>Which heroes should I buy? Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.
>Where do I find you Valeera-worshipping faggots? /join Veeky Forums
noob question: Apparently abathur's locusts can soak exp. It does not say this anywhere except in places other people have asked about this. No wikis or official blizzard sites explicitly tell you this. What's up with that, that kind of information should be pretty important
Grayson Cox
Only if they kill. Like every damaging skill in the game, if it kills a creep, it soaks XP.
Gavin Hernandez
Only if they last hit the minion, making it unreliable.
Something worth thinking about (sort of) is Azmodan's Q instantly clearing a wave from more than a lane away. Like, put your big body in mid on Tomb and Alt+R then Q top or bottom. D the one that's least likely to be contested for hella pressure.
Adam Cooper
what do her feet taste like??
Luke Murphy
Ryan Walker
>Pick murky >5 last game, always a tracer against me
This shit is rigged
Logan Collins
>ming in every game >tychus meta >tracer popular >at least he still has his stun >they nerf it so it breaks on death >no compensation buffs >even fucking minions kill the puffer