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Mystery hero revealed in 2017 edition

>Overwatch Year-in-Review Developer Update

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heppi new year!


Elf Lena

Jesse McCree
happy new years everybody!

Jamison Fawkes!

Yeti, Mei-rry, or the Zarya emote?

Happy New Year

Xth for giving your tanks cock a nice sloppy kiss after a job well done


my apologies, I must have caught a cold from the colder weather.

Real talk, I dont think Torb will ever be viable no matter what they change about him

Zarya emote gets old fast. Meri-rry is shit. Winston's safari skins are better than yeti.
Get shiver.

Rom a dead

Why are you talking about this hypothetically?
He's viable right now.

Give him two turrets

Why does she look scared???

not scared, surprised




>play a game with someone whose bnet tag is a characters name and they also only play that character for hundreds of hours

some next level autism there.

>trying to have a fun time in QP
>get matched up against a tryhard meta meme comp
>proceed to get shitted on because they refuse to play anything other than the designated OP comp for this season

i really hate this game sometimes, idk why people do this

I already have Shiver

Fuck anyone who thinks Winston+D.va as the only tanks is a good idea


>boob pockets in shirt


You can do it with D.Va if you have a good ana.

get this fuckin porno bullshit outta here

This image sums up 2016 for Overwatch.

Let 2017 bring the conclusion! Canon confirmation here we come folks!

Nah we healslut gen
get used to


>people getting upset at a team comp in qp

when will this meme end?

>Not being Masters or better in 2017

It's been happening since the game was released, so probably never.

Hana Dong

fuck you

>Try to raise my SR
>Try to tank my SR to bronze
>Play only blue click girl
what's more fun


>most played is the most problematic character in the game
>bragging about achieving masters with the most broken piece of shit in Overwatch


Delete this. I'm not even joking.

Black hair Hana is pure sex

You could even say that you're Rom is dead serious.

It just helps reveals how much of a dirty slut she truly is

This. Best skin for her. Every time I see it in a highlight I get hard.

>Natural asian hair color


I honestly don't even have a reaction image for how upset I am right now. May you burn in hell

>First comp game of the year
>+50 SR even though i was getting +20 the past 4 wins
I'm still shit at the game but thanks blizzard, i guess


there is no better burger restaurant than five guys. fact

I just want to fuck a mercy cosplayer or at least fap to porn of it
Why cant this fandom do anything worthwhile


That's actually kinda cute.

Only a fag like you could get this upset.
Maybe you forgot your meds?

IS everything ok?

Don't be afraid to share.
Even though I'm being mean, I care.
And I really don't meat to tilt you that hard.
Don't be afraid to reply.

what the FUCK dude???????????????????
THIS is literally why blueberryfags need to fuck off somewhere else

I can't argue. Haven't been there in like 2 years, I need to head on down tbqhwuf

I saw one that had reaper in ult status going "fries, Fries, FRIES!"

Pretty hilarious honestly

dude what lol

Happy new year guy

Hana's schlong!


clothes don't work like that

When will 76 notice the picture is gone? Will he have a slight panic attack or will be just let it build up in him until he snaps at Ana for no reason?

Who has the picture now...?

Plug suits kind of do.

Hana doesn't eat greasy food

this has me HARD


its canon that she does dude

goddamnit I'm drunk as shit and now I feel stupid

Sorry user

reasons pharmercy is a good ship:
>based on ingame synergy
>not mercy/genji

Mercy/Genji pisses me right off because idiot robotass Genji players spam heal and shouldn't be anywhere near their team's mercy in the first place. they should be fucking flanking. what other ships with characters that actually play well together are good?

So I've been playing with a friend in a 2-stack often, and we get a lot of expliitly stacked games. Either one of us will pull full golds, and the other silver, while the rest of the team shits the bed. What's happening here? Why aren't we getting fair matches? I almost always rate my matches based objectively on fairness, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. My win rate is above 50%, and I feel like the game is trying to move it back down to 50%. The fuck, man? Anyone else getting this?

Explain why I can't see Shinjis print then.

I'll wait.

because Shinji is a girl!

Junkrat + Roadhog
Ana + Reinahrdt

Shinji has a micropenis.

What hero do you usually instalock because you don't trust others to play them well? For me it's pic related

Zarya + Bastion

I trust all my teammates user

Symmetra is pretty damn good now, been playing her for the fuck of it in comp on both attack and defense and have lost very few games.

Now that I've posted this though, I fully expect to go on a losing streak.

Who is best girl and why is she Bastion?

Usually healers since randoms at low plat-high gold focus more on doing damage with them than healing

I lowered my FOV to 90 experimentally and went from 16% widow HSR to 24%

Whata fuk man


what aimbot are you using, thinking of getting one myself

Widowmaker :^)

Because I love Hana I just tried Doritos for the first time. They are not that great desu...

Really? I like them, but I'll generally eat any corn chips so maybe I'm the weird one. What flavor did you try?

Happy new year, west coast

>west coast finally catching up with the rest of the civilized world
No shocker there

What flavor?

>Team tells our 76 to take down the enemy Pharah
>He whines that he can't do it because the support isn't exclusively healing him 24/7

76 Players are cancer


Nacho Cheese, dont get me wrong, they are not bad but I dont understand the hype behind them.

Literally the worst flavor, you dun fucked up.

>Play mystery heroes
>They get 4 tanks and a healer and a korean player gets his widow

>we get 6 useless characters

Really makes you think

>76 on opposite side of map behind enemy lines
>I need healing!
>I need healing!
>I need healing!
>I need healing!
>press E then faggot

What scope sensitivity do you use?

Just had a game where our widow did absolutely nothing. Just stood in spawn doing emotes.

Which one of you waifu faggots was this?

It would be easy for him if he asked a ana to shoot the pharah at least one time, but if they have a dva on the enemy team is really hard to kill the pharah.

It's either that or blue vomit flavor ("""cool ranch""")

What are you on about any hitscan hard counters Pharah