Ezreal edition!
Happy New Year!
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Ezreal edition!
Happy New Year!
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Fuck this community. This is by far the worst general and every single one of you are retarded. Literally all of you have a mental disability. Over the course of my time here I have not once met a single person that isn't in some way a fucking wierdo. Aids community.
Best. Fox. Ever.
Hey how did you know I have AIDS?!
thanks man, it's nice to know people care about me
post webbums
Make sure to thank your support by giving them plenty of JUICY assists!
>Having trouble laning against Ignite Singed with 3 Dark Seals
>Ping for Assistance
>My Jungler translates this as "come top with double buffs and 1/4th HP"
Guess who got blamed for that one.
>those people that complain about "toxicity"
>those people that complain about "the community"
You're part of the problem.
Wow, that's just a mess.
Reading her lore page I can pretty safely say she only wants human essence since her goal is to become human. So no she wouldn't be fucking a dog you disgusting fur fag.
>playing against Ziggs and Lux botlane
I have never wanted to kill myself as much as now. No words to describe how anally blasted i am.
>team mate got s
>i got A+
>playing champ i didnt get a box for yet
>have boxes available
>didnt get a box
wtf man
who care lux support is shit
just try to lane vs Ziggs and Zyra
>That second E
What the fuck was he thinking?
did you know there's a gp sona specific bug that makes GP barrels do very little damage
I think when Sona Q's and GP gets the on hit buff and detonates a barrel, the parrrley damage is negated and the damage that applies is the on hit buff from Sona Q which is around 60-80 damage
That was Tristana's fault for going way to far out like an idiot.
>Hurr durr let's get in range of a full team
>Fucking support didn't save me.
I see why people hate ADCs now.
Funny, just started playing and it's how I got to gold for the Maokai skin.
Just murder, melt and liquefy their bot lane hard enough and they would often immediately surrender at 20.
>Game is winnable
>Someone on your team afks
>Game drags on for another 10 minutes because the enemy team doesn't want to end
This has happened to me 3 of my last 5 games, and hasn't happened to the enemy team in more than a month of games. What the fuck is going on?
>all i have to do is win one game and get like, a B+ to get mastery 5
i don't know a thing man
Has everyone forgotten about this guy, he's sleeper OP and probably has been since trinity force was changed
Has surpising burst on squishes and tanks can't itemize against the mixed damage easily, I could actually deal with the enemy sion in my last game
Don't you have rioter friends? Tell them to fix it
Watch Natsume Yuujinchou.
holy shit LOL
>Vayne walks up to an annie with her stun up.
>Thanks Braum.
Fucking ADC niggers.
(Riot Development Life Cycle)
>1. buff assassins
>2. buff ad carries
>3. buff bruisers
>4. buff mages
>go to 1
There's at least 1 Fiddlesticks nerfs per cycle.
wtf just play heimerdinger and build zzrot if you hate pvp
i dont like mages
same people that complain about toxicity are probably the dipshits who decide to farm bot when enemy team is preparing for baron
yeah I showed them but they're not in the department that fixes bugs or stuff like that so they just emailed and forwarded my thread to the right people
that was a few months ago
it's still in the game
Good morning lolgen
Time for work, spanish lesson, doing some shopping, watching some streams and playing vidya games, f-fuck you all:^)
wow that renek fucked up learn to weave your autos
>There's an afk or rager on my team EVERY game
>I mean it, literally every game
>If they didn't just go afk I have to carry them kicking and screaming to a win
>If they go afk there's no recourse because Riot only bans people for hurting people's feelings :(((
are you hoping to accomplish anything or just play
because literally 0% kill participation out of the 20-40 kills in your games is slightly worrisome
>be support
>know Zyra is in the nearest bush
>ward is on cd
>notice Sivir's trinket has two charges
>"Sivir did you know that you have a trinket?"
>"no whats that"
Can I just get one fucking game where nobody is a braindead moron?
>people intentionally feed "are jackfucking shit"
>refuse to surrender when the score is like 5-20 or someshit like that
>literally wanting to waste another 30 minutes on a loss
>xth for breast metal waifu
>for some reason they always blame the person doing the best
>logic is literally "why can't you carry my worthless garbage feeding ass you must be worse than me"
He's the best!
I'm busy rewatching mirai nikki
>Video of Memeos inting on stream getting spammed with thumbs-down
ok ill indulge you
ive seen you post this easily 20 times without reply
what keeps you going
Are you trying to become the next epic lolg personality? The special snowflake top laner that intentionally has 0% kp every game?
Why did Duke and Bengi leave SKT?
When do esports start for each region?
At least my team was competent enough to carry my sorry ass. Thank god this was normals, but this one left me broken and tilted.
>getting ready for that Urgot rework
no i want to climb without fighting
>getting ready for that Warwick rework
something something no damage tryndamere
also zz'rot heimerdinger then just literally pve their lanes down
>complain about losing on /lolg/
>ywn racemix with Niggalee
Why even live?
I never really thought about it. Don't remember why I started doing it either
Obviously his love for Sona. Although I prefer a different red head.
Ten bans fucking when?
Is this supposed to be bait?
Genuinely curious to see if they make an example of him.
It's definitely possible.
What am I supposed to do as a melee top laner vs. heimer besides rush mr and stay under turret all of lane phase
Who is the biggest hack of an artist and why is it aka6?
his turrets will auto push the lane
call your jungle for easy ganks
Yeah, then at some point he can't itemize against tank their high mixed defenses since he double dips.
either play him into comps with no tanks, or end before 25 minutes.
Let him poke you down, wait for him to get to 6 then call your jungler to gank him.
Especially if he has Exhaust.
There's non fucking way, they would lose ALL credibility instantly.
>inb4 someone brings up some minor balance hiccup
They've made it a point that even big League names get punished the same as the common Silver Peasant, if they give Meteos an exception even Reddit will riot.
i didnt complain though
>Jungler won't gank him
Okay, now what?
how many dicks do you think are on ahri's phone
ok but you're posting about how you're upset with the results
And then the tanks get armor and MR and you now do less damage than a silver Ezreal because there's no mixed pen item.
She probably wants to get a dick pic of every guy in school
She's entirely to smart for that.
tell your jungler to kill himself and afk
aka6 may be up there among hacks, but he ain't no rampage10whateverthefuck.
>Enemy Ashe salting allchat because he can't understand how he could lose lane
>Tell him that he'd die less if he spent less time talking
>Turns the salt up to 11
I don't understand these fucking apes. Does being a little bitch in a literal video game make them feel better?
Like let me put this in perspective, these people are having panic attacks over LITERAL PIXELS ON A COMPUTER SCREEN. How do you even get this pathetic?
then why is she so distraught about someone taking her phone away
why is he a hack?
are you okay with people grabbing your personal shit
especially expensive stuff like a smartphone
the meme king that NOBODY knows how to play against.he wins lane at champ select in most cases should he choose to go top and he turns ganks into doubles kills 90% of the time 100% of the time
braindead hero that excels at getting a single kill and snowballing out of control. BC,titanic and PD are all you need to obliterate everything and everyone. You either think his VA is really funny or really cringey and tryhard
fucking hate this bitch. cant say anything good about her really.as if her being only viable as a top lane bully with retarded survivability,pushing and scaling wasnt bad enough her facebase is pure autism. Lulu absorbed the majority of the Annie posters and has run rampant
the most BASED champion really. Hes been here since the early days and was apart of the "Original" beta champions. His kit was pretty bullshit but noone complained because it also had major drawbacks and worked like Nasus. Pretty much doesnt have a real fanbase at all outside of the people who only like his Rule 63 counterpart
hes cute. hes got a bullshit rage inducing laning phase. and hes utterly worthless and has no real impact past 15 minutes! you love him and you hate him!
becomes meta every other blue moon.
As I am LoD and BandleBro proves Tristana is ultimately our yodle sex queen from beginning to end.
the rework was a mistake.Everything except the model is all wrong.
the thinking mans marksman of choice. Literally had every form of damage up until his rework.
Stop whining
most Yordles are pretty based
That guy's "art" utterly baffles me.
if i didn't have pictures of dicks, and it was a classmate fooling around, i don't think i'd care that much until i saw some loose behavior like tossing it around
but just looking in it, whatever
She might not have dick pics, but she does have some other compromising evidence on there.
Have you seen his art? He can't draw faces for shit and they all look like horses. His expressions are really bad too.
idk people get really emotionally invested into their (individual) games
to the point where they're practically exhausted and stop queueing
>whaaa teammates are reason i'm bronze silver or gold
recently went through here and players practically killed themselves what are people whinging about
>ADC mains
i dont know why youre surprised
yo cmon..
>Ahri cucking all the other League girls
LITERALLY my fetish.
I thought people had to be posting his art for you to get salty about it you no talent piece of shit
now If only he would stick to stuff like this
instead we get manface ahri with a gigantic bullcock every other picture.
i cant complain
>Ahri was a pure and sweet girl who bloomed early
>Then this happened and she vowed revenge
>3 seconds apart
This is far and away the best piece of art we've ever gotten from a contest. eyosongive.us
Hmmm. I think Camille said something to Warwick as a taunt like, You were a weapon? Boo. Hoo."
You think warwick is going to transform like Graymang, or just stay the same, but with more lines?
i hope they make Urgot even uglier than he is now. they shouldnt try to make him pretty like they did Sion's rework
including the one that got him disabled at lcs?