Lulu is best girl edition!
Lulu is best girl edition!
Let's try this again
7 decides which of the following champions I buy next:
>Lee Sin
These are all the champions I don't own yet
Also xth for breast waifu
I endorse the non Ezreal edition.
who else /not taking ryze ult until level 10/ here ?
Who has the best theme in league and why is it Nasus______
>Used to be diamond 1 for most of last season
>Can't even get past diamond 5 now
all shit, play teemo
What role?
Hey guys can you help me out? I'm looking for an Annie pic, I think it was drawn by Lendo. She's hiding her eyes and smiling.
I haven't even unlocked him yet. Fuck that retarded no skill shit.
thats it, see you next month
I told you. Chaos Knight. Same as yesterday.
Check out the 7 get again.
>not taking ult at 6 for roaming
And I told you I don't play Dota
forgot pic
Kassa because fk u
(your team)
Orianna of course
is it possible to train your reaction time?
Splatman of many shadows
Rerolling for Alien.
With this 7 get you will become the most autistic Singed main that ever existed. And that is a very steep challenge.
Tell me a secret, /lolg/
I've spent over €2k on this shit game
happy new year everyone except Soraka mains!
I wanna become a yasuo/ribbon mayne
>getting good at a reaction test instead of getting better at the game
Waste of time. Just play the game.
whoa, you suck harder than a thai slut in a saturday night
How is that even possible? I feel honestly bad for you user, I do hope it gets better cuz worse it fucking can't
I'm really tired from staying up super late but it's usually around 160ms.
Just play more reaction-oriented vidya, user.
Shame I just disenchanted a shard for Ice Drake
I want to quit and do something more healthy with my life but I can't stop playing.
I think my boyfriend might be gay. He keeps playing with my dick.
life sucks sometimes man. but im not depressed or anything. i know how to deal with these problems im facing right now. or well at least i think i know how. a real issue right now im facing is how much presence these problems im facing right now have in my life.
Starting to actually wake up now. lol
omq nobody cares just shut up lol
i just farted
I want to fuck Teemo!
Are you ready to [spolier] have fun [/spoiler]?
I occasionally fap to human x Pokemon smut
I have more fun playing poro king/ARAM than I do playing ranked/normals
Why do you have such poor tastes in yordles?
so brave
The autism that went into this.
>amumu: you can now dance
im not a cute anime girl, my farts stink
Teemo a cute! He's like, third best yordle after Kled and Ziggs.
Kled > Ziggs > Teemo > Veigar > Rumble > Kennen > the others
>movement speed for Lucian removed
>ryze removed significantly
>zilean cannot be triggered
I can't really see anything attractive in the yordles besides Kled and Ziggs. I sometimes dabble in Rumble but only because he's Ziggs' boyfriend.
It's mostly their voices or personalities.
Kennen doesn't look like a yordle at all
>be low plat elo
>yasuo every game
>they're always fucking bad
make it stop
get me to an elo where people don't play this fucking champion
Here's a better solution: just ban the fucking champion.
Once you reach diamond they transform into "YASUO OTP MID PLS"
I want to stand guard and protect lulu when she sleeps!
I like them because they're fluffy, cute and small. I like short furry guys in general.
He does in his karate skin. Wish they'd give him a VU. So many yordles need some sort of tiny VU.
>pick something that shits on him in lane
>ban him
I love Lissandra!
>pick darius
>go in to lane
>yasuo is running crit runes
>has 20%
>crits me to death
>ban yasuo
>yasuo main gets triggered, pick teemo and run it down mid
shut the fuq up
I think in diamond at least they're good players so it's not really an issue beyond the full AD comps you get
Lulu is best girl!
that's not a question
They'll dodge more often than not.
Int feeding results in a permaban, even if it's your first time doing it.
>yasuo player statistically more likely to be on enemy team
> int feeding results in a permaban
Oh you poor soul
>smurf account
>queue for aram
>8 minute queue
>i'm the only human player in the game
Yasuo mains are smarter than they look tho.
They won't feed intentionally but they'll do shit like, taking your pick with cleanse ghost, go top and do terribly on purpose.
Yasuo mains are truly the cancer killing this game.
It makes zero sense that a 0/8 poppy still wins the game because that kit is just retarded tanky
What makes Poppy so fucking tanky? Her w and passive?
her twintails
>I just had a thought: three pigtails!
Would she be literally unkillable?
That makes her a qt.
female or male human?
How many mains should I have?
I'm thinking 3, one for each of your two main roles
And a support because le xd autofill
>four pigtails
god help us
official rulebook says you need exactly 5 mains
You should be able to play at least 3 champs for your main roles and 2 for offroles. Not great but not shit at least
One (1).
>get a really good team, poppy top, no yasuo in the game
>someone dodges
>next game
>top laner locks in yasuo
I'm starting to believe Yasuo was a mistake
Every time I've reported somebody for legitimately int feeding (running it down a certain lane or just trying to get to the enemy base to die), they've always been permabanned.
Yasuo mains are actually very braindead. If you put them on another champ, they can't even play it one-hundredth as well, but they somehow still feed less.
Just got arcade hecarim and annie in wonderland shards.
Have neither of the champs.
>meteos getting hate on reddit
bout time.
>25 deaths in dying within 5 seconds of showing in lane literally flashing to his death
was he drunk
what did he do this time
but that's no excuse.
he pulled a tyler1 while shit talking tyler1