Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
play pantyhose
I love SFV
Why does Broski post on reddit?
play doa
i yall still pickin characters cuz they top tier and not cuz she your wife?
shoulda left that in 2016 homie
Who do you main in Hyde Hitters?
it's a great fighting game!!!
the rashid of the turbulent wind of hyde hitters
some characters (cammy was already mentioned, balrog can do it with s.MK too, not sure who else) can even meaty with medium buttons and still block the headbutt but yeah
the setup i used to record this is really jank but meaty s.LK on necalli is really easy to time on it's own, c.MP is probably doable but im not sure
this webm is probably shit quality but i was lazy
what the fuck are you posting vore for? sicko
literally THE only fighting game that was ever released
>why is someone who uses a tripcode on an anonymous imageboard a redditor?
woah there buddy i almost had to think this one for a moment
Don't talk shit about broski
How do I get good at neutral?
It's obnoxious, especially when I was excited to have a low-risk low-reward option after knockdowns that now doesn't exist on half the cast
I can see where that's coming from, I think he goes even in or wins quite a few matchups now. Dhalsim makes him nonviable as a solo character I think though and guile/chun/nash might also be bad.
What, you want me to stop posting information? I can do that I guess
play blazblue
how did necalli make out in s2?
should remove those cheeks
dhalsim can also do a meaty that low profiles ex headbutt
i also found out today he can low profile balrogs super with it lol
>dodged by Brick again
I don't know what I expected
believe in yourself
>melty blood
Pretty much a fucking mugen
Better than GG(but dead i think)
Kek, just wait for MvC:I if you want a marvel game, or mvc3 on psn if you want an active marvel game
>Tekken 7
Ok, but different enough that you could play it and another fighting game at once
>undernight/vampire savior
Who? If you want to play the same 5 people, who've been playing the game for 6 decades, go ahead and play these.
play uniel
>implying you can even confirm and block the headbutt or not
You made this same post in the previous thread.
I am investing tons of hours into fighting games and I still get beat by literally anyone.
How do I not kill myself /fgg/?
Getting good a neutral is just about experience and knowing the range of whatever poke your opponent should be used, so play a lot and do some whiff punish in training mode!
Why do you want to get good at neutral? LOL, just mash nigga.
I'd play her neutral
t. /v/ kid
you don't need to confirm
you just hold back for a split second before you input MK
>theres are people
>human beings
>on this planet
>who play girls in fighting games
just disgusting
How does this happen?
>theres are people
we get it chariot, you're gay
Playing it right now.
(you)s don't exist anymore ;_;
according to /fgg/, best way to play neutral is to not play the game.
because once someone gets hit the game is ungabunga kusoge.
cherry picking
Cammy was pointed out already but the best characters for this are characters who can link the normals regardless of meaty, because you have the meaty frames to basically wait and react without disrupting the combo. Like cammy can link c.MP, c.MP normally, but with the meaty c.MP you have time to wait without dropping the second MP.
who should I play in SFV if I main Donkey Kong in Sm4sh?
How are you investing those hours though.
Keep playing Smash and forget that SFV exists.
Companies who worked themself up in the business with a steady quality output.
ormer giants who did everything in their power to kill off their franshises, fans and sales.
post chill merk
shoutouts to all my niggas on that new years ranked grind
If you can't learn fighting games quickly you probably have some sort of brain defect. Better off killing yourself.
lmao if you think thats true
Learning combos in practice and not being able to do them in a real match
Who are some beginner characters? Im assuming Kasumi, Ayane, Hayabusa and Hayate as they are free to play, anybody else you would recommend to someone new to DOA and 3D games in general?
That would be a big grappler with giant reach.
No such thing in sfv.
Does playing various fighting games at the same time limit your skill? I always feel that I "unlearn" shit in GG when I play other fighting games, so I have to spend some good hours training for those things I already learned all over again.
desu you just don't have the gene
try overwatch or league of legends instead
Alex or Urien
I suck at those too. I think might actually be right at this point.
What's this hairstyle called?
Do I buy Robo Fortune DLC before th esale is over?
No don't kill yourself
Try single player games instead. Anyone can be good at those
What do I do when I get an urge to play SFV?
the donkey kong character of SFV has got that covered
Hitomi, Jann Lee and Jacky. The in game tutorial makes you use hitomi for most of it.t.
truely the freeform jazz of fighting games
I like the one where you have virgil throw the roundtrip tag to somebody else and then call virgil assist and the sword chases the assist
Is there ANYTHING Urien can't do?
It's so retarded that you don't unlock Hitomi when beating the tutorial.
whats the point of cammy cr.HP
What does /fgg/ think of the Bloody Roar series?
thanks for updating my filters list
stun is cool
how else are you gonna fish for v-trigger
cr hp combos if you meaty it now
also if you cancel it into v-trigger it moves you slightly forward and is very plus
Do you think Vergil will be in MvCI
I think they will only have 1 Dante or Vergil not both
Would I fuck myself over by jumping straight into SFV with Ibuki as my first fighting game? She seems complex with her kunai management and her speed etc, but Ryu bores the shit out of me. Any tips on leaving certain mechanics until I have the basics down or anything?
be Rashid
CA confirms
V-trigger confirms
Being an annoying cunt
Jenny the bat the best.
I honestly hope that there will be pairs in MvC I
So Ryu/Chun
yeah I figured V-trigger fishing but sometimes it doesnt move me far enough for a followup. the Meaty part is interesting too, I'll have to try it out.
what games on fightcade play like sfv the most? it doesn't run on my PC and I want to play some other game until I can upgrade and not feel like I'm wasting time by not training for it
>Would I fuck myself over by jumping straight into SFV
>Would I fuck myself over by jumping straight into SFV with Ibuki as my first fighting game?
hard to say
mvci is clearly reusing some assets from mvc3 so maybe
Why do people call me shit when I space my headbutts and shoulder tackles but Bison doing a million unsafe scissor kicks is fine
try play cammy
Because they don't want to understand Urien and learn how to play against him, they just want to be bad and blame the game.
Nah SFV is pretty simple and beginner friendly, even a character like Ibuki would be fine for a beginner.
double standard
Because hating on Urien is the cool thing to do now
Never took it seriously, but I loved it and still want a new one.
My favorite 3D fighters were BR (2,3&PF), Bushido Blade, StarG/Plasma Sword, P Justice, and Tobal (1&2).
Fun settings and characters. Never was big on the Namco games for some reason.
a lot of pros and our beloved e-celebs are talking shit about sfv? is it actually a bad game? why is this?
bison is annoying but his normals are not completely braindead at all ranges and he doesn't have a reversal
play the game and find out for yourself
Is the autist back that keeps copypasting posts from the archive?
If Ryu bores you it means the game bores you. When you play Ryu you're basically playing Street Fighter at its essence, he was my first character I played and I played him to get a food foundational understanding of SF but with time when you understand your options and how to control things you should appreciate Ryu.