Unfair comparison thread

Title says it all. I hopped on CLfor a 2-3kproject and a slew of them popped up

Main contenders -
Unknown year 200SX (pic related)
FC (I think) 1986 RX7
AW11 MR2 N/A, 1985
1993 240SX

Advert for the 200SX

Other urls found in this thread:


RX7 Ad


And 240

Which one would you choose? I'm leaning for the 240


easy choice

Rx7 would out perform all. But its a 4lug so i would say no.
200sx is pigfat and slow as fug
240sx will be insanely unreliable
Mr2 is best choice unless you dont mind a 4lug rx7.
Ive owned all these cars except a 200

would it be worth getting a 240 and tuning it for handling and not doriftu

Not OP,

What's bad about 4lug?

I cant say for sure its 4lug. It has a sport spoiler which was 5lug but i dont see the rest of the sport package...
To answer your question.
4 lug rx7s were base model. The only significant difference was smaller brakes all around and non vented brakes in the rear.

s13 will be in considerably worse shape than the other cars


FC and S13 base models are heavier than a mid speced N/A S12 with power windows, AC, and power sunroof.

An MR2 base model is only around 150LBs lighter than a base S12 2 door.

Not sure why people say they are Fat Cars.

FC base is 2400lbs
S13 base is 2500lbs
S12 base is 2500lbs
S12 loaded is 2700lbs turbo or 2800lbs V6
Mr2 base is 2300lbs
S12 also has the worst chassis, brakes, and power output.

Stop being a delusional fanboy

that is not quite right : As tested by motor Trend in 1984 a Top of the line Turbo was 2810LBS in the USA.

The SEv6 tested by Motorweek was about 2900lbs -- This is the same weight as the 2litre RS-X in japan if fully loaded.

until the model change over in the middle of 86 :
A Base R-L (1.8 carb) was 2150 lbs (solid rear axle)
A base model RX-E Coupe (1.8 litre EFI) was 2250 lbs
An RX-G coupe (1.8 sohc turbo) was 2400lbs

at least according to their sales brochures

A Base model Coupe GL in the states was in the 2300lbs mark with mechanical timing control and Solid Axle.

It was about 2450 with Electronic Timing introduced midway through 1985 production which also made independent rear standard on the coupe along with using a heavier duty transmission.

S12's and S13's have the same basic unibody and frame rail (also nearly the same as an s110) and they are all floppier than a wet noodle, including the missing chunk on one of the frame rails.

Brakes were bad sure, the s12 turbo took 115ft to stop from 60 but it also had narrower tires than the S13 which did the same stop in 107ft, 7 years later with ABS. But how do these numbers realistically stand up ?

A Z06 C7 vette stops from 60 in 92feet. For the average driver, that difference is marginal at best, especially here in the states where people drive things like Ford F350's that take 220+feet to stop.

in the USA a base FC was nearly 2700lbs, and competed with the base model 300zx, also around 2700lbs, the top of the line turbos of both with all options being above 3200lbs.

Its not fanboyism, by todays standards, all of these cars are terrible and are beaten by the Camrys 90 year old women buy.

Also OP is way over paying if he goes after the CL ad one. My running SEV6 with mint interior was $1400 and it just had new calipers, pads, and rotors put on by the dealership. With a blown CA20 you are basically buying a shell which is about 500 scrap price.

>you have all these nice cars on CL all at once
>I had to look for 5 months to find something I liked

You lucky motherfucker

I would personally go with the AW11, or the RX7.

I say rx7 if the rust isn't bad

im the poster of the long ass post I agree with you, though would lean to the RX-7. It looks like it has held up the best and been taken care of the best. Interior looks good, paint looks pretty good. 12k on a rebuild is enough to say nothing is dangerously wrong with it, and leads me to thinking they just missed hooking up some of the 30+vacuum lines that make up the stock system and thats why it hard starts on hot/cold days.

Get the RX-7.

>apex seals

>snap oversteer
>cracked dashes
>shitty old heavy nissan
apex seals is best of them

Rx7 base was not 2700lbs
My 86 gxl (fully loaded luxury model) on a scale was 2740.
The base was 2400lbs give or take.