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>/tesg/'s sister threads:
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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

>Tentatively expect a beta in mid-March 2017

Elder Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/q3o7771bu3dxa9o/Ada Follower.7z

Waifus and also lore and also harmony as well

Mate, you what?

Early for Peryite

Remember to pray to whichever god

Which waifus do you think Ada would like to stick his dick in.
Remember to ignore and report shitposters.
This is a retarded thing to put in the OP

None, he's a twink.

the females

Ada is totes bi. He would suck dicks or eat pussy, which ever gives him attention
Which ones tho

Ada is secretly straight

why don't perfect ENBs exist

Oh, I know that tale.

>caught this pic when setting things up in game.
>Goaty's back.
It was a sign.

>which ever gives him attention

This is probably correct, given his history. Nothing that could be confirmed, of course. Rumors can spice up someone's persona but once rumors become proven fact it becomes a scandal.

>It was a sign.
Pretty sure my ban just expired

>Which ones tho

The manliest ones.

is that cheese?

Lava or molten metal


Was she ok afterwards?

what the fuck is this waifuposting. mods were a mistake, the game shouldn't have any of this gay anime shit. and this general should be purged forever.

She talked funny for many days afterwards

whatcha listening to tesg



remember not to respond to shitposters



I download nexus followers.

What happened to Ilx



>elder scrolls general
>posting modded girl characters that you fap to isn't shitposting





Oh god I just realized the picture I posted in addition to the song may cause people to come to conclusions about things.

>What happened to Ilx
Nothing! It's just a non-canon shot of what she'd look like if she gave in to Ra's curse


Senpai, you are in the wrong general

you guys proud of your little role-playing campaigns? you realize it's the same as playing with action figures, right?

>People are actually going to reply to someone using Pepe reaction images.
>They haven't realized that using Pepe pics is basically shorthand for "I'm obviously baiting."

Playing with action figures is the best!

Action figures are rad, m8


Should I use this? It looks really good, but is it safe?

I collect Wedge Antilles action figures.

Try it out for yourself and report back

What is the thing on the far left?

that tfw when no Yvenn and Ada followers

An edgy teenager's lazy doodle

There is an Ada follower though.

Ada is a follower but Yvenn is not.

mediafire.com/file/q3o7771bu3dxa9o/Ada Follower.7z

If anyone wants to make Yvenn a follower then I will be happy to provide the files.

Serinal, my Dremora, is also a follower.


>I collect Wedge Antilles action figures.

A man of taste and culture!





>wanting generic sluts to follow you


No problem.

Also I really need a place to put up my follower links so I don't have to link them all the time. I tried emailing them to TESgeneral.com but never got a response.

It's my pride and joy. Sent a downpayment for the official helmet replica too.

Alright, this is actually just sad.

Back when I first played Skyrim in 2011, I married Ysolda and I've married her in every subsequent playthrough, usually with a bunch of appearance changing and clothing mods. Wanting to replay Skyrim just for a bit to make a house and family, I wed her again but this time as I invited her to my modest Falkreath home a devilish thought occurred to me and I decided to make her walk there barefoot and buck naked, as at mercy to nature and the elements as to my eyes and those of all passersby. Through coincidence we began at 2:30 AM on Sundas, probably a relief to her as the streets were cleared of all citizens and only a handful of guards remained. Pic related is how we began.

F00tball. Packers aren't on yet, but I'm just watching to make sure the Redskins lose because that helps the Pack get into the playoffs. Last week of the season is always exciting.

Like, you're really obnoxious about showing and telling everyone how much of a homo you are. Fine, whatever. But then you just drop this bomb of what a manchild you are.

The guard doesn't seem to mind

May I suggest an Irn Bru with vodka to relax yerself this Hogmanay?

As it should be! He's the only starfighter pilot in the galaxy with TWO Death Star kill tallies!

what the fuck dude

This one couldn't help checking her out

idiots in this thread arguing over who the bigger manchild is on Veeky Forums I'm clearly the winner

>Guys I'm gay please listen to me I'm gay!

He just said he had a gf yesterday though

literally the only one bringing up the fact that he's a fag is you, faggot


I'm sitting in front of my computer screen, playing on my 3ds.

Oh, and this too I guess.

As day broke, we followed the road that climbed past Honningbrew Meadery toward Riverwood. An idealist Stormcloak hopeful passed us by, but was more interested in speaking to me about his political aspirations than noticing my naked wife.

shit you're one of memai's friends right

the one who hoarded all the sweet martin septim art

Real men don't give a shit what other people think of their hobbies.

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -- C.S Lewis

Nearing Riverwood...

So does anyone know if there's a Skyrim SE Mod that lets me do something similar to WoW's transmog? I don't want to give up my Ebony Armor.

tesgeneral.com isn't working for me atm

Do you want that sweet Martin Septim art? Cause I got it. I can send it to you in a zipped folder.

Why not, Ebony is ugly as fuck.
And no, nothing like that yet

Site just updated, try again

Holy fuck this looks awesome. Going to test this now

In Riverwood we saw almost no one - no patrolling guards even crossed our path. I overheard two children at play, but they seemed to be more concerned about their dog than in looking over at us.

Don't dis my ebony armor.

Also darn.

Where is Ada located at, and are there any specific mods that I should download to go with him?

Although Ysolda took a strange path - between two houses and behind the Riverwood trader. Maybe she was intentionally trying to avoid contact?

I believe he's in the Blue Palace

Disregard, I suck cocks. Second question still stands though

Hiking up the mountain trail leading out of Riverwood...

Is it possible to make a bow fun and easy? I kind of just want to point it and shoot and hit what im looking at.

When comes the part when she gets violated by trolls. I know it's coming, dude

He's in the Blue Palace. If you want him to be the mage that his bio describes him as download EFF so you can teach him spells.
If you want him to have his canonical home, download this:

Protip if you're doing storytimes. Assemble all of these into multi-image panels (like 4 or 5 each), so we don't hit the image limit so quickly.

Look at that sly smile

Please put some fucking clothes on.

Level 9, started a couple of days ago. Any starter tips or hints?

Ori is such a gorgeous game. I should pick it up again and finish it

Keeps going, I like dis
Don't listen to this guy. Exhibitionists/nudists are best
It's a TES game, stop worrying about build

It never happened
I'm as disappointed as you
The only thing we saw on the road was a single elk


Do you guys use followers?

I never do.

Yes, you learnt something that all five-year olds learn. What's your point?