrace other Veeky Forumstists while riding the bus and keeping yourself warm
get a lot of this pleb

I'd put my tool in her kit

In the show she gets decapitated, and then she gets resurrected I think. Those are the "scars".

I don't have any tools, if there is something wrong with my car is just bring it to my mechanic.

First Aid Kit
5lb Fire Extinguisher
6 Road Flares
3 D cell Mag lite with extra batteries
1 gallon drinking water
Insulated work gloves
Tire Chains
Husky bag with sockets, wrenches, pliers, and zip ties

Socket set (1/4",3/8",1/2" drives)
Box wrench set
Adjustable wrenches
Torque wrench
Breaker bar
Oil filter wrench
Floor jack
Jack stands
Allen key set
Torx wrench set
Screwdrivers of various sizes
OBDII reader
Air compressor


>A multimeter.

That is the tool that makes the difference between a part changer and an actual intelligent mechanic.

An intelligent mechanic would own a Benz 190 2.5 turbo diesel 5 speed which would make the multimeter unnecessay.

My tool collection is pretty extensive tbqh

>Half inch impact wrench
>110 ft/lb torque wrench
>quarter inch socket/wrench kit
>smaller sized 3/8th inch socket/wrench kit
>MotionPro 3/8" T-Handle socket wrench thingy
>T-handle allen wrench in every single size
>two hammers
>kobalt drill bits + adapter to use with my impact wrench

Okay good so i just bought a Volvo and there's torx) Alan shit everywhere. What tools will i need to transition in my car? I used to be a jdm fag but now I'm growing up and would rather be comfortable. Anyone have a good torx bit recommendation?


Plz help