> yfw Kaede die chapter one and the real main trio is Kiibo/Saihara/Rantaro in a full homo-erotic bromance
/drg/ Danganronpa General
Tyler Robinson
Nathan Murphy
Still think Artist girl will kill someone and then the murder weapon will be her mallet she carries with her.
Ayden Clark
Andrew Adams
Of course that those two aren't surviving.
Oliver Peterson
>That obvious
Angie will be a murderer, but the body is going to be deformed and grotesquely arranged and she's going to call it "art" when she's discovered
Robert Fisher
Brandon Jenkins
>'I did it for Kami-sama!'
Ian Sanchez
Oh, right. I forgot the least likeable characters are the ones who survive.
Ethan Cox
Jackson Lopez
That's why the survivors are MC,Angie,Kaito,Tenko and a boring one like Shirogame.