Gf cant drive

So i have 1800$ to spend..what car off Las Vegas craigslist should i look into? gf literally ran into the side of wallmart and twisted the uni body and cross member in my 2000 saturn sl1. RIP--

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Buy her a bus pass.

For her, or you? saturn had 99 HP SO i would like to stay away from anything that slow...there is a large hill near vegas that i had to keep it to the fucking wood to stay at 65 going over.

If gas isn't an issue. A crown Vic, Grand Marquis, town car would be torqey for hills.

Hahaha that was your GF? I heard about that shit. Tell her to quit sexting johnny hillstart on SC when she's driving

Didnt do any damge to wall...wall won dint even hurt the walls paint. Just happened tonight.

Which Walmart was that at?

Wpuld be horrable if i started commuting a large distance. (Witch will be a possiblility soon)

Camry or corolla

The cheapest shit box that runs you can find.

You have to go back.

>not wanting a luxobarg for long commutes.

Just take the bus. The RTC isn't as bad as you think.

>Witch will be a possiblility soon
You must be kidding.

2 spooky

those cars are literally meant for commuting long distance, they're the quintessential american land barge for rolling a couch down the freeway

yeah the mileage won't be as good but you'll be doing like 800rpm at 65, it'll be better than you'd expect

You will kiss the low end torque on that SL1.
For a shitbox I remember it was impressive.

Get an SL1 body and swap parts. Don't let the dream die.

i have the sohc...99HP 0/10 litterally slowest car on the road.

I aint swappin no unibody...fuck that.

LMAO quiet are they on the inside..engine noise etc.

Dude, it's a grand marquise. The only way you could get comfier is a '95 Town Car with the interior 100% intact. And that's still the same platform. Go test drive one and find out for yourself.

Quiet and smooth as silk. Excellent cars.

The only thing that worries me is the whole 200hp with a v8

I had a sales job driving about 1000 miles a week; bought a 2003 crown vic p71 with over 200k miles for an ounce of weed and 200 bucks. I drove that bitch for 3 years and sold it for twice what i had spent on it. Justchangebthe oil and drive it, rinse, repeat. Youd be a damn fool not to grab a panther for a worry free commuter. Oh and even at over 200k miles on it i never got anything less than 25 mpg avg with 50% in town 50% 75mph hwy driving

They produce more torque than power and are geared accordingly. They feel like they have plenty of power

that car was shit and whatever you settle on is gonna be shit as well with such a pittance


Not really

I was looking at that exact one

That's not how automotive measurements work, silly Yankee doodle

Ill have to test drive one.
All the miles are sp00k



My 99 vic is at 244K and climbing the plush silky smooth rope to 300K.

They're slow as a 4 cylinder but still drink like an 8. You will lose drag races to stock EF civics


(this one's a project but fuggg...)

Fuck dude i sold my chrokee...cost me 609 fucking dollars on a 1200 mile drive...unless it was fuxked up idk why it got such shit fuel milage...i didnt know alot about cars back then.
Thats what i was worried saturn was so extrmely 0-60 in 13 not fun to drive really hated everything about it except how realiable it was.

How do those hold up? The manual v6 would be a little fun.

It's a ford, meme's aside it will hold up better than a saturn of all things.

Ayo what you faggots think of the 08 altima? Reliable? Helb

I have a 99 sl1 (sohc) in manual with 245k. Love the car, comfy seat, just a bitch to get in and out.

If you have the manual you can rev it fairly high to get to speed.

The 40mpg is hard to beat

Is your 'sales job' selling weed? An ounce is about $400 around here. Good deal on the car though.

280ftlb at 4100 rpm. Max power at under 5k.

When are you over 5k rpm? The reason the max power is low is because the revs are low, it's a lazy v8. But it feels like a much more powerful engine for a daily driver simply because it has more power at the rpms you're normally in than a 4cyl with 300 peak hp does. Sure, drag race or flat out pull, you'll be smoked.. But literally who cares, this is a sub-2k car, you're not impressing anybody with that budget ever.

You don't do 0-60, so forget that number. You do 0-30 while under 4k rpm to get out into traffic, and you do 40-70 at under 3k on highways. Cruising at highway speeds, the fuel mileage won't be as bad as you'd think since the engine is basically idling.

There's a reason the cops held onto them for so long, they're fantastic to be in for long periods of time, have good visibility, and enough power for anything a former Saturn owner could think up. And might actually be strong enough that the girlfriend doesn't wreck it on a curb or.. Wall? Seriously?

They're a meme, but they're a meme for a reason.

Just checked my local craigslist.

Cheap Lincoln Town Cars for days!

2005-2011 for less than $3k. Why is this a thing?

Get a new girlfriend first

This. Bitch crashed your car and now you have to pay for it

This, pull yourself together m8. From what you've posted it seems the car wasn't that big of a loss, but seriously you've got to remember that relationships aren't eternal; 50% of marriages end in divorce, and you aren't even married. Seriously, you'll be happier if you ditch the bitch and then go buy a nice fun car that meets your requirements. On top of not having someone leech off of you you also won't have to worry about someone else crashing your car.
Seriously OP, dump the girl you'll be happier.

I mean...i do want to go fast lmao.

>600 dollars
>1200 miles
>extremely generous $4/gallon
>150 gallons
>8 miles to the gallon
Yeah dude it was fucked.

Taxi companies moving to cadillac, lexus, etc.

Sue her in small claims court for more money.
Alternatively, sue her parents for raising an idiot.
Have her sue walmart for not having a softer building side like tires to soften the blow to the car.
RIP Saturn

We got a real live cuck here boys

This. Not being funny but if all you have is 1800 you shouldn't be getting anything.

A car of that price will cost you a lot (in your situation) and it'll be a piece of shit no matter what. It's not worth it.

This is why public transport exists.