Why do americans make so much money?
I'm from Germany and even though we're (still) first world and quite a rich country, middle class in USA is upper class in Germany, while american upper class is already unreachable for us.
And that even though americans are pretty stupid on average.
What is it? Taxes? Muh Freedom? Wallstreet? Petrodollar?
Why do americans make so much money?
Because you're watching too much american tv shows
Everything that you've said is bullshit. Germans got us beat on... Infrastructure, education... Most things
America is actually disorganized and shit. You watch too much tv
Luckily we have trump to fix it all
Per capita? They don't
Germany makes far more
When you take equity into account almost all other countries are richer.
In terms of GDP?
They don't. China is marginally richer
tl;dr you're an idiot looking for a magic pill that doesn't exist
Germans are forced to pay for economic migrants welfare
> Be church volunteer.
> Thinking I'm doing something good for people in POVERTY and are starving
> Show up for my first "church dinner nigh"
> Line is full of Niggers wearing gold chains, Air Jordans, talking on their iPhones
> Niggers in line openly laughing about getting free food & then making plans to go out & get wasted for the night
I volunteered for about 3 events and then stopped because it seemed like I was enabling the criminals instead of actually helping the poor.
American Welfare "Poverty" is basically 2nd world luxury living
and burgers have to pay for niggers
It's already enough browsing Veeky Forums or generally reading how much americans make after getting a useful degree, which is much more than what we make.
My brother has a MSc in finance with years of work experience and doesn't even get 30k per year as an accountant.
>with years of work experience and doesn't even get 30k per year as an accountant
That is EUR of course in this case
>Germans are forced to pay for economic migrants welfare
I guarantee you that 'Mericans pay way more for Nigger welfare than Germans pay for Muslims....
not that either is good, but we waste way more money on welfare than you.
That's why I can't stand social welfare.
I grew up poor. We had food stamps Medicaid etc.
Niggers would sell food stamps so they could buy fancy clothes. They would have kids just to get extra government money. Whenever they got a decent job or promotion they would quit because they didn't want to lose their benefits and would start at the bottom at a new place.
Government assistance doesn't help people. It just enables them to be a leech their entire lives.
Nice Hitler Dubs
Keep in mind OP, America isnt a socialist shithole like Germany is (saying that as a German myself)
You're actually able to keep the biggest part of the money you earn in the US, while here you're gonna have to pay far more than half of your money for all kinds of shit like
Also housing prices in the US are dirt cheap compared to here
tl;dr: Americans dont "make" more money, but they have a much larger percentage of their money for their own use
The other guy is right, americans pay more for social welfare and get far less in return
Use numbers and data since you don't want to use your brain
I'm from the socialist republic of Canada so I pay even more taxes for natives and other shitskins
taxes, social care, pension funds. we in the EU pay for those because of the welfarestate crap and socialdemocracy. Burgers don't have that, they keep the most of what they earn, however if they lose their jobs, they are on the street, if we lose ours we just chill at home and get payed. thats why burgers work more on average, because they HAVE to work, while people in the EU don't.
this is also the reason nobody does shit in the EU entpreneurial wise, since the government is built to fuck you before you even think about going into something. In the US people are encouraged to try creating something on their own, since the tax legislation is easier there.
this idiotic policy comes even harder when you realise that 90% of immigrants come to the EU not to work but to be on welfare, since welfare here is upper class where they come from.
You have the answer written by you.Average stupidity is high....they still are a buying force and power source...basically...
Come to Canada lol
worked in a warehouse and the oldfags there were paid $25 an hour to walk up and down 5-6 rows and put small items in a box.
You can be an unskilled degenerate and still live comfortably with an easy(but boring) filth tier job
pic unrelated
But we do things cheaply. Our houses are made of plywood, or meat is full of hormones and fillers, our cars can barely make 100k miles.
Quite simply, we're nigger rich.
Median household income in the United States is about ~$55,000 gross (before taxes)
The average American household has 2.5 people living in it.
Most places in Americs are affordable enough (low prices of rent, housing, food, services) and have low enough taxes to afford a good life for 3 people for $55,000 a year. The flip side is we have to save more to boost our net worth because our retirement system isn't nearly as generous as most EU nations.
merica is awesome
I make decent money at 22 and it is not even enough to start s family literally 90% of the population makes under $15/hr
europeans pay HUGE amounts of taxes on their income, AND their government literally forces them to buy into the state operated insurance schemes, which charge fees as a percentage of income, so it's effectively even MORE tax.
also, due to a gorillion of specialized additional taxes and regulations, pretty much everything is significantly more expensive in europe than it is in america. electricity, food, cars, gas, real estate - all MUCH more expensive, mostly due to huge tax burden (more than half of the price of gasoline in germany consists of various taxes)
but hey, even though our governments exploit us for the benefit of third world immigrants, at least we can keep our smug sense of superiority towards americans and look down on them for not doing the same :^)
Most Americans are in a shit load of debt (video related). You have your health care and education covered. The quality of life is better in northern europe.
Germany has very high taxes but you also reap the social benefits not found in America.
For example, my German colleagues get a minimum 1 month paid vacation. The pay is less for the same work, but they are restricted to 35 hours a week instead of 40.
>white american average IQ is around 103-104
>germany average IQ is 99
>over 200 million whites in america
>80 million whites in germany
More land per capita exploited by a smarter on average core populace with a larger common market to do business in and less overall welfare burden on the productive parts of society.
Everything you hear in the news regarding national rankings is a lie to keep the plebs ignorant. All those immigrants coming into your country arent going to grow your economy, they are just going to form the new low strata of society (like blacks and latinos in america) so that those in the business of providing government services can make more money off your tax dollars at the expense of the rest of the economy.
Germans earn less than folks in Mississippi... pathetic. You can thank socialist programs rampant in Europe. Switzerland and Luxembourg have it figured out though.
Bullshit. Any decent bank should pay him like 50-60k
America has always been a plutocracy and has a large population
20℅ of my shit wage job goes to taxes and I see nothing of it in Indiana. It's the literal definition of sunk cost. I'd gladly pay another 20-30℅ if I actually got healthcare, or public transporation that worked versus the bare minimum to keep shit from falling apart and keeping subsidies for the rich going. Trump's tax cuts are a complete rip off for everyone except people like Trump.
Well I guess the lawn is always greener on the other side.
I'm a kraut who has been an expat for some time.
In Germany you're basically stuck in a mediocre comfyzone.
Healthcare is "free" but it's not great just ok.
Social security check but we're going down the gutter atm.
If you want to become finanicial indepent and have the "inner drive" America is by far the better country.
Germans as a whole are more rude than burgers.
Nothing here is free.
19% VAT. Gas is 1,30 Euros per litre ( 5,30$ per gallon)
Plus our military forces are hollowed out corpse.
Oh and for the records.
In Germany I earned about 45k Euros but the Benefits where much better. Like 30 days paid holidays etc
In the US I started with 73K.
This is roughly the truth. The reality is, America can't ever have a working socialist policy without national unity. Tribalism is alive and real.
Weil wir 50% Steuern zahlen dürfen, um Achmeds 8 Kinder zu finanzieren und 100000 Regulierungen haben, damit nicht irgendwelche scheiss Käferarten draufgehen.
Because we don't leverage our assets as much.
>Keep in mind OP, America isnt a socialist shithole like Germany is (saying that as a German myself)
>You're actually able to keep the biggest part of the money you earn in the US, while here you're gonna have to pay far more than half of your money for all kinds of shit like
Fucking this, goddamn I hate the taxation here. If I ever get a chance to fuck off to the USA I'm outta here. Though I'd prefer a country where they didn't hand every retard a firearm.
>And that even though americans are pretty stupid on average.
That's not true at all. Americans are very hard working people. Almost everyone wants to go to a good college. They bust their asses off
t. Finland
we lazy as fuck
It's funny that you guys like to complain about welfare for Blacks being too costly when poor Whites are substantially larger in number and cost substantially more. Blacks in poverty are a larger percentage, but most of your welfare dollars go to poor, dumb Whites.
And since you either don't know this or ignore this, and instead complain about Blacks, you're racist. Period.
>That's not true at all. Americans are very hard working people. Almost everyone wants to go to a good college. They bust their asses off
You've obviously never been in the South or rural Midwest. Americans are lazy, entitled, and ignorant. Whites and Blacks.
Canadian here, cleared $2355 after taxes on this weeks check. Get on it.
Doing what?
Because Americans generally put every expense on credit whereas Europeans generally pay for everything out of their own pockets.
They have a shitton of debt so they are living like kings with money that isn't theirs.
This is also why a bunch of burgers that were relatively wealthy before '08 are now literally living under bridges or in sewers.
Also, in the EU we have social security nets which are unexistent in the US. So eventhough the sandpeople come to take advantage of our securities, we still have the upperhand.
nice job believing the lügenpresse, hans
apprentice steamfitter in the alberta oil sands
nice try you dumb nigger, you're 13% of the U.S. population yet you make up 50% of crime and receive 25% of food stamp funding
It's not that welfare money makes you a bad person, it's that bad people are on welfare. Almost every black drug dealer and criminal is on welfare. Why wouldn't they be? They have a 100% welfare approval rate if they're unemployed thanks to Affirmative Action, and drug trade/crime isn't reported income. It's free money for bad people. It needs to be stopped.
Repeal Affirmative Action.
If you look at median wealth per person, USA are behind France, Italy, UK, Netherlands and just in front of Germany. So many americans are poorer than europeans, its only the top 1% in the USA who makes a lot more than everybody else.
You are comparing white american iq with general germany iq but germany has a lot of turkish african slavic immigrants and there is only 4 points difference including them. I bet white germany iq is above 104.
I live in the United States and have pondered on moving to Budapest for many years do to friends and family there.
>Senior Systems Engineer
$108,000/yr +
$60,000/yr if lucky
I think the deal here is purchasing power and cost of living. $40,000/yr in Atlanta gets you a basic apartment while $40,000/yr in Prague and smaller German cities gets you much more.
>iq makes up for the niggers
>not high enough for not letting this shit happen in the first place
perhaps IQ is just a meme?
I knew it was Alberta trades work. I'm a scaffolder making a little less. What do you do on a day to day basis?
>$40,000/yr in Atlanta gets you a basic apartment while $40,000/yr in Prague and smaller German cities gets you much more.
Quite the opposite. Europe is the most expensive continent for real estate by far. Picture entire countries with NY, CA, and MA home prices.
60k$ in bulgaria is 12 the average salary, you would live like a king there but Im surprised any company would pay that for a systems engineer
No this is only true in some capital cities like London, Paris, Amsterdam, Luxemburg, Zurich, Dublin... Outside of these, its very affordable but the salaries and opportunities wont be the same depending on what you do.
May be true but certainly not Prague. Atlanta has many condos and houses available for 80k USD, which is 2m czk.
There are not nearly as many apartments, not even houses, available for 2m czk. It's more expensive, you'll need a different city.
>get 6 figure job in US
>save $300,000 over 10 years
>move to Bulgaria as royalty
>retire at 35
>bang escorts for remainder of life
What the fuck is this bull shit? How do we not know who's getting are money?
I'd take pride in being an expat to Bulgaria if they survive the refugee crisis. They're not even in the fucking EU and yet the EU is trying to punish them for not accommodating the 3,000 ILLEGAL refugees well enough. Bulgaria never agreed to take anyone in, and they're the only ones who did a census of their "visitors". 3000 men, 20 women, 5 children. Riots happening now in Bulgaria and of course the "journalists" are taking pictures of the 5 kids and 20 women. They might get the Serbia treatment soon and be introduced to the wrong end of some NATO jet fighters for getting in the way.
Luckily it's only 3,000 and not Germany numbers. Hopefully situations improve though.
What are Germany numbers? King Nigger took in 10,000 this past year.
Germany was 1,000,000 in 2015. Now it's predicted at 2,000,000 that they know of, but they've lost control of census. At least 3% of the population in Germany is not white, not Geman cultured, doesn't speak German, and moved there within the last TWO YEARS. Also, 70% are fighting aged men (18-35), the other 30% also included men over 35 and "boys" 16-17.
That would be like replacing an entire State of Americans with middle eastern fighting aged men. Then replacing another state with half fighting aged men and half civilians.
It's bad. Angela Merkel killed the country she was elected to represent and protect, all so she could look "progressive".
I may try something like that in Asia but 300k is a bit low, I would look for 600k+ so you can live well with a 4% low risk account
Its not the IQ that makes the difference but ignorant stupidity in believing lies from gov.
>Now it's predicted at 2,000,000 that they know of, but they've lost control of census.
Damn that's bad, I was just over there this summer visiting family, whole city where I used to live was filled with shitskins. Had a terrorist blow himself up there too. Didn't know the numbers are that high, but I don't doubt it.
This 100%
Kansasfag checking in.
>Germans are forced to pay for economic migrants welfare.
Yuuup. Living in literally the shit ties to town in Kansas and driving to all major cities shows me that like 10% of the poor even want a job. And only half of those haven't given up hope.
Cause these guys are lying poorfags or fucking layers taxed at 50%. Germany has us beat on almost every level
The fuck u do user. Between the ghettos of all races and the fucking mexicans half my check goes to some useless cuck
>here in the UK 25k is the average graduate salary for STEM
Either Americans get paid twice as much as us or the internet is full of shit
You already do. Kek.
Property tax, sales tax, death tax, car tag, etc. U forgot that on top of your 29% tax.
Me and u live on what's called 50% money. Because 1 way or another our crooked faggot gubment will take half of it.
>largest share of welfare dollars: Whites
Thanks for proving my point, Gomer. Enjoy your government cheese.
>implying there are no bad, poor White people
Jesus, the degree of your denial and ignorance is mind-boggling.
Lol. We are taxed even more faggot. They just get more creative.
>nigger detected.
I was raised with black friends and to not be racist. Then I lived in coffeyville and Wichita.
Now after being around blacks I am racist.
Gtfo jiggaboo. And go get a fucking job instead of robbing me at gunpoint Tyquan.
Why do you want high federal taxes?
If you want socialized health care and public transportation you should be campaigning for your state government to implement it. The federal government doesn't give a fuck about Indiana and your federal taxes go to Mexicans in California.
We also pay more in taxes... and our shit costs more. It's fucking worse trust me. Or come find out yourself. If the fuck that u can come vote and get on Healthcare tells us anything then u may as well start fortifying your cuckshed for the inevitable vagrant raids.
Yet another poor White trying to get more welfare he doesn't deserve. You disgust me.
Time to bring back mandatory castration for low IQ Whites, like the good ol days.
> that crime tho
>that crime tho
Acknowledging that there are crime problems in the poor Black communities doesn't mean we also turn a blind eye to crime in the poor White communities. And remember that this is Veeky Forums and we're talking about welfare dollars, not crime rates.
Uneducated Whites are new welfare queens of America. Prove me wrong.
I never once implied there were not bad white people. I said I am tired of paying for black criminals. I'm also tired of paying for white criminals, but blacks commit more violent and drug related crime in the US despite having not even 1/5 the same population percentage as whites.
Your cognitive dissonance is showing.
No your ignorance and racism is showing.
You're tired of paying for criminals. Because they're criminals. Period. No problem there, lots of people agree.
But that you single out Blacks makes you a racist piece of shit. Check yourself, redneck.
you gotta pick your charity wisely in the usa.
Butthurt nigger detected. You mad Trump got elected?
>You mad Trump got elected?
No, not mad, just disappointed that the American education system failed so badly. There's way too many uneducated people in the country, but they'll die off soon.
Not to mention, my portofio is up over $600,000 since the election alone. You dumb Trumpfags just made the rich even richer. How much have you made?
Meanwhile, your "savior" has broken every single promise he made to swindle your vote.
>by fulling the cabinet with career politicians, Goldman Sachs bankers, and billionaires.
>and by "millions" I mean a few thousand
>and by "day one" I mean after three years, because the wealthy healthcare industry asked me to slow it down
>an entirely metaphorical, non-corporeal wall, but you dummies are too stupid to know what a metaphor is, so fuck you, amirite
This is Darwin in real life. Uneducated whites are literally going to get fucked into submission by their corporate overlords, while the liberals ride it out in our sanctuary cities and wait to sweep up your ashes.
So who's mad? Me or you?
why didn't Hitler coordinate better with Japan?
If Germany and Japan had just attacked Russia at the same time, you fags would have won WW II. You fucked it up.
You been watching too much American TV. Low income people live like shit, and people who have college degrees are drowning in debt. Many live pay check to pay check just trying to keep up with their neighbors.
People in rural America resemble people living in 3rd world towns, and the people in the developed areas are up their ass in debt. this includes cars, home mortgages, and credit cards.
People who have their houses all paid for in the blue area are a rarity. And the red is savage country.
oh would you just shut the fuck up you big cry baby. Why the fuck are people that oppose trump such big fucking cry babys? holy shit.
Yeah, you're mad. I wonder why? Because you know I'm right and you know you're a stupid redneck who got duped?
I'm not crying. I'm laughing at you and counting the money made me, Gomer.
i really don't give a shit kid.
and judging by all your post itt you are obviously a person of color and think you know alot about life just because you know just a little more than the average person of color (which isn't alot). so please stop crying, you are making trump look better by being a huge cry baby.
Great video and so true. I used to do audits for the IRS on small business, and many times the owners can only buy food with credit cards. There are people who make over 100k a years, but own 5 houses on credit instead of one fully paid for.
Some of this guys can perform open heart surgery, but their financial knowledge is that of a single teen mother (with a 150k income). A lot of people and specially "business insiders" are always eager to part them with their money.
40 hours? Pffft, at my place we work 50+ hours a week, and its under salary. Meaning we get paid a flat rate no matter how many hours we put in. I did the math once, and I was making more per hour as an office bitch than I do now as an accountant.
>you are obviously a person of color
Typical dumb Trumpeter. I'm white, rich and proudly live in a sanctuary city where people who wear MAGA hats get spit on daily.
I'll be fine in four years. And a lot richer.
You? Not so much. What a cuck.
>switzerland have figured it out
Shut the fuck up! this is your family.
U mad wite boi