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DLC when?

Repostan: I want to make a weaponmaster build that utilizes special properties on weapons and will be able to use nearly every weapon in the game.

What are some weapons with unique effects?
I know about
>Farron Greatsword dealing more damage against Abyss creatures
>Hollowslayer GS dealing more damage to hollows
>Old Wolf curved GS restoring HP after ~6 hits and increasing attack damage
>Handmaiden Dagger restoring FP, greater amount when offhanded

There's bound to be more though. Help me out lads

what do you want, truly?


Just started a new playthrough of dark souls 2 after beating 3 and 1 again
Holy shit does this game have the worst start out of all of them
all the classes blow massive dick, and you can't find any weapons worth using for quite some time

jan 28 trailer


Forgot to add, other posters have recommended Eleanor, Arstor's Spear and Butcher's Knife for the healing.

Other than that though I got nothing

bandit 2handed starter axe kills everything in one hit, sometime 2 with a super fast attack

just pick up the mace and r1 through this piss easy game

Da faq kind of magic is this?

Do people still play in the Painted World in DaS1?

delet dis

>Not steamrolling through the game with rapier you got from the blacksmith in majula

convoluted time is


hidden body, duh

you can invade people, yes
it's mostly a beating of helpless babies who backpedal with crest shields tho

FROM is convoluted

>125 invasion bracket active as fuck today

why is everyone playing das3 on new years?

my dick

>tfw we could have had this

i want my H E A V Y k***ght set

Would you a Butcher?

time is constipated

Why does every set of knights armor in DS3 make you look like a skinny twink? Previous games didn't have that issue

I've been having an itch for SOTFS and want to make a character for low level coop and invasions, shooting for under 40k SM. Any suggestions for weapons or builds?

Part of the problem is the base character models are skinnier than ever before by default and the armor was probably modeled with that in mind.

processing power is limited in Lordaeron

You'll be riding such a super thin line for a SM that low, the agape ring doesn't even appear for sale until you hit 30k

Has anyone ever managed to do an NPC questline without looking at wikipedia or youtube?

Nigga I know that, all I have to do is rush Straid and hit 30k, then I'm gravy.

i did lautrecs without a guide


I am just starting a fresh game of DS III and got my character to the High Wall, wondered if anyone on PC would like to do a co-op run?

We will communicate on where we will put our summon markers then run each area twice (so we both get the same progress) and try to just be friendly and have fun.

Anyone interested?

I remember reading something about backstabs and parries in DS3 not being affected by defenses, which means that split damage is much better if you do that.

Could somebody refresh my memory on this?

Is Burnt Ivory King supposed to stand still and not do anything? Or did mine glitch out?
I jumped off instead of killing him just in case.

They aren't always super convoluted, Seigward's is pretty straightforward.

he has like 3 attacks but he sure as fuck ain't supposed to just stand still

yeah he doesn't do anything. totally normal. very challenging boss huh


also oh wow 14k players currently

wew is it worth beating frogo or should i just rush the chest?

I don't know if it's true, but I believe the crit modifiers are calculated separately for each damage type making high crit weapons good when infused with split damage.

would I

he's posing, you aren't even worth his time

Because they're already re-using so many discarded Bloodborne assets that they thought they might as well just make the characters super skinny too.

Based passive-agressive cuntbro.

lord of hollows

No one want friends or to play?

are there any genuinely viable quickstep weapons?

quickstep WA should just change your rolling animation and cost no FP. your L2 button just becomes block

it dies in like 3 hits

>3 hits
i have a shitty mace, lightning and emit force

user, I don't have any new ideas for characters. I haven't played in a while though, so it could be fun.

I haven't played since pre-DLC, that was some time ago, got the DLC now so looking to start fresh and find everything.

i don't remember there being anything that good down there, you can come back at any point in the game.

that part right above that frog is much much difficult than this though.


Ok, give me some time to create a new character.

They die horribly

What's your Steam ID user?

>T H I C C muscle girl


Is this the most hype boss entrance?

fuck i want to do this fight so bad

what's a good way to grind souls without going to ng+? also, rate my dark cleric build

cunt? you don't know the half of it

Probably, although I absolutely adore the gravetender greatwolfs entrance and the change of music.

Do any of you use ReShade for DS3? I was wondering if there were any good presets to fix the games fairly bland color palette, but most of them seem to be bloom + lens flares.

Which staff is the best in DaS3 ? For 40 INT

I use this one nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/12/?
Lite version

Heretics, check the op next time.

why everyone using this shield ?

Man, Sinh is a pushover compared to the boss right before him.

Am I finally done with "everything is poison and resists lightning" the DLC? Just those two bosses?

did you do the gank squad?

You saved the best for last!

That sounds intimidating though. Not sure how much more of a gank you can get compared to "I literally summon another boss" and I'm a little afraid to find out.
Oh no.

it's the grass crest equivalent

Which hub had the best theme? For me it's

Firelink DS1
Firelink DS3

oh alright. managed to miss it somehow on my first playthrough, but i rushed that once and going to do a proper playing soon

I'd agree but I'd put the Firelink 3 theme after you give the Firekeeper eyes on top of everything else.

weakness:stabbing in the back

Is Dark Souls 3 worth it? 50% off on steam. Been playing the original for 600 hours now, want something new.

eh hes nothing special, and sometimes he bugs out and just stands there the whole fight.

You get a shit load of souls from these fights through jesus christ.

and also get ds2:sotfs

It's good for at least 2 playthroughs and going from 1 to 3 is amazing for the final boss if nothing else

anyone have any spare lightning gems they'd like to give me?

I'll drop an RHH, Partizan, and a Follower's Sabre for you to infuse, then hand back to me


majula > nexus > firelink 3 with eyes > POWER GAP > firelink 1 > firelink 3

objectively correct, don't even try to argue

Of course, it won the love and hate award from steam, clearly a hardcore game for hardcore gamers such as you and me

It's a teaser for DS3 invasions

majuna is too bright, yet gloomy at the same time.

i dont feel comfy there at all.

Yorshka offers to provide thee succ.

You have 5 seconds to answer.

What is your reply!?

>majula theme
>just the same 5 notes over and over


In my opinion, the best in the series. Definitly worth its price at 50%.

Yeah you can skip this boss, as you can trigger it any time in DS3 using an item called red eye orb. You can do it an infinite amount of times too,

>simplicity is a bad thing



it got old 600 hours ago

0/10 no upgraded rings

They're faggots and they think 3% stamina regen is worth ruining your fashion souls for

>dark cleric
>warrior of sunlight