Previous Thread: You cunts let it die again Edition
A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.
>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/
>/simg/ TeamSpeak:
>Experimental website
>/fsg/ Steam Group:
>BMS download links
>Planefag pastebin:
>Tankfag pastebin:
>Boat- and subfag pastebin
>Repository of various aviation related material:
>OP pastebin:
>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator
>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r
/simg/ - Simulation Games General
It died cause it is full of cunt BOS elitists, which have zero reason to be elitist, seeing as their 'simulator' sucks shit.
That's what you get for banning anime
>he doesn't enjoy fly all flight sims
This is what you call "fake passion".
I do, just that as of right now, the absolute worst people in the community are playing BOS like it's gods gift to flight simulation when saldy it seems pretty mediocre.
a y y
I don't think anyone ever said it was God's gift to flight sims.
More like DCS got stale and people wanted a break from it. What DCS really needs is more 3rd and early 4th gen aircraft.
That and while BMS has a great dynamic campaign feature, the lack of unique avionics definitely doesn't help.
quality content here
4th gen > 3rd gen > 5 gen > 1st gen >>>>>> 2nd gen
Fuck off faggot
Gen 1 was the only good Pokemon gen.
What a absolutely despise is that we keep getting relatively early war shit though. It would be perfect if we got a simulator that could do mid war or late war. CLOD and BOS/BOM do early war very well, but it's getting a tad stale. I'd like to see A-8 Sturmbocks barrel through a formation of B-17s in April 1944. I'd like to see a guards Yak-9s fight Experten 109G-6s in August 1943. I'don't like to see Tempests knock down Me-262s on landing in March 1945. These are very interesting theatres of war which have admittedly been done to absolute death in the literature, but we never get to play.
>not gen 3
fucking when
Daily reminder that /simg/ is a group of shitters that can't have fun
>needing Ka-50+
literally for what reason? It can do almost the exact same things as the Ka-50 but with 2 people.
It's only the autistic DCS & BMS faggots that have to always start shit, if only they left then we could have civil discussions for fucking once.
Early 4th gen > 3rd gen > 4th gen > rest
NEVER is when
It can carry A2A missiles, it has a 6 pylons, likely a better powerplant and better autopilot stuff, President-S system, not shit optics, and it's an actual helicopter in use.
lol no it's like a generation ahead of the original Ka-50. radar, spherically mounted optics that actually work at night, more plyons, new engines and a glass cockpit.
dont die
IF we ever get that far into IL-2 to get Tempests I don't think I'd fly anything else. It's by far my favourite WW2 aircraft
Do Il-2 BOS or CLOD have dynamic campaigns
Team Fusion has one in CLOD
PWCG for BoS, RoF Might be some other less known ones aswell.
BoS is getting a modified/overhauled RoF campaign system sometime, can't wait for that.
The Anglo Iraqi war in 1941 seems like an interesting theatre, wonder why I've not seen it in IL-2 or anything before?
The BOM 110 has a Iraqi skin but thats really it.
>/simg/ group
>/simg/ squadron avatar
At least have the decency of using something that doesn't scream /fsg/
What the fuck I love WWII.
Someone post the cool 1941 webm with the He-111's
here you go senpai
>those admins
>those moderators
Holy shit, no.
Also having half the group be admins and mods is fucking retarded.
Fuck GOD WWII was the litest shit of all time.
It sounds dumb, but it blows my mind that it all actually happened. War of that scale is just un-imaginable.
There's no wondering how equipment and tactics would work, because it actually fucking happened.
guncams are cool
Think about how crazy shit can get in BoS, even having just 10 planes fighting at once is insane, now imagine having literally over 1000 aircraft in the air at the same time.
fuck god it's lit
I think the BoS devs watched a lot of fun am footage because the stuff in game looks really accurate.
Also, I be noticed there is basically no Soviet guncam footage. I assume they just didn't have it, or they all got destroyed.
So is there a good Euro Truck graphics overhaul?
I want to go for maximum comfy
Yea there wasn't many Russian gun cam footage out there so its mostly US and German.
>implying there is any power to be abused on a steam group
>only mods and admins can make announcements
>not having the people who regularly play OPS as the people who can announce things
>being a salty fag who doesn't like OPS
just started playing this and I'd like any mod really, google gave me like 10 different sites dedicated to ETS2 modding tho and i have no idea where to begin
>tfw when we are playing ops again
new steam groups gonna make us great again
>air battle of nis
>Joko Drecun, a partisan officer who was based at Niš airport at the time wrote in his diary that Americans lost 7 and Soviet 3 planes.
burgers btfo
>Remove furrys = ops
Why didnt we do this before
wtf i love furry genocide now
Yak-3 is fucking amazing
I just can't imagine the sheer scale of the thing. I suppose WW2 Online gets somewhat close and Planetside 2 is just a clusterfuck of uncoordinated poor gameplay.
/simg/ field trips to WW2 battlefields when?
you have one wobbly ass head tracker
That's the plane moving my pilots head.
muh dick
>tfw I find naval page all about FCS
ww2 dangerouswater-like sim when?
how the fuck do you aim in bos
my plane literally bounces fucking everywhere. Shits impossible.
stop playing a shit game
fly faster
Tune your axis and stop using rudder
how do you not aim with rudder?
Do you "match your wings" with theirs? does that make sense?
I don't know what I'm missing. I can't even hit guys flying straight, let alone in a shallow turn.
It's gonna be so fun playing DCS with just a mouse and keyboard. Hope LN decides to make the D variant
>how do you not aim with rudder?
I don't know about much about external ballistics I know that it adds plenty of extra forces due to sideslip.
What exactly goes on is a bit confusing and incredibly difficult to stomach.
>Do you "match your wings" with theirs?
It's called flying in plane. Depends, I snapshot a lot so flying in plane is basically only required because I like to see them coming from left to right of my screen.
With tracking shots, it's absolutely required.
It really comes down to practice, getting the joystick axis right for you and maybe some trim elevator so it stops trying to fly itself away
how do you land the tracking shots though? you can't see them while aiming, and every 109 pilot just goes ape shit on the stick and wobbles everywhere.
I just don't understand how these mother fuckers land these amazing half kilometer snipes that just obliterate my aircraft, and I'm praying to god if I can hit him with one fucking round.
I also can't deal with a yo-yo to save my life. Every single dude does the same thing, they just start turning left and right and bleed all their speed causing me to over shoot.
I have ps3 eye, and dyi clip
My leds are too bright no matter what
But if I put ir led close to camera and pull back, it's 10/10 for 1 sec until it focuses again
Can I set up ps3eye exposure/brightness anywhere? Camera settings (When available) open button is grayed out in opentrack
fucking hell, sovok planes are fucking suffering.
Its just a constant "he is higher and faster than me" situation. Its legit not even fun, just frustrating as fuck.
Russians are so out matched. If I ever see a german pilot complain about Russian planes I'm going to personally order a fucking JDAM strike on his fucking dome.
dumb me it's in cl eye test app...
>flying russian
>mfw simg has to carry the german team every game because all they do is fly around at 7k
Its a good thing ground pounding is actually fun and rewarding in BoS, cuz I can't do shit in fighters.
Peshka strike missions are my favorite.
>tfw poorfag with no BoM
It's no fair I want the 110 :(
Pre-order Kuban, you'll get the new Bf-110
If the 110 is all you want, don't waste your money on BoM
new test: prove you're not a nigger /simg/
My hands really aren't that fat I think it's just perspective, where's your test you filthy nigger?
yet the russians use it like a ww2 shturmovik
really makes you think
It still fires vhkrs, and operates exactly the same as a normal Ka50. You're only ad advanced as your weapon system, and all Russian helos still use the baseline laser guided, always lased, vhkr, meaning their nose is always pointed at the target, they always need visual line of sight with target, always at a higher altitude for look down, ect.
The main difference between the ka50 and 52 is navigation systems and night operatins, and less workload on the pilot. But when it comes to actual attack and weapon deployment, they're both in the same boat, along with the Mi28
I'm stupid so what plane? I love heavily windowed cockpits.
Ju 52?
Engine in the nose. German instruments, 3 engines.
Deterministic with random weights/projectile velocity?
Or random spread to 'account' for it?
I finally bought a pseudo-module for DCS, learning the F-15. Pretty fun so far
Good for you, better than playing babbies over... I mean, BoS
>cepheilis is already an admin
Yeah no. That group is shit.
>raptards steam avatar is a smug anime gril he stole from the thread
I am not sure how i feel about this.
>b..but the K-4 was better at turn fighting than the Spitfire or the La-5FN
we simg, we call it angle fighting cause we posh und elite
As a professional radar operator I am unironically looking forward to playing the F-14 solely from the rear seat
The button to launch the pheonixes is also in the RIO pit
Can you explain sidelobes?
Yeah they're when your ears stick out and you have exte-
Or do you mean the time and antenna kind?
Not him but yeah the ones to do with Radar
The ear kind. Thanks for the info.
Jokes aside, a sidelobe is radar energy that gets directed outside the main beam.
Antenna sidelobes are basically "spill" from the main beam out of the antenna. The number and direction of them depend on the ratio of the wavelength to the antenna size. They display in azimuth.
Time sidelobes are a side effect of pulse compression. They display in range. They relate to the pulse width of the radar.
>20 mm filled with HE
> hits - smoke puffs
>plane still intact
thats why i dont fly german
Cephei hosts and plays OPS regularly it's only fitting.
Does Cities: Skylines go in this thread? I just got it and "After Dark" in the steam sale, (didn't get snowfall because the reviews were mixed and frankly I don't have the 6,50€ left.
Are there any must have mods I should get? The only one I know of is one that allows you to get all plots eventually instead of limiting you.