Old thread:
World of Warcraft general - /nosg/
brew or mw
what do u like to play
nobody can tell you if you like tanking or healing better
If you get either Prdaz or Sephuz just delete your char and restart
ive mained dps for legion so which would be easier to transition to
is it hard to find a guild as a tank?
I miss Pylietz...
I miss Pylietz ...
prydaz bis
Who is the cutest wowg gril?
Are there even any left?
>when u befriend the cute girls and convince them to stop visiting the thread
How are Paladins for healing?
How are cloth classes in general?
(Mage, Priest, Warlock)
Pylietz is the cutest /wowg/
Too bad she killed herself.
>sephuz/prydaz on main
>dps increasing legendaries on alts
Paladins are good.
>make a warrior
>see a lot of warriors
>lose desire to play warrior
>repeat for any class I like
Please kill me
You're saying it's not too bad? Rude.
Proof it.
Play Warlock then, you fucking hipster.
I see a lot of warlocks on my server
>tfw I have 5 characters level 100-110
>not a single one has an ilevel higher than 830
>massive multiplayer online
What's wrong with your head? You can't be a special snowflake in this game unless you have removed items very few other people have.
>Have 2 BiS in slot legendaries, plus Sephuz.
>Sephuz is getting buffed next patch.
Feels good lad.
No, you proof *he killed h**self.
>What's wrong with your head?
I wish I knew
GG. They were a massive faggot.
>playing legendary-based expansion
>posts a gif
>it's not animated
because muh artifact skins unlocks for next expansion
Because I get to shit on nerds with no legendaries.
Where does /wowg/ go for their addons?
I used to be a pleb using the curse client. Is that still a thing?
tukui.org and curse client
>make a warrior
>prot feels like ass
>arms is boring
>dont feel like playing fury
>lose desire to play warrior
Download them from Curse and install them manually.
t. player with one addon
You need like MAX 3 addons to play this game.
>try to play survival
>have to keep a 4 stack 8 second buff up 100%
>have to also keep a 10 second bleed up 100%
>also have to fit as many nukes (that stack) in a 15 second window
>have to manipulate cooldowns to all coincide 15 second window
>have at least 5 other damaging abilities to use on cooldown
>have to manage focus
holy FUCK this is mechanically the hardest class by far
you don't need any to play the game. if you're first going to have some you might as well get a bunch of make life easy
Huh? Why would I need to do anything else?
How long does the Free for all, More for me achievement takes to grind? Are the WQs on a rotation or is it RNG?
also literally zero mobility apart from one slow as fuck harpoon
trash survivability
rng as fuck. seems weighted against picking rumble as well, so expect that one to take forever
Indeed that fucking rumble, I started the grind recently. Darkbruh and Bareback are around 8 completitions and fucking rumble only once.
All of that to be the worst DPS spec in the game in both raids and M+.
>rng as fuck
Is fury warrior fun? Don't care about doing top tier dps, just want something fun to play.
>PvP in Legion
>slaying computer programs
>not being melee
>pve in legion
not really
i mean basically all you do is keep enrage up as much as you can, and press like 4 buttons not couting cooldowns
>pvp in legion
it's more fun to fight computers than people because then you aren't limited to what people are capable of
that's what I think, anyways, pvp is boring
>player vs environment
Computing routines are limited and play out the same way every time. Player routines are not so limited and adapt throughout seasons.
Why do people even do PvE? I don't get the appeal. what's the point? I feel like there's literally no point in playing co-op against AI that is so braindead. The whole game is engineered to be the same every time so that nobody can complain that they were given an unfairly hard time compared to some other guild. As a result, it's all scripted, all predictable, it really just comes down to "do your homework and don't be an idiot" and item level.
In my opinion, that's not "fun", that's the worst aspect of the entire MMO experience, and it's what Blizzard thinks is the most important part of the game. I don't get why.
Yes, I have done raids before, and no, not just Raid Finder.
pve is just a different type of pvp
>P V E
Because I like playing my character 100% of the time rather than 5% playing and 95% in cyclone.
If your idea of fun is being in a cyclone 95% of the time you're "playing" then good for you.
And yea, it's scripted but that doesn't mean it's predictable, all sorts of things can happen, it's all about mastering the fight and planning for all outcomes. It provides you with a clear goal and every step of the way you can feel yourself approaching it.
Besides, your main argument is ludicrous because you're describing pretty much any video game that isn't CoD or PES. That's how most games are designed, platform games, rpg games, action games, they provide you with a challenge that you need to overcome, usually by trying again and again.
That's not necessarily a good thing, and you'll have to defend why you think that's better to change my mind in any way
I like the discreet challenge of pve. It being predictable means you can make a plan that involves more than 10 people doing specific things to ensure victory
It's about working together and overcoming challenges
That is more fun to me, I'm not a very competitive person
I don't dislike pvp, I just don't think wow's gameplay is very good for it.
>get cc'd for 15 seconds
>not limited
Paying 20 and hour to do my World Quests and Mythic + dungaroos.
If you're not making enough gold while doing that shit for pay for a token you might want to look into getting someone else to do your finances.
I'll do that for free and get you mounts and pets if you become my gf.
>Not RP:ing
Yep. And one of the hardest classes to gear in general
Survival values
All the while having to have ~12-13% mastery also
They're such a fucking mess
When are you going to stream lad? I got a big donation waiting for you.
>RP for a while
>help a cutie start up a guild
>get her skype info and start dating ingame
>it's a fucking tranny
you can't make this up, it sounds like a copypasta
Gold is useless to me and I don't pay for my sub.
I just want someone to grind out gear for me, friend.
I should have never posted this image.
I don't know really, every time I think about streaming I don't feel too into it because tired.
Did you really think it was a girl?
odds are it's a girl
no one you've ever ERPed with has had a vagina.
Redpill me on starting a horde char/main
>tfw no draenei gf with a big smelly futa cock to pocket heal
>tfw no cute male races
there's a lot more underage and everyone plays a belf
Returning player here
Warrior or mage? Don't care which is better, which one is more popular? Which is more fun
How bad is the Trial of Valor soul quest? Can you do it in LFR?
>Looking for a raid group
>FIgure I will watch some VOD's of TGISH
>Every time something goes wrong people start yelling
>If something gets fucked up someone says something like 'You guys are retarded fucking niggers fuck you all"
>People are either memeing or being cunts to each other mid pull
>Two guys (Raid Leaders) being fucking cunts to people between pulls/during pulls
Why the fuck would you want to raid like that? How the fuck do you get anything done when the smallest mistep is followed with "Your a fucking retard kill yourself"
>12 hours a week of degrading for raiding
What happened to her? Does she still post here?
not underage but am belf
>people still play a terrible unfun spec for a terrible unfun class
>cant handel the bantz
good god those tits
who is she?
wtf i hate RIP In Peace now
we took wod for granted boys.... i miss it so much
get cancer animeposter
if they hadn't stopped working on wod to go do legion and instead given us more content it would have been a great expansion. just shatt raid alone. fucking idiots
Do you know any good Blood DK streamers?
Man, I've been hunter forever, I'm not going to stop now. SV is surprisingly fun and a neat spec overall, too bad they put it on a ranged class and raped the other two specs for it.
>tfw /wowg/ is barely more alive than the last months of wod
what went so wrong guys?
>Dont fuck up
>Dont get yelled out