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1st for nice thread OP.
Personally I think they should revert the extra limb damage only for 3 armor operators?
Yay or nay?
2nd for blitz buff never ever
it has a role but the balance is hurting them. They could easily make them viable by doing things like decreasing headshot damage to them, similar to how cs works. (where big rifles will still 1 shot but pistols and whatever will take a few bullets to deal with an armored enemy)
it really feels like I'm playing fucking combat arms where people chose a female with the lightest armor because of the smaller hitbox and the faster speed, because armor didn't mean shit when you got headshotted.
5th for requesting pastebin mantainer to add these two stat checking links to FAQ
>Official Ubi Stat Website
>Third Party Stat Checking
Pretty please
I feel like this entire thing hurts good players more than your average player but that is just me. Much like Blackbeard was able to stop headshots which fucked good players more.
>checked up on the game a while back and they added nutshots as a legit thing in the game
M416+Recon Vest+m79 mines
Since we're talking about OP, I think we can remove the Red Crow trailer, just to clean it.
Heh. If you want the perfect example of how important headshots are in this game, just look at this dude. All the shitters were crying about how he was useless after his shields got nerfed to 60hp. And yet he still gets picked regularly in ranked, just because "only" surviving two headshots per shield is still a fucking massive deal in this game.
Why are GSG 9 recruit shotgun rushes a thing
If it's an SMG have it take 3-4 shots on 3 armor opponents, 2-3 shots on 2 armor, 1 shot for 1 armor. If it's an AR, 2 shots on 3 armor opponents, 1 shot for lower armor values.
I'm just brainstorming here, so expect some loopholes or something.
Was talking more about the FAQ than OP itself but yeah I could get behind this too
Just having a headshot from anything other than a DMR DBNO a 3 armor op would be a good enough start, I think.
It would give DMRs more of a point too, since right now, rate of fire is everything.
>there are still people in this world that believe Blackbeard is useless now
Certainly not OP but his gimmick is top tier pick worthy.
Because that shotgun is really good.
Shame there are no DLC recruits, Bearing 9 + Supernova recruit rushes would be brutal.
Anyone else hate 3 armor fatties?
You'd have to be a complete stupid idiot to play anything that isn't 3 speed
>have 3 armors go DBNO more often
But that doesn't fix the issue. The way I see it if you're DBNO, you're most likely dead so what's the point?
Netcode isn't what hurts 3 armors, it's what makes 3 speeds good. Even then the "shit netcode" stuff people like to shout is mostly just a salty meme. Peekers advantage will always exist as long as ping exists in online games, it's just that the stakes and ttk are balanced in a way that showcases that specific network limitation moreso than other games. Siege doesn't handle netcode exceptionally worse than other titles.
The one-hit-headshot rule being changed would be healthy if it was tuned in favor of armor, I agree.
>3 speeds could only ever survive a suppressed five-seven headshot through a wall or across the map
>3 armors would be able to tank SMG and shorter range rifle shots to the head at a distance, surviving with about 20 health leftover.
>2 armors would sit in the middle, occasionally surviving headshots through walls or at a distance, but only from weaker weapons with worse falloff.
Implement a headshot stun mechanic (blurred screen, higher recoil, no sprinting during shock duration) and you've got something to work with.
2 shots for most ARs wouldn't be too great. The recoil for ARs in Siege is too high to reliably land 2 consecutive shots with, and their fire rate being lower overall could potentially make them worse than SMGs in most situations at that point. Having headshot lethality be more weapon+range dependent rather than just weapon dependent would probably feel more natural. Ash's rifles for example, having lower recoil and higher fire rate, would only be able to OHK headshots 3 armors if she was in closer range due to higher damage falloff. Meanwhile, the AK12 would practically one shot any 3 armor within medium to long range, while DMR's would fit on the outskirts, able to one shot headshot at extreme ranges.
Because if you're DBNO you still have a chance.
Say, you were behind a deployable shield and got heaadshot.
Just casuals who think Blackbeard was robbed of his whole strategy because he actually has to think about what he's trying to do now.
They don't realize that standing still in one window for the whole game isn't even a strategy. It's lack of one.
Anyone who knows what they're doing can still exploit his shields to great effect, and quite frankly, he isn't even that bad without his shields, now that they made his guns' recoil rates more reasonable.
Sure, you might be revived. But that's just one scenario. Every other scenario, whether it's roaming, peaking outside, or even entering the building, you're more often to die instead.
>teammate kills your attacker
>Every op in the game has grenades
>peaking outside
But in this scenario you would have a pretty decent chance of survival if your're doc/ there's a teammate nearby
>Defender team with no Jager
That's only one 3 armor operator out of the other half a dozen that exist. Also,
>shot through a crack
Once again, that's just one operator out of the others.
>implying Jagers put down ADS and not rush for that spawn kills
as in doc picks them up at range you dingus
And what if there's no doc on the team?
why yuo angry is only game))
You'd have to be lucky to shoot the guy long enough for him to recover considering the attackers would have an angle on him.
it was just one example of how dbno would help 3 armor
How about you all leave this shitty, long winded argument at this:
Getting DBNO'd by most headshots isn't alone enough to make 3 armors that much better.
You can't argue that it'd make them worse, but it's not substantial enough to make them a balanced choice in contrast to 3 speeds. It would act as an indirect buff to Doc, but that's about it.
Ok. Can you provide any other examples other than Doc?
Let's hear your suggestion then
Oye, ¿cuándo salen los nuevos operadores de España? Ya estoy cansado de esperar. Esta maldita IQ es mierda y ya me choque de usarla.
Es puta.
I think that's what everybody's trying to get at, but it's like one guy who believes 3 armors being able to DBNO makes everything okay.
wew lad, that's a lot if shitflinging about balance.
How about, getting headshot by anything except DMRs leaves 3 armors with 1 (one) HP.
>1 (one) HP.
>3 armors would be able to tank SMG and shorter range rifle shots to the head at a distance
Essentially just make headshot damage a multiplier, tune it so that they're almost always still lethal, but depending on weapons' unique falloff models 3 armors have a higher chance to survive against weaker weapons. Wallbanging slower targets that can't reposition as easily would also be less rewarded. Weapons with high rates of fire and lower recoil would probably need to be tweaked to fit more within this new model, like the Famas, Ash's guns, maybe even Capitao's Para at long range. Pistols would naturally need to be really close to have the potential to one tap a 3 armor, especially the weaker ones.
It could work, but why again with the only DMR's thing? Plenty of higher recoil rifles should still reward accuracy against 3 armors, namely Thermite's.
How good is Blackbeard.
Also, Blackbeard strats?
I did
I didn't suggest it first, but even a little buff would be nice
>but why again with the only DMR's thing?
They need some kind of buff, a reason to pick them over assault rifles.
Blackbeard is currently situational but really strong in those situations.
I made the original comment about DBNO, and I have just been watching since then.
All I said was that it would be a good start. It's unlikely ubi would lead this hypothetical rework with a massive change like outright surviving headshots.
If you changed the headshot damage model they wouldn't need an arbitrary "this class of gun is better" sort of change. They'd be better by stats alone just by being able to one shot headshot at any range, but one shotting shouldn't be an exclusive trait to them, that's too unnatural.
Still the king of holding a window. He just can't stay there all round like he used to. Now he's good for quickly taking out anybody in the room or providing cover fire. If your team gets to the objective and BB is still alive he makes retaking rooms a lot more difficult for the other team.
He's borderline must-have/10.
What do you think is the biggest change in mindset someone coming from Battlefield needs to get good at this game?
I've been having a rough translation from huge outdoor fuckfests to really tight fights with very few people.
Tier list where
>it's another ash with 200 ping peeking episode
fucking why
tier A=me
tier F=you
Easy kills and easy wins.
shit you don't like
shit i like
shit i don't like
shit you like
>Take it slow
>Aim at head level
>Don't be afraid to be mobile but remember that you need to be able to defend the room ASAP
>Turn up your volume a bit higher than you think you should
>play ROOK and watch what the other classes do
>elite thermite mvp animation
traffic cop thermite is the best investment i've mad this year
Use your fucking drone.
>Elite Smoke's MVP Animation
>It's him throwing his babes at the feet of his teammates and everyone shriveling up and coughing while he just stands stoically in the middle
learn to work with your team more instead of treating it as a 1 man army team deathmatch like how cod and bf are played.
>nobody bothers to check behind this couch
Smokes MVP animation is gonna be him taking off the mask and he was actually Hitler the whole time.
Are you one of the argie guys? just curious because of your name
I have no idea what that is.
Argie = argentinian
I ask since your name when pronounced in english seems similar to the spanish word Conejo (Rabbit)
It's intentional. I like rabbits. The downside though is every now and again I get a Mexican trying to "banter" with me (saying "pinche madre pinche [thing]" is shit banter and annoying).
give CAMARS burst fire pls
Still a good time to get in the game?
gold edition is 25 usd
>Not binding fire to mouse wheel
Read the FAQ user, please
Your question is already thoroughly answered in the first ones
Just click faster you plebs.
I just gave the memeslav a go, did they make his turret's recoil higher?
As for strats:
Coordinate with your team. Where possible, they should always let you be the first to peek a risky angle (or check windows for spawnkillers), and in dangerous spots someone should always be covering your flanks.
If you think there's someone very close on the other side of a window you're camping, back the fuck off. They can abuse peeker's advantage to kill your shield and headshot you before you can reliably react.
Don't be afraid to ditch the shield when you need to go fast. Having it on makes you both slower and louder. If you find yourself in a situation where you're forced to be the flanker, entering combat without the shield can be a completely legit move. Especially now that they improved the SCAR's recoil to the point where it's a very good gun even without the shield, and even when suppressed.
Shields are your friends. If you can coordinate really well with a shield operator, you can completely dominate any breach situation you could think of. Someone covering your lower body helps you stay reliably mobile even with the rifle shield equipped, and provides a reliable firing position even when there's no good cover.
for what purpose? he's still useless even with his shield so they nerf him?
And all his teammates jokingly punch/kick him being like "oh smoke you cheeky fuck"
Afraid of spawk peeking IIRC
because TACHANKA is the king of spawnpeek, not any of the acog fags
why don't they add spawn protection already if they know it's an issue?
>what is prep
because they're fucking lazy and most of the devs are working on other projects, leaving behind a skeleton team.
>add condition for spawn that gives attackers 2 seconds invuln
it would take all of five minutes for one guy
who knows how much spaghetti code they have and how many bugs it would potentially introduce, and they might have to do it individually for every attacker on every map (shit happens in other games because of their fucked up code)
easier for them just to increase the recoil on one gun.
I mean still, that's what, 30 lines of copy paste code per map, then copy those to each map
at any rate they really need to unfuck the code in general, if the 50 lighting fixes are anything to go by
>ash runs around corner
>blast her with shotgun
>she lands a headshot on me
>no damage dealt to her
This is never going to be fixed is it?
not really, they already have effects that apply to all attackers (cav's interrogate), it'd just be a matter of replacing the position compromised part of the code with an invuln code, and the condition from cav buttrape to spawning
Ironically this would have been the best thing for him. Spawn peeking is dead in high level ranked because you'd get your head blown off by people who are already accustomed to watching for windows right out of spawn.
Tachanka would have had the unique role of forcing people to not enter one side of the building or play a war of attrition should they attempt it. His main priority would be to stall, which is a big thing now due to round times in ranked. Kills would be a bonus and any trade off would certainly be seen as favorable.
But no, the "FUCKIN PEEKERS KYS REEE" crowd would have cried about it so instead of finding a reasonable way balance it or trusting people's ability to adapt they just made him even more trash tier.
how does a 42 dmg gun do 76 dmg on a 2 armor op?
woopsie forgot pic
Turn her into 3 armor/1 speed. You won't see that bullshit anymore.
there's a difference between balancing and just straight up fucking making an operator useless. Fuck off with this shitty suggestion.
Dual wielding operator when
Yeah, that might actually be a really cool way to mix things up.
I don't think most people mind having to watch windows either, it's the newly-resurgent runouts that they don't like. (On some maps, you can kill attackers in spawn within the first two seconds or literally as they spawn if you run out at the right place, like that stairs window on Kafe. Park alley spawn is literally unusable because of it.)
Is the problem with 3 speeds, or Ash's gun in particular?