Where the fuck is the thread: Dead game edition
>Random shit about the game I don't know google it
Where the fuck is the thread: Dead game edition
>Random shit about the game I don't know google it
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Reviewbrah got a WQ
wew dead general
>started legion a month or so ago
>haven't played since cata
>put in a shitload of hours into it, get into a nice guild and everything
>don't feel like im being rewarded for the time i'm putting into the game because of the artifact system
>people who started at launch will always do more damage than me because of artifact knowledge they waited real time for instead of actually the playing game
>literally have to sub and not play the game to get stronger
What the fuck were they thinking with this?
the artifact system doesn't really improve damage that much
it's the classes and specs mostly
I'm comparing my damage to other people the same specs as me and they're just obliterating my damage when I'm doing nearly the same things as them. Just feels unfair.
No. You're definitely doing something different then. Or in addition they have better gear.
Do you have logs?
I'd rather not post my logs on this website, but yeah they have better gear as well.
uh...why? But ok.
Of course, it has not gotten easier to catch up after a couple months, the artifact system may make it harder, but not by a huge margin, you'll catch up sooner or later, give it another month, I'd say the main problem is the gear (again) because their scaling is shit (again) and seems somewhat exponential (again)
we will definitely need another item squish (again) this or next addon
they are stupid
really fucking dead general holy shit
>holy shit
>holy power isn't actually a real thing IRL; and is just another retarded concept created humans
I really thought that holy water was legit, I was wrong.
I fucking hate this planet.
>this entire post
wew lad
>classes that you can't play well without addons
thank FUCK
hello wowg
I quit this game mid pandaria, around throne of thunder due to rl becoming busier and generally being tired of the game
thinking of picking it up again but being a filthy casual and only doing LFR/my own thing
is the game worth it like this?
on second thoughts maybe not
>wew lad
You have to deal with it.
>up for a bg, EoTS
>that shitposting fuckwit who always posts his orc warrior wearing tusks is in it
>we're going to lose to him
fucking unbearable, makes me want to kms honestly
>needs to post about his toon on wowg
wew lad
How pathetic.
>watch him get chased down by a pack of allies after he overextends
>spam spit on him
feels good to finally be able to express how much I loathe this thread-ruining faggot, even if it is just pixels
It'll get more active when Nighthold releases in a couple weeks.
>you may not talk about WoW in WoWG
what, the fempander spam is more your speed?
I hear reddit's a pretty good place for that man maybe you should head on over yknow check it out
the game is casul friendly as fuck, so yeah, do it.
no, it's the same state.
do you even know what 14% extra damage does
well then, I just don't have an infinite amount of time anymore
the same state as what, as back when I stopped? I think the problem is I burnt myself too hard trying to do too many things
Almost finished Jade Forest quests, do I go to Valley of the Four Winds or Krasarang Wilds next?
Valley of Four Memes
it's the same LFR loot grind; except now you can basically LFR all content in the game so it's pointless to have a guild and so forth
it's also pointless to do any endgame content whatsoever as you can simply spam timed dungeons with health/attack damage modifiers stapled on to get the best gear in the game
also pvp is a joke as usual
I see
well thanks for the insight, I'll think about it
not much of an insight desu, just trying to keep it short and sweet for ya
it's neat to go to 110, so maybe it's a one month sub thing
You will have fun getting to 110 and levelling up your artifact.
World quests will be fun at first.
Then you will slowly learn that your spec sucks (unless its viable).
You will want to kill yourself pugging raids/M+, your best bet is to find a guild, get carried and enjoy the game.
yes, but you're only going to last 1~3 months depending on how much secondary shit you will do
best advice for you is probably: don't grind M+ like an autist
>make AP without a timegate system
>people cry because you "'"""NEED""""" to do M+ 24/7
>would probably cry harder if it had a timegate
"top" raider are too autistic for me to handle
patch tommorow?
git gud
>finding groups is easier now you don't have to spam in chat any more
>you can progress in more ways than one
Yeah sure sounds bad.
I swear the wow community will whine about anything
very likely, unless blizzard wants another round of patching classes on the week the raid launches
desu at least spamming chat made the game social, if you got into a group and did well that was your ticket into a decent-ish guild and stuff
LFR is just a bunch of guys going through the motions to get a piece of loot, most runs no one types anything in chat
M+ is great and with WQs saved Legion from being WoD2.0, nothing to do aside raids
Didn't know Blizz allowed swears, only other time I've heard swears is when Garrosh is in Silverpine watching the Lich Queen.
>only 4 nightfallen quests
why fucking why. I dont want to do Arcway for my 4th quest
Oh fuck.
>tfw you will never cosplay as panda and cook WoW recipes with your night elf gf
All that beauty. Gone.
>joined a guild through lfg last week
>have done some mythics with them and want to raid
>daily is darkbrul arena
>4 rogues from guild are sitting in it killing everyone
.bubble hearth
>rage at them because I've been trying to complete it for half an hour now
>g quit
Fuck other players.
Those piss yellow teeth, ugh!I watch most of it , and it's not the lighting.
>Expect others to not PvP
You deserved everything that came to you, and more.
>FInish gearing up a monk anf getting all artifacts to at least 35
>Its neither good or fun compared to paladin
>My face when i memed myself for past few months
>Even their legendaries are shit
baka desu kms senpai
Not when they're in my guild.
And how is it my fault that blizzard only give me my best gear through pvp? Really? 870 warforged? WHY AM I RUNNING MYTHIC 10 STRUGGLING TO HEAL DPS THAT CANT FUCKING MOVE OUT OF GREEN FIRE WHEN PVP GIVES EIGHT FUCKING SEVENTY
Newfag here, is there a good overview of Legion classes somewhere?
Right now I'm mostly interested in either of the three cloth classes + healbitch Paladin.
How is Resto Shaman now? Is it a fun class? Is it good at healing 5 man parties? How is it to level?
Then spec your order hall to clear a WQ once every 18 hours. Useful to get those pesky WQ's out of the way.
how the fuck you have been playing for the past few months and you're not at 35 yet tho
ask for group? you can easily complete it in half an hour even if you're just staying on the dark smoke and hitting every darkbrul that spawns nearby
gear from anywhere but leveling/regular quests can warforge up to 895
pvp is unreliable as fuck to get gear
what are you talking about
Only play a holy paladin if you have friends to heal otherwise you will regret it. No one will stack (even if you ask), (even after several wipes) meaning your main AOE heal, light of dawn becomes useless :)!
On top of this, our mastery increases our healing depending on our distance from the target, enjoy watching all rdps run around jumping through fire, explosive static and anything else.
I healed a friend run 8+ BRH with teeming and necrotic without a death.
Try a 2+ HoV and wipe wipe wipe before the first boss. Than you get to the first boss and realise your tank doesn't know the fight :>
And of course if ANYONE dies it's the healers fault!
All Paladin Specs are viable, in raids, and Mythic+'s
I'd say Resto is one of the strongest healers right now.
>All Paladin Specs are viable, in raids, and Mythic+'s
Ehhh, no.
So I guess I'll be playing either Warlock or Priest, but still not sure which one to pick.
By the way, I'm more PvE focused.
ehhh yes? which one is not viable and where
Prot takes zero damage, and even it does it heals back up. And has the best tank damage
Ret - On par with all other Melee damage with the exception of Arms warriors with both BIS Legos
Holy - weakest of the three, but still better than most healers. Pretty much just better than mistweaver and priest
Personally I just want my Nightelf Paladin waifus
I would reroll holy priest if I had the motivation to but I've now put too much time into my pally and thinking about all those deaths having to happen again, ugh :/.
Have you played hpal?
>Prot takes zero dmg
No, it just has a 15 second percentage heal, which, without 3 additional talent points or consecrated hammer is useless.
>be holy priest
>894 in inventory, 889 equipped
>4 legendaries
>50 traits in artifact weapon
>7/7 m + 2/3 m (don't bully pls)
>try to join a group for boosting
>get declined 90 %
>ask a buddy of mine who's in that group
>they picked a 877 resto druid with 1 legendary
specc bullying is dangerous and needs to stop
The last talent in that line gives it a HoT.
Enjoy grinding 500k artifact power before you can use it though.
You reference But you basically just said Holy is great, but people are stupid. I'm seeing where it's bad.
You've never played Prot Paladin have you?
>But you basically just said Holy is great, but people are stupid. I'm seeing where it's bad.
You have to play with people, you can't solo a dungeon healing, so either you change or they change. I've spent weeks trying to change people and it doesn't work so i changed to prot.
I am not a prot pally. I have tanked every heroic besides the two after kaz.
>You've never played Prot Paladin have you?
Totally a NO. Never played the best leveling spec in game.
I am now a prot pally*
I like to heal prot palas because they have strong mitigation options and low hp so you can heal them up easier, they also have blessing of sacrifice and protection, bubble for necrotic, lay on hands, and their main nuke is also a silence
Druid+Warrior mitigation is pretty much nonexistant (Ironfur and Ignore Pain is a meme)
Holy Paladin is one of the best healers right now, because of the insane single target healing
>playing with monkeys
>doing HoV at all
So is 7.1.5 today?
It's not a large patch so it might be during restart...just being stupidly hopeful I guess.
You cite 15 second CD, and it's only 15% hp. Nigga my leggo belt heals for that.
You have no idea what you talking about at least for Prot. Shut your face.
Chances it'll be on the 10th the earliest. Too soon for a new patch after the holidays. I'd like the wrong on this one though. I'm quite ready for Nighthold already.
Honestly I have a druid about to hit 110 and I just want to boost it to AK20 and maybe be allowed to do m+ since I'll be healing.
fuck playing this game as dps
You're a retard.
It has a 15 second base cd. What you are showing is a talent you fucking moron, Go fucking kill yourself you piece of fucking shit troll.
You would be one of the morons who doesn't move out of the fucking aoe stun in HoV.
Just fucking kill youself.
it's either now or on the 10th, NH opens on 17 regardless of 7.1.5 and they have said that they wouldn't drop a patch so early after the release of a raid
I'd say now if they want to have a better actual test (ptr mostly only tests high end players) on live servers, 10th if they're very confident in the patch and don't think they'll need to patch specs on the first week of raids again
>and it's only 15% hp
What the fuck are you trying to say here. Seriously, get off the fucking drugs.
>You receive loot: [Chain of Thayn]
Now I need to make sabaton.mp3 weakaura and I'm ready for 7.1.5
>taking Knight Templar instead of HotP
kill yourself
>Prot Paladins take zero damage
>No, it just has a 15 second percentage heal, which, without 3 additional talent points or consecrated hammer is useless.
Let me break it down for you.
>Picking consecrated meme
You fucked up already. Consecrate has a 100% uptime without it's Artifact talents, then it's got a 120% up time. Shits crazy.
Why wouldn't I? Are you playing some meme prot? It heals for the same, and has a lower base cd that scales down with haste, and can be handed out in a pinch to others
My nigga you really should pick up Holy Shield. It blocks fucking spells. On top of the already bag of tricks Prot has and Shield of The Righteousness
I can easily heal HoV with friends.
When the dps and tank aren't morons, (or you have them on voice chat) HoV +6 becomes as easy as a heroic.
>trying to level in valley of four winds
>nelf druid keeps camping my corpse
Why did I make this character on a pvp server, and why are alliance so toxic? I never have this problem on my alliance character
>changing your talents depending on the situation
Or can't you afford to?
Learn to play legion and kill yourself.
Personally I think it's really good right now, for prot at least. A pocket 15% hp heal by Freedoming yourself is really nice a pinch until we get that sweet buff to it.
Let me break it down to you;
I'm doing world quests.
>world quests
I change my talents based on the heroic or mythic (like you are meant to)
So I disregarded everything you wrote but thanks for the essay.
there's no situation that warrants Knight Templar bar Odyn Mythic maybe
>there's no situation that warrants Knight Templar bar Odyn Mythic maybe
>World quests
>WQS in a pvp area
Learn to fucking read.
If you had reading comprehension. You'd noticed it was directed at what I quoted, Dingus.
>Still picking consecrated meme
>Still picking Knight Templar at all
>replying to shitters on wowg
Sub ran out.
Mates all unsubbing.
PvP is fucked.
Don't like PvE, never have.
Am I finally free?
Am I just put of luck if I want to play melee?
Kill yourself pls.
Can you really not afford tomes of tranquil mind?
>Going Prot in a PVP WQ
Going Prot in WQ
It's the best leveling spec. I can't really die. 55% dmg mitigation. I pull whole zones.
Im kinda carried by mythic shivermaw jawbone which on avg adds 400k to every heal though.
>Best Level Spec
>Mentions WQs
Which is it?
So you proved his point about Prot Paladins not taking damage.
No. He and you have obviously never done a mythic.
No tank in normal or heroics take damage, I can solo heroics.
Try doing a mythic with necrotic and tell me the prot paladain "takes no damage" or is "not taking damage"
Heroics are a joke.