If you wanted to write an African Game of Thrones, what period/area would you base it off?
If you wanted to write an African Game of Thrones, what period/area would you base it off?
Game of thrones is lame, who cares which continent it happens on?
In the Malian or Ethiopian Empires? Those seem like the best candidates for feudal nobility to fight amongst themselves for power.
tbqh an African Game of Thrones does sound cool as fuck. It's a different setting entirely, with different mythology and different customs, so the story would be engaging and fresh. Props to the guy for deciding to actually write it instead of sitting on his ass like tumblr and demanding inclusion.
Portuguese contact era Kongo, pre-vassalization
European enough to be familiar, African enough to be exotic and interesting
Egypt or Ethiopia.
19th century Nigeria. Yoruba city-states fighting amongst themselves, British and French interests jewing and perfidying them and crazy Fulani hordes threatening to Jihad them from the North. Shit would be based
>an shiet
Well, at least I agree with him on this
Game of Thrones would be fitting since the European fantasy setting was in the medieval period for some 6 thousand years.
That's the right way to go about it.
an imaginary one
this 2bh
I agree, I really admire the effort. Exposure to African folklore and history is pretty minor for us westerners, I know fuck-all about any of it.
the main concern would be the costumes and architectural setting of the universe, could it be impressive enough?
anything too tribal would be a put off i imagine
Well they could definitely hollywood it if need be. I doubt the elaborate castle sets and extravagant costumes were the norm in every European court as well.
Really depends on the setting. Mali definitely could be visually impressive enough.
>it's an "Africa has a history I swer" episode
I'll support it but only if it presents both the good and bad of their times; I don't want nigs living peacefully and in harmony until whitey comes along and fucks their shit up
During the Colonial period, focused on colonist of course
Locals can be the wildlife
>it's a "I don't know anything about African history or folklore so I'll sperg out and meme" episode
>african history
What, you mean the few records that survived till now? You can't have history if you haven't written it down
From the way he said "we had witches and mad kings and crazy stories of succession", I'm pretty sure it's going to include the bad times.
Please be polite.
East African / Horn African could be be really interesting. West African folklore is mostly voodoo and witchcraft mumbo-jumbo though.
fuck off
That's what I hope, but you never know
Western Africa had some interesting parts. It's really the Southern tip that's devoid of the right pieces.
Underrated post
get that heresy off my board
The "We Wuz Kangs an SHIIIEET!" era.
Having magic and dragons and various other effects saying "fuck your laws of physics" makes it pretty hard to progress to a more modern world view, and the medieval guild style knowledge hoarding of the magic users limited progress from that angle.
Hell, just look at ancient Egypt and how little it changed between Cheops and Cleopatra besides the Greeks taking over, and that's over half of recorded human history.
Gotta be Old Mali
they already have a heroes journey and an evil warlock and all that fantasy stuff.
All great ideas, but I'd prefer a fictional setting that is heavily grounded in real cultures and loosely inspired by real events, just like ASOIAF. Trying to fit it into a specific time and place would limit the narrative possibilities and invite a lot of nitpicking about what is and isn't accurate. Something that synthesizes west and east Africa would be dope.
Probably during the time of civil wars between Prince Ooga and Prince Booga of the Wardawitwimen Kingdom.
Wasnt he defeated by Weewuh's king?
Nubia during that period they ran Egypt.
You've got backwoods hicks trying to adapt into a much, much older culture, and pharoahs are always filled to the brim with intrigue to begin with.
I'd bet a case of beer that they would just have every Egyptian as black.
I honestly doubt I could write a fantasy-Egypt setting at this point without heavy bleed-over into Stargate lore.
If it's a book, how are you going to tell?
Egypt, Carthage, and Numidia.
no no no you moron, you are thinking of king wewuz of the kang tribe, he was the one defeated by the weewuh's king, the great bixnoodian wars fought right after the collapse of the hwan was all about that shit.
The historical reunification of Ethiopia, or the fall of Axum and the rise of the house Solomonid
It's absolutely fascinating how involved the Kongo Kingdom was in European ecclesiastical politics despite being so far away.
>Portuguese forbid their own clergy from ordaining the Kongos
>Kongo King sends a letter to the Pope asking him to make central Africa its own diocese separate from Portugal
>Pope can't grant the request without making the Portuguese chimp out
>sends a ragtag team of Italian monks to educate the Kongo in the ways of priesthood under Portugal's nose
>couple of the monks gain massive followings and live like petty kings
>hey guys! look at me! i'm being subversive! can i be one of the cool kids now? :)
Thread's theme
Some good fantasy story in an Africa-inspired setting would certainly be awesome. So many fresh ideas for a writer to use. Just remember what a breath of fresh air the Witcher series was which drew heavily from Slavic mythology. And it was still an European setting, with many common themes with typical Anglosaxon fantasy.
So far the only palatable Africa-inspired fantasy setting that I know were the two Magic the Gathering sets from mid 1990s (Mirage and Visions). There were some awesome ideas over there, too bad they didn't flesh it out more. By palatable I mean without all those cringeworthy stereotypes where Africa is either just a background for adventures of White people or a home to noble savages who suffer like Jesus for our sins.
His first novel was about how corrupt 1970s Jamaica was. I think we'll be fine.
That setting was awesome, too bad it wasn't fleshed out more.
Africa doesn't lend itself to cynical stories of intrigue
Most African legends are basically shounen
>10 years old and younger hero
>mysteriously murdered father
>revenge quest
>stupid powerups and asspulls
>gathers friends and allies
>becomes chief of whatever
2nd Congo War
>Africa doesn't lend itself to cynical stories of intrigue
>who is Robert Mugabe
Pic related.
GoT with paratroopers, give me the money already.
To follow up what I wrote, Ethiopian-inspired setting would be awesome.
>Wehni politics
For those unfamiliar, Wehni were luxurious prisons where Ethiopian emperors kept their sons.
>If you wanted to write an African Game of Thrones, what period/area would you base it off?
The period or area do not matter.
If you want to beat GoT at its own game, what matters is the frequency of rapes.
Any will do.
There's a difference between cynical and "good God this entire story is so dark and full of cunts I don't care anymore"
And why do you think that is?
People tend to prefer to hear their own stories
Agreed. What else?
Africa has this shit locked down.
>try to start shit
>have a pleasant exchange instead
Way to go fuckface
is there a good book on modern african wars/civil wars and all the weird twisted shit that went on with all the petty dictators and kings.
I doubt there's been any great effort to compile these stories in a sort of fantasy universe. In China they have wuxia stories and in the west we like our Swords and Sorcery but we have a much longer literary tradition than most African cultures.
>a good book on modern african wars
You know Africa has like 50 different nations in it right? You might have to narrow down your criteria a bit
Don't know of any books in particular but the Liberian Civil War is like a microcosm of every fucked up and bizarre thing that happens in African warfare. The Vice documentary is a classic.
The White Tribe
When a Crocodile Eats the Sun by Peter Godwin
Well, can you really draw parallels between african history and feudal europe, since that is what GoT is based on?
Also, I think it is great someone is actually going and making something like this instead of whining that nobody is doing what they want like most people do.
Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority by I. William Zartman
Anyone know how good this author is? The concept sound really interesting, and I'd really like to read it if he can pull it off well.
A made-up period/area. It would be a fantasy novel, just like the actual Game of Thrones series.
modern day detroit or chicago
except it would be more violent than GoT, and it would make the dothraki look civilized
How fucking retarded are you? Neither of those places are in Africa dipshit
All I know is he published 3 novels, that he has a master's degree in creative writing, and that he's a college teacher of literature.
All those novels are historical fiction set in Jamaica, and this "Black Leopard, Red Wolf" is his very first fantasy novel.
it may as well be
What, books can't describe skin color?
>mommy the racists are at it again
You cannot shame me for being perturbed at vulgarity.
Yeah except for all the rich white people and functioning infrastructure
soooo... any of the dorne scenes?
Anyone got a good book for this? Recent african politics and warfare type stuff?
The Devil came on horseback
>"Black Leopard, Red Wolf"
Ain't the Ethiopian Wolf colored red?
>lock their sons up preemptively to keep them from staging bids for power
>they do it anyways
Yeah but setting it in a real place and time might help people to learn about actual Sub-Saharan African history rather than this Afrocentrist shit, and if you make it fictional retards on here will just shout "WE" at the first sight of anything not completely primitive about the setting.
Then again I guess Afrocentrists and /pol/cats are going to keep their retarded beliefs no matter how it turned out.
>Afrocenterist shit
It's just using Africa to base the setting on, user. Just like Game of Thrones, hell, just like Mount and Blade, too.
Nah, just kidding, I'm sorry.
The Kongo, like everyone else had said. Post-contact, pre-colonzation.
ALthough "African Game of Thrones" reminds me of Haiti rather than Africa itself.
>African Game of Thrones
>Anything Game of Thrones
Please god no more.
That aside, I'd love to see a biopic about the rise and fall of Tewodros II of Ethiopia. His early years as a bandit growing into a regional warlord, his unification of Ethiopia, his attempts to modernise, the death of his wife and his descent into insanity and finally the British expedition and his suicide.
I don't know if it's true, but I remember reading that he shot himself with a pistol that was originally a gift from queen Victoria.
Which, if true, is pretty fucking golden. I just have this mental image of a dour British ambassador handing him the pistol and going "You might need this some day old boy."
>Say something deliberately edgy hoping for a reply
>Get's one, but it's someone making fun of them and calling them out for being edgy
>Says that person is triggered.
This is Veeky Forums. There used to be loli and guro boards, and there used to be threads where people would post pictures of dead kids. We're not triggered, we just find edge lords irritating. Keep it in the echo chamber please.
good times. i want old Veeky Forums back. loli and guro were much more amusing than edgy /pol/fags and offended tumblrinas
Actually happy about this, it's what I've been saying for a while about minorities who demand representation in every aspect of entertainment.
Funny thing is whenever I said it I was mostly called a racist, wonder what the reaction would be here
Loli and guro were only for basement dwelling filth, so basically /pol/fags. there are still loli threads on /b/ though.
The only really genuinely triggered people that I see are /pol/fags.
Sounds good, but what would be most interesting would be a fantasy series based on the Americas before Europeans came. All the mysticism and warring tribes and hallucinogens. The mix of the nomadic tribes of North America and the mesoamerican civilisations as well as the Inuits to the North would be incredible.
played Kisima Inŋitchuŋa and it was hella fun. more native american media please
To be fair, this is pretty much an example of We Wuzzing. The guy's not African, he's Jamaican-American and yet he keeps saying 'we have this, we have that' as if every culture on the African continent was somehow his own. Not that there's anything wrong with a non-African writing a based on Africa, but based on OP's pic with that 'black hobbit' comment, it seems like this guy is racially/politically motivated.
That time Ethiopia BLEW ITALY THE FUCK OUT
>African GOT
The white man already beat him to it. Check out "Nada the lily," it's a fantasy adventure set in Southern Africa during the reign of Shaka Zulu. I do dig the man's mindset.
I hate to blog post, but my interest in the history of a tribe in the Niger Delta, has inspired me to write a story as well. I'm only 50 pages in, and I suck at the whole world building business.
That rule doesn't even exist anymore, you white guilt faggot
There should be an HBO series about the rise and fall of Haile Selassie. Start with the victory at Adwa, end with the Derg takeover.
No one has said anything about Afrocentricism yet dingus
I love how I googled "old Mali people" and literally pictures of old ass modern Mali grandpas came up
The Miocene/Pliocene epoch.