Why hasn't gm won Le Mans yet? I just checked and they haven't even won a race there. How is it hard to place 1st in a 24 hour race?
Why hasn't gm won Le Mans yet? I just checked and they haven't even won a race there...
>How is it hard to place 1st in a 24 hour race?
For a corvette? Very.
Motorsports is gay in general, who cares, nothing they drive resembles anything they'll sell to the public.
Circle jerking sports belongs to /sp/ , leave this board to people who actually drive cars bro, and by bro I mean never my bro you fukin bus riding phaggot
assmad gm fangirl detected
it's sad that they won't stop shitposting
i'm so tired of the gm shills
>nothing they drive resembles anything they'll sell to the public
spotted the clueless busrider who doesnt know anything about motorsports
Yeah bud that's the exact same car, engine and all, that they use in racing. They literally rolled it off the track and it went straight to the dealership
Yes actually... Rather its less powerful than the street legal gt3rs.
There is also the MX5 Cup... Which is pretty much the exact same fucking thing as the production version.
First "huur they dont resemble anything sold at the dealership" , proven wrong of course now its "huur its not the exact same car sold in the dealership thats used in racing!!". Well it actually kind of is, just modified on the production line :^)))
You are clueless. You dont know anything about shit. Stop fucking posting.
Motorsports are for faggots who can't afford sports cars.
Sports cars are for faggots who cant afford race cars and track time
>class "wins"
>celebrating last place
lmao, can gm get even more desperate?
99% of the cars you benchrace never get used on a track... It's autistic as fuck. Go on with your Gran Autismo.
>Stop it
>stop mentioning le mans
Yeah ok bud a racecar is now street legal
>b-but they share the same exhaust and some suspension parts
its the same car
a roll cage, stripped interior and slicks doesnt make it a different car
stay in damage control mode you colossal brain dead shit cunt
>How is it hard to place 1st in a 24 hour race?
Pretty hard, apparently.
Look better behind them
Please don't bring back bad memories. I was watching the clips from the japanese broadcast and you could feel the depression on the japanese commentators.