goddess edition
goddess edition
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no waifu in this game...
xth for gay marriage
I just wanted to be in the top
B-but metroid is chill.
Also faker didn't say anything what a badass.
>lower win rate than heimerdinger jungle
>quinn will never e into you
What are the most cancerous champs right now?
How many hours per day do you play this game?
I've finally broken my curse and gotten it down to under 10 hours a day
who's that on the right
> Quinn will never jump on your chest and then blind you
lol ok
> Ryze
> Ryze
> Ryze
> Yasuo
>ywn build this item on Urgot ever again
Muh soul...
I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
>45% winrate champ
xth for breast waifu
I want to make out with Kled!
is overwatch esports a failure? like i never notice when their tournaments are on and shit
POST your
>new year resolution
>most hated person/group in thread
>champion you think should be removed
xth for dank as fuck discord
>lactates ice cream
Kill yourself.
just a few more weeks! :3
> winrates matter
haha xd yeah dude xd
get a qt bf
ily all
Jayce, Singed and Yasuo
Vi, Shaco and Evelynn
Syndra, Ryze, Leblanc and Yasuo
Ziggs and Caitlyn
Janna and Soraka
I hope it's bombing harder than hots.
>get chat restriction for being toxic
>decided to give positive comments every time someone is feeding
>great job!, excellent work!, we got this win in the bag!
>still tilts the fuck out of people
>can't be banned for being toxic
Shoulda started doing this earlier.
>didn't make one
Me too! You'll need to wait your turn till I'm done sounding him though.
>tfw it's 2016 + 1 and i still dont have a qt ez bf
biggest and best breasts!
biggest and best waifu!
Literally just don't talk.
>ryze isn't cancer because low winrate
>falling for this again
I fucking swear this general is filled with literal mouthbreathing retards
whoa thanks man
can't wait for free rp!
> Ryze
> Chrismas
> idk try not to be a social retard maybe
> "Lul Yasuo/Vi/Twitch aren't broken you just need to git gud lmao 100k yasuo main can tell"
> Lighting rat of epic 20 years stuns
Hey guys vladfag here I got a new bf so I won't be posting much. Sorry Vlad, see you at vgu :/
Anyway AMA for a farewell?
I'm not that user but why is Ryze turbo cancer?
I haven't really seen ANYBODY utilize him correctly. How is he strong?
>tfw look like Ez but not gay
Sorry user another time maybe
I seriously could not give less fucks about you
Post pics.
...and don't come back?
whats wrong with it Senpai
My body belongs to my cute metal bf now sorry
Was Ezreal/Shen a common bot lane group at one point?
I've seen like 2-3 art pieces of them together.
>Katarina (imthem baka off!!!)
>Sleep more, focus on studies
> barrel and gp posters in general
>GP, Garen, Yasou
>Tristana I don't really have a waifu but half of my rule 34 lol folder is tristana
>Get to master
At least post your face
>look like ez
>didnt post pics
look dude just because you have blonde hair doesnt mean you look qt get real
I think it's just the artist's preference. And besides, who doesn't like a big, hunky ninja taking care of a cute boy?
>lock in poppy
>dick around for 40 minutes, literally does not matter if you feed or stomp lane
You've seen my face senpai
This is completely made up.
There's nothing actually stopping you from just playing everything, except maybe your own mental capacity.
its a scam, you dont actually get any RP from it. you can tell because any official riot site you'll be able to log in to your account, so obviously this one isnt official
His low cooldowns make him turbo cancer.
I build him off and even then I can do decent damage.
His EQ damage early is insane, your shield/ms makes you uncatchable and your ult makes your global pressure pretty strong.
And even late his damage is insane.
w-wait don't leave, we need you to make early threads to counter the ezreal threads
>flatter than jinx
lmao no wonder your husband left you
do you think "maining" is like a condition people suffer or something lol? people main champs because they like playing them for whatever reason. its not that they cant play anything else, its that they dont want to play anything else
Perhaps you're misunderstanding the term.
It's a scam.
>just played darius vs yasuo
>even at level 1
I dont even understand, i tipped him with my q and was auto attacking him, he was even in my creepwave and winning.
Is it because he started dorans and i went longsword?
Ew. Was hoping for a cute gay couple.
You have a potato shaped head don't you
No good new Vlad or Vayne arts in ages. Don't event have anything to spam anymore.
Name suggestions?
just spam your old art, 10x better than the exact same picture ezrealfags are using
has bandlebro posted the 2016 pic yet?
We've already been over the >vladfag is flat meme
Richard Cheese
Well said. Shen IS hubby/broheim material, after all.
Also, I just realized they both shared the Frozen skin theme.
Yep potado shaped head. Called it
Spent a few hours tinkering around in Blender and ended up with this. I'm actually pretty proud of it and I think Ahri would be too! Thoughts?
god no, what happened?
you start W for the level 1 kill strat. you also have to get the first auto in by using the bushes. ideally you'll want to wait in the bush closest to their tower until they move up to cs, then you walk up behind them and start autoing them. you use W as an auto reset when they turn to run away.
no it looks terrible kill it with fire
>main: Rek'Sai
>waifu/husbando: Kindred/Renekton
>new year resolution: Finally get out of Bronze
>most hated person/group in thread: Futafags
>champion you think should be removed: Aatrox. (I don't hate his mechanics I just hate his lore and design. Fix that and he'd be perfect)
good job user
she's very pretty
Why are people continuing to give the attention whore attention?
I can already sense the whiteknights trying to defend this.
he's right tho. He shot himself in the foot so hard
i mean say what you want about hashinshit he does know how to play his one playstyle to the best ability, and deserves challenger most of the time
it just turns out that he is utterly clueless outside of sitting toplane on an island
>either not hard or tiny benis
Mayyybe straighten out the neck a little. It looks too angular and tight.
Bangs should be added, though I figure that was your plan for later.
And maybe you can try and add a few highlights/reflections in her eyes, just to keep her cuteness AND her subtle freaky nature.
This dude is so rude
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
needs 9
pass vidya
Sure, sure. But what's in it for me?
I don't get this meme
Working out
Fucking remove Yasuo already
needs 7
up on North American server
the password is vidya
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>hate waifufags
>proceeds to be the same thing by being a husbandofag
>Stop being fat and lose some weight
>I don't dislike anyone
Not yet, but I'll try to have it done tonight. Jhin and Sol were just difficult for me to get the hang of.
Sure, sure. But what's in it for me?
waifus are gross, husbandos are cute.
i said yes cause it looked like we were gonna lose cause bot fed and i was not confident in carrying the game assuming i was going to carry but it mihgt have just been throw
this guy gets it
It's not really a meme. It just tells the regular lurker that the answer to the question is nothing. You can get into a game with no stakes against a team of complete autists who are either tryhards or salty about the fact that others tryhard.
vg vs vg is a miserable waste of time. It's not fun, it doesn't get you anywhere, and the only little enjoyment you can get out of it is laughing at other people's misery as they get tilted into another dimension.
This desu.
And Google, this might come as a surprise to you, but onion rings are not a fucking sushi.
i got autofilled to mid wtf