Fighting Games General /fgg/
(You) this post to activate your BBC gene and become good at fighting games
jwong, mago, tokido all going to Markmans new team
just in case if real
Play BlazBlue
I'm already a black furry. There is no need to.
>Justin leaves EG
Press F to pay respects
Why does Akuma parry take white health if he has to parry specific heights
>uncorners himself and corners the opponent mid combo
>that reset
capcom why
Posting this here as well because last thread is dying.
I still largely blame KI for SFV's new politics and general product view.
I like the idea of updates being just patches and not requiring any more disks aside from the only one you need for the game, but I prefer my content to be complete and ready for its fullest enjoyment potential.
Also these games have clearly much less budget than fully packaged fighting games. Everyone forgot the mess that was KI at launch, on some aspects even worse than SFV launch.
Markman just said they're going elsewhere, just not announced yet.
is there any reason for not pressing the button?
>Muh skillcap
no but really Akuma would be absolutely ridiculous if he could parry shit all day considering the knockdowns he can get from the followup attacks
So EG closing down? How do these sponsers even make money? I have never bought anything of EG and I love me some Kbrad and WongFactor.
More alive than revelator
>12 char dlc
>old game
>miniscule online community I'd guess
I like v.2013 tho, the Tekken characters are very interesting to play and you'd be surprised how many viable teams and characters there actually are.
They are not, just getting rid of dead weight in jwong and people who sponsors don't care about (momochi)
which trip gives the best advice for their character, any game? are any of them worth not filtering?
end of an era niggas
My NYR was to get good at fighting games were do I start
Rising Thunder 2 when?
Thanks I guess I have to learn her pokes and such (I know the med kick, longest one) Is the best kick and its also good for measuring your specials.
The think is after my plans for starting the battle I tend to mix up my attacks randomly just so I can do a downward heavy kick switch can (I think) make me able to automatically get a my ex spin kick attack or my v tigger into critical art. Actually I have to test that. Is doing random pokes bad? should you know a pattern?
Why am I so sexually attracted to Ricki? Whenever "she" posts those selfie videos, I always get a raging boner.
Friendly reminder ChocoBlanka likes the Gorilla Dick Niggas
Step one: be a tier whore
Step two: practice
Step three: don't be me. being me has the distinct disadvantage of being shit at all games regardless of time and effort put into (insert your game of choice here).
t. fat nerd in the picture
so she likes small penises? That's why she married momochi I guess
Is that Nemo?
(because gorillas have small dicks)
>No hover hand
>on Veeky Forums
>on a video game board
>in a video game general
>uses """""""""""nerd"""""""""" in an insulting manner
yeah, he's playing urien now and it is scary
doing anything randomly is a bad idea
Xian made a post on his twitter that explains footsies in SFV pretty good but..
Either you want to react with specific buttons like (lazy version) or (better because it leads into combos but also harder because its hitbox is not as favorable)
You want to press good buttons pre-emptively (like and once they start blocking and punishing you for it you need to switch it up.
And if you do this long enough you get a general idea of what works and what doesnt.
Damn, Choco is ugly as fuck, how can people call her cute?
shut up dork
>Shezow Perler bead necklace
Maximum gay
Why is Cloud 9 only sponsoring Smash niggas?
When I looked up good teams for King all I could find was Abel and Marduk and I didn't really like either of them.
All the main trip/name guys here (brick, alcatraz, broski, etc) actually play and give ok advice. Weird but true.
Post best gill
they don't have money to expand to other games
they still haven't gotten a dota 2 team again
I'm not sure how that's relevant. I pointed out that SF x Tekken was dead, someone then sad revelator was dead, and I provided proof to the contrary.
Ahh so you were that fat nerd?
>this gay fish fanboy is still here
why is she so perfect?
No, I'm Negan.
Esuta plays King/Claw/Ryu and played King/Ryu in grandfinals last EVO (and Ryu/King the EVO before that)
Yet they have money to sponsor a Smash coach? How does that make sense exactly? You have to fly out that nigga to every event and the coach will not get on the main stage for EVO (the biggest viewership) because EVO doesn't allow coaching for its main stage.
>Ricky looks like NRS Wonder Woman from INJUS2
this makes my cummy feel funny
I need you Ricki!!!
dont be jealous theres plenty of fish to go around
>black meme choker
where are these girls getting their black belts
*tips nazi officer hat*
Other Karin player here.
The way I see Karin is that she performs best when she can dictate the pace of the match. Because she can both play footsies/punish, or rush people down. You can stand at medium range and poke poke poke and punish, or you can orochi in and start pressuring with fast buttons, tick throws and frame traps.
But the best matches I have are the ones where I decide what distance we're playing at, and force them to play uncomfortably. And get them into a rhythm, then change it on them.
Notice how they're all eurotrips
Get fucked hamfats
>that choker
>calling people a fat nerd on Veeky Forums
I hate fish
Now get lost
Man you're really buttdevestated huh?
Jesus man spoiler that shit.
how big u think is ricki's dixk
shes a cutie
Watch it Rick
>bought CF CE for PS3
>crack open art book that came with
>first page I open too has some serious loli shit
>CD doesn't have must die on it
welp fuck you ASW
now i'm on an FBI watchlist and I don't even have must die to bump in the car
stop making fun of the mentally ill
anyone pc sfv/gooby gear useast?
all Ricks are my enemy
>tfw ricki is cuter than most girls in my town
I want her
It's not like being fat makes you any less hungry
beggin your pardon
run the jewels live at the garden
What century is it?
What stage is the A Game of Push and Pull mission for?
The fuck
I thought Thanos was boss only in MSH
Holy shit
did people start trainingboaring MSH just because of the MvCI announcement?
seeing a ton of MSH stuff on twitter lately, thought everyone forgot those games existed
I just got a stick and what annoys me about it is the fact that it spins. Is there any way to stop it from spinning or at least make it tighter?
people back in the day must've really learned the hard way, since there was no training mode in arcade
you could play as the boss characters by pressing some button combination on spiderman. you could play as doom that way too.
it helps you transition between diagonals and still keep the same grip
and what the fuck are you doing with it if its an issue
Should I main Elena in 3s?
>he fell for the stick meme in 2016
just use it more, you get used to it
>whiff my entire combo but muscle memory end it with CA and eat a 60% urien bkb mixup`
Holding a stick in your hands after a week is so strange.
It feels so weird.
fucking retard
I just bought Darkstalkers Ressurection. Did I do good?
Is the online community ded?
not really, what method do you use?