Destiny General - /dg/
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GOAT Destiny video
So does the Dawning end AT reset or after Tuesday?
Anyone up for heroic strikes on ps4? randoms are pissing me off, they use everything BUT solar.
Unbannedheart188 and DaddydoxRGhey
Where's Noobish?
>hey guys i'm a good player with great stats
>I tried to do a trials carry and my carrying partner was a Brit douche that was rude to our carry
>check stats, he's a complete shitter and he was the one being carried
>4channer too
I know it is a bit late in the week, but anybody up for nightfall?
Post Veeky Forums
As a titan, which strikes should I use my skeleton keys on?
the strike that has you're mom LOL
go to bed jeff, you have school in the morning
"""""""fun""""""" raid
colts connection brings about the end times raid?
i want to smear precum on yellowteacup's cute, tight and pink sissy pussy and use it as lube so it makes a squishy sound every time i put it inside her!!!
Ya get points for Deep Stone Crypt, but Dunemarchers will never be Veeky Forums.
Best I can do is a 7/10.
You underestimate my speed!
normie being a normie and just bad beats after a near clean run
>tfw you will never beat the raid again due to lack of patience for constant wipes on vosik
>tfw you don't have the patience because you were spoiled by having competent teammates
>tfw your competent teammates are gone and there always at least one random
>tfw that random will invariably ruin everything
>tfw pve is dead
3/6 hm wotm with colt and bean. come suffer for fun
Is it a fresh run?
I hate that this image is deliberate, it ruins the whole point of these images.
Don't do it, Colt! I have the High Speed!
It's on Vosik. Constant wipefest. No survivors.
ye. i have one friend who just bought ROI last week, and hes okay and just hit 380something. the other one who decided to show up back on destiny is one of those dudes that uses the wrong shit at the wrong time and will stay in the pocket like a dumbass and get killed.
>Not even a fresh run
I wouldnt mind going again. Mr. ME TITAN ME INDESTRUCTIBLE has gone to bed. (also 85% sure he grabbed a siva charge that was meant to be used on the door and tossed it) causing that one wipe.
There's a link in the OP that has a list of all the strike specific loot and which boss they drop from. Most of what you get wih the keys is just going to be for infusion fuel anyways though.
is Treads Upon Stars still any good? I remember when that strike first came out people flipped out over that gun saying it was like VOC without the solar element.
hey, I know I'm not indestructible
FUCK you Pandox and FUCK you Dragonheart
im talking about my normie friend. i know the other titans know better than to stand in a group of enemies and try to melee them all to death in a raid.
new player here. who is yellowteacup and why do people say they want to have sex with them or had sex with them??
i mean, I'll punch one or two
>calls himself the best PvPer
>can't 3v1 like
i wish I was autistic enough to shitpost about ps4 players just to get a rise out of people
Calm down Inter it'll be okay
Is the public event tracker even remotely accurate
Or am I really just missing 90% chance to occur events back to back?
Because I just hit 7 listed 90% chance events and not one of them actually happened
You'll get there some day. I believe in you.
>can't bring myself to finish the sparrow racing part of my book
>no way to farm exotics with Xur spending all his holiday cash on heavy synths and forgetting to get 3oC
>14 consecutive runs of regular 41 PoE and no y2 exotic versions of the Fallen weapons
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.
Public event tracker is fuckdd cause literally no one hits the thumb button when shit does happen to keep the clocks in check.
Currently if it says -5 assume it will happen between -6 to -16.
There's like a 5-10min delay, iirc.
Do the races now since shits gone after tomorrow.
Can the Fallen exotics drop from CoE even if you finished the Sigil? Is there a minimum point requirement or can you blitz the bosses and get the exotic?
Does anyone know?
Let it out buddy
I have no drive to man. I don't care for it. I can win or get in top 3 9/10 times but there'll be a bump in the terrain and I'll fucking crash burn and die the other one.
No idea. Can you solo the challenge of elders now? I never did it back when it was current content since I didn't have a ps4 for a while.
You can definitely solo it. You could in Y2 depending on the modifiers and point conditions. Catapult +Grenade Bonus or Precision kills were the easiest for me.
You could solo this week's one as a Sunbreaker. Can't speak for the other classes. I had a Grenadier handcannon. I got like 42k and that was only because I got annoyed at started shooting wildly instead of getting points. Also, Airborne is on so if you jump and chuck a nade, you'll kill them instantly.
I'm sure if I go full sunsinger gauntlet homo I can just burn everything alive and be fine.
As long as you have a CoE Sigil in your inventory, you can do CoE for a chance at the Fallen exotics. This week is really easy to solo with Sunsinger Angel of Light or Empyrean Bellicose Titan and primary weapons. Just literally walk in, kill the boss, and move to the next room.
Make it so.
So the points don't really matter, huh. That's awesome. Thanks, user.
My fucking friend got all 3 exotics after completing like 4 Sigils while I've gotten 1 over the course of 16 or so Sigils. Good to know that I can just grind the bosses.
Tlaloc is a good shout, btw.
has he lost his touch?
Literally who?
are the PoE exotics awarded in postgame screen since i guess you don't go open a chest or anything?
just went in and blitzed the bosses, walked out with like a 12k score since i didn't focus on minions.
Yeah, they'll come after you finish, but they're kind of rare. You're going to get more Ghost shells than exotics
that's fine
this is kinda fun to mindlessly do while watching comedy shows
more like Veeky Forumsilure
>get Zen Meteor and Lord of Wolves Y2 back to back
by this swag alone do I rule
At least the hunter has on different styles other then ONLY IRON BANNER.
You could at least try to make the guns go with the clothes.
who did you do CoE with?
Did you solo?
put enough to get 30000 points for the free infusion gear and then just murdered bosses alone
Treads Upon Stars any good?
it's hard to find a scout that's really "bad"
depends on what archetype you like
for example, i'm in love with Jade Rabbit
tested it out, Treads has the ideal archetype for me. Seems pretty good, plus it has firefly on it, so I can't complain.
should I just spam races for gear or what? Is that the fastest way to get infusion fodder right now?
Reset kicked me from the tower. So holiday over?
Anyone doing PoE 42? I want to farm it for a bit.
>mfw rolled firefly, zen moment and explosive rounds
I don't know how good that is objectively, but that's my kind of loadout.
No. It's not weekly reset
Pretty damn good now that EP can properly proc firefly.
farm it yourself
insanely easy this week
Speaking of explosive rounds, do they actually chew through shields faster or am I just imagining it?
They do. Each bullet does overall more damage as a whole shot&explosive at the cost of reduced critical but even the critical remaining+explosive is more than the original crit.
The explosion doesn't get in the way of the crit kill now either so firefly procs correctly.
>Page 10
Anyone willing to help me through the NF for my last chance this week for Icebreaker? 360 Voidlock with nades for days.
Anyone for some PvP?
Still here?
I try to be. Got one person if you're willing to hop in
Strikes strikes strikes
I'll send you a friend request and join in a few minutes, currently in the middle of something
Much appreciated
I can honestly say
Without the slightest fucking doubt in my mind
The IB Clever Dragon is the stupidest, most fucking broken gun I have ever fucking seen. Two shot Thorn step a-fucking-side
There's a new fucking king here
I want to know who at Bungie gave this fucking gun the OK