"is this game worth 30 bucks?" edition
>What is Rimworld?
Dwarf Fortress lite, no z-levels
>New patch notes
"is this game worth 30 bucks?" edition
>What is Rimworld?
Dwarf Fortress lite, no z-levels
>New patch notes
Other urls found in this thread:
Previous thread
third for orASSan
4th for the ayys update
Is there any reason my doors randomly are being toggled to be held open?
>valley enclosed by mountains
>only accessible by mining since deep water blocks entrance
>beside coast for AESTHETICS
>beeg, meety, deefense
seed: Lovecraft
coordinates: 53.76N, 66.87E
temps: cold, nigga, bring some coats
biome: boreal forest
stones: GRANITE, MARBLE, and limestone
>is this game worth 30 bucks?
I would pay $10
Seriously, Dwarf Fortress is free.
Implying you'd pay anything when you can just pirate it.
Not point trying to justify it. I pirated the game aswell because I can get it for free.
Anything's free when you can pirate it
I buy things during steam sales because getting updates through that is easier than waiting for a pirate group to get off their ass and update a game.
i paid for the game because it was in single digit alpha and already a looked like a good game to me
I paid for the game for update convenience. I have some disposable income, it was worth it.
The game is not hard to pirate, either pay for it or don't. I mostly just see paying for it as fueling the dev to do something.
for anyone that likes building games and loves spending hours in them, I would say that the cost to hour ratio on Rimworld is amazing
is there a strategy to placing wind turbines or should i just make sure there's space?
igg nearly always has updates of rimworld within a few days.
>is this game worth 30 bucks?
yes, but this is also everything I want in a game and mods make it amazing, this was my favourite type of game before I knew it existed
one major hint is that some things, such as solar panels, are actually considered flat enough that wind turbines aren't affected by them, so you can do a fairly compact hybrid solar/wind farm
As long as there's space, you're good to go.
Keep in mind that trees and roofs will block the wind though, however, solar panels won't.
I like to take two rows of turbines and face them together. Close enough that they save space and far enough that they don't block each other. Under this, I would grow crops or put down solar panels. It's pretty effective.
Place them with enough free space, then fill that free space with Solar panels since they don't block the wind turbines for some useful reason. So it'd be like, Panel, turbine, panel, panel in a line. Then continue that pattern in a row.
Other things like deep mining drills also don't block Wind turbines.
When you know a berserk rage is coming with -75 mood even after all the positive ones, knock them the fuck out with a surgery/euthanize operation take to bed command, then put them in a 1x2 room with a couple full stacks of nutrient paste meals or something and seal them in with a wood wall. They're no good until they ride that out.
so can you pirate lads use mods or what
You should be able to if you download it off the forums or where ever they upload.
>this was my favourite type of game before I knew it existed
Same. I even knew about Rimworld back in the old alpha days but never paid any attention to it until I saw threads about it on a bpard once.
Can't really use the steamworkshop with a pirated version but some of us lads can download any exclusive steam mods for you.
Most mods are on the Ludeon forums, however, and they only need a free account.
Most of the mods are on Ludeon forums anyway, no need to use the steam workshop at all. And there are ways to get files off that regardless.
>is this game worth 30 bucks?
yeah, but I love city/village builders
good to know, thanks
Anyway we could figure out what mods /rwg/ should recommend? Preferably ones that we can put in the header so new pawns can try them out.
We should also post mods that the general creates, like that dickwolf mod from before.
if anything prepare carefully should make that list
I cant imagine ever playing without it
The actual way to enable it requires you to be IN YOUR COLONY, NOT AT THE LAUNCH SCREEN, so don't be a retard like me and sit there staring at it for 20 minutes trying to find out what mod fucked it up.
I missed the new thread by a few posts.
>options regarding skill degrading
>options for plant resting
>"A-user, I-I c-can't, I-I"
Sometimes the workshop downloaders don't work, though I don't know if that's because bugs or some anti-piracy thing.
>muffalo self tamed
So what, I make a muffalo farm now? Sounds more trouble than its worth, I mean, its just leather and meat.
I didn't know weapons could have artworks
you can also milk and shear them. It might be worth the cost of upkeep, but it takes quite a bit of labour to keep your muffalos fed.
They also multiply at a decent rate, too.
that's pretty neat-o, gonna go through my weapons now
You never want to eat raw food though. 10 units of foodstuff is .5 nutrition, while a simple meal cooked from the same 10 foodstuffs is .9 nutrition. You should feed your larger livestock simple meals too, because it's that much more efficient.
Reposting in case user missed it
Do they have light?
Are they in proper temperature?
Is there a poison ship on the map for the past few days?
By default, plants do not grow at night, regardless of light, temperature, fertility, or poison ships.
Over 100 hours played not counting the time before i bought it.
You get to support a dev who isnt a shithead and you get steam workshop to handle your mods. Its great.
...t-they don't?
I bet my ass they did in A15 or that might have been covered by a mod in HC SK mod... fuck me I have no clue now.
feels good, user. sitting at 99 hours myself.
>it takes quite a bit of labour to keep your muffalos fed.
no it doesn't. use zoning to set a natural grass pasture and you pretty much never need to worry
muffalos are good for wool and milk, especially if you can actually keep them fed, like if you were in a biome where most or all of the year is growing season so you can just plant a bunch of haygrass in a field and leave them there. Cold biomes are a bit harder, but you should be able to store enough hay and kibble up once you have some good farms going. Obviously, if you can spare the power for some sun lamps, you can just make indoor farms purely for your muffalos.
Of course, you can also train all your muffalos to be attack muffalos and send a stampede at your enemies, eat the losers, breed the survivors, until you have an army of ubermuffalos.
Nope, there used to be a mod in A14, but it required CCL, and never made it in. A seperate one may have existed, but for now, the mod I linked is the only one in A16.
what's the fucking point then?
Can animals use the nutrient pastariano machine?
You can enable it in the pause menu.
I don't think so, I never tried. I just churn out simple meals.
Fine meals are actually even better, at .95 nutrition, but they do require meat.
Fuck me sideways then. I'm getting that shit. I just realized I never got to the stable hydroponics base in A16. I was just fucking around with everything else.
and Randy Rough was fucking with me. Feels good.
The idea is that if your initial location is unsuitable, you can abandon the place and resettle.
And as said, you can enable having multiple forts in the options.
how the fuck do i use penoxycyline? Had it on "once 5 days" for a whole season and noone ever touched it.
>captcha storefront is pharmacy
fuck off google and stop spying on my text
Odd. Only thing I can think of is they were all using the incorrect drug routine, as in you had them all set to 'social drugs' but set the penoxycyline to 'drug routine 5'.
Any zoning restrictions or storing the drug too far from the base?
I added it to the base social drugs set. Its stored on the side of my base but its not that big yet so i doubth its a problem.
Also have been having some weird glitches with food, maybe its just a mod fucking up.
>Notice: Scratch has failed in a minor way while operating on Giggles.
>Notice: Giggles has been torn to death.
Minor scratch?
I hate it how the dev keeps adding more and more bullshit just to make the game harder without giving any way to counter it.
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking
You basically can't lose
how i feel over the course of playing a new game
Sure because the game doesnt let you, but it doesnt let you build big either.
basically its
>build barracks
>build food factory
>build housing
>build prison/hospital/whatever else
But all of those are just blocky buildings with 1-3 type of objects inside. There is no incentive to build in a more expensive way to counter the events.
Blight should only affect one room or everything outside, grow shit in seperate roofed rooms to not loose everything.
Power managment, extended surgery options/items, furniture fluff and a lot of other shit could make the game much more intresting.
The game ends when you have nothing else to build and without mods that happens in 2 years tops. I run out of projects too quickly, even when i take it very slowly i cant go past 3 years because i alredy have everything.
Nature finds a way
Are you retarded? Have you looked at the bases people post here?
I posted a few so yes but you clearly dont give a shit about my point so fuck off.
This is why you don't fuck with hives.
I always lose every colony
Playing on cass second hardest
I don't abuse trap hallways though
a way from wherever the hell you are damn
Blight is bullshit. There's no one defending that.
Same Zzzt! ...but arguably this you can counter somewhat with loading backup batteries and smart wiring.
Everything else considering base building is up to your creativity. You can build smart and maximize mood/productivity etc. or you can go aesthetics way and make something nice for an eye.
Combat is up to your defense building as well as some tactics.
Trading and caravans are up to your need priorities.
etc. etc.
I dunno man. After 2 in-game years there's still shit to do. At least kick difficulty up a bit I guess. That said game is not even out. It's Alpha 15 and every new update gives us new mechanics and expands the game basis. Sometimes without giving much in terms of content it makes the sandbox bigger for the future use.
In the end you have mods. Mods for unreleased game. Mods with tweaks and content.
i play on randy rough and my best base yet has been mooching off the nearby spacercat colony by selling caravan rations
One thing I don't get is why art descriptions are applied to statues, when they seem more applicable to paintings. Then again, I think paintings aren't a thing because of the non-ASCII artstyle, which prevents abstraction.
I'd like it if Zzzt! could be countered by circuit breakers.
Breakdowns countered by better quality constructions.
Solar flares countered by insulated power lines and hardened constructions (2x the metal cost or something).
Blight countered by sealed greenhouses.
Plague by enforcing good sanitation and innoculations.
Psychic drones by building a psychic drone jammer.
Mechanites by... I don't know, forcing everyone who goes outside to wear a hazmat or spacesuit?
Maybe have all the bad "random" events caused by a nearby AI controlling the "nanomachines" and "mechanites" and it becomes a quest to find it's lair and shut it down/destroy it/fix it/convince it to stop. Have it named Cassandra, Pheobe or Randy. Like fight your way into a 300x300 map with a crashed spaceship or a fortified bunker with the AI inside.
Yes but i would prefer to have a bedroom with some nice, varied furniture instead of a dozen plant pots. Same for every other type of room.
What im sayin is that we need more objects. There are mods that add them but the dev should do it too if he adds the bullshit events without any way to handle them.
>alpha is about features not content
still some basic shit would be nice.
Have you tried doing even basic searches for mods at all?
Have you even got to the second line?
>orion corp soldiers come chasing a gardener I want so I accept them attacking
>half a dozen guys show up, they're wearing combat vests and mostly have these pistols which are pretty good but hardly super dangerous
>then I see this motherfucker
>she is holding a rifle that fires 12 10 damage rounds every 0.4 seconds at a range of 35, which is higher than my bolt-action rifle, at 50% accuracy at medium range
>my colonists are behind sandbags but it doesn't fucking matter because her rifle is basically a fucking minigun that is as accurate as an assault rifle
>I attempt to send my two melee troops up to flank her, but a single burst drops both of them
>she single-handedly murders all of my behind-cover colonists and defense turrets without even taking a hit
Orion Corp is part of the Glitter Tech mod naturally, which is hardly a great example of careful balancing, but what the goddamn fuck? I've used this several times in the past for the late-game depth it adds, and I've never had anything like this just show up and fuck my shit up. I hope the mod creator didn't go full retard. It would be a powerful rifle if it fired 1/6th the amount of shots at half the rate of fire. That's not a personal defense rifle, it's a fucking war crime. I sure hope it doesn't decide to send a squad of these guys ALL using these rifles or I'm going to have to go edit it out somehow.
>poor 51%
Jesus Christ imagine a top of the line one.
I agree.
The dev continuously adds half-baked bullshit and then moves on to the next pointless feature. For example, instead of fixing drugs and moods in A16 we got the world map. The world map is cool but you can't really do anything on it that's worthwhile, it's more just there to fuck around with. Sure, maybe in the future the world map will have awesome features like trains and multiple colonies and making your own faction and so on, but what's more likely is that it will never be finished and instead even more half-baked bullshit will be tacked on endlessly until you need 400 mods to give every feature enough content to make it worthwhile and the game is a chuggy bloated mess with the breadth of an ocean and the depth of a puddle in each feature.
Yeah, it's cool that we can augment our colonists to make them Deus Exman, but that's not even a cosmetic change. It does nothing but adjust some numbers in the back end. There's no special walking sounds for someone whose legs are dieselpunk hydraulics, there are no special graphics for bionic eyes, there are no special events that actually use bionics, and bionic pawns cannot do anything unique at all, just do what other pawns can do with slightly better stats.
This is symptomatic of the whole game. Lots of potentially cool features let down by a lack of meaningful content that concerns them.
>Blight should only affect one room or everything outside, grow shit in seperate roofed rooms to not loose everything.
I think that blights should affect a single species of plant to incentivise actually using something other than Corn.
Then you'd just make healroot immune to blight just as Devilstrand already is.
Why the fuck are you playing with the shitty glittercrap mod?
>This Rifle
Fucking hell.
I prefer this way to be honest. First introduce all the features, then flash them out once you know how the game is going to look like in its final form. In the meanwhile modders can provide the content, since he's looking out for mod support
My colonists will never go hungry again.
Do those arrow slits leak heat or is it basically a cheat to have them?
not him but i don't think they do, which is kinda silly considering its just wall with a hole in it so you can shoot outside.
They don't leak heat but that could be because they're closeable windows or something.
That's the biggest issue I have with mods, they make things easier without having added difficulty to balance it out.
Putting holes in your walls in the fucking arctic is a pretty damn stupid idea, and the game mechanics should reflect that.
Maybe they have shutters.
Besides, I leave the door open most of them time for that room anyway because the geyser puts out way too much heat.
...I really like that. I REALLY fucking like that. Having small art pieces that shows what the object is. Not just a tiny itty bit icon but having an actual rifle when you are looking at rifle with different art/filters for different quality of item. Then getting some tiny abstract art (that doesn't have to suit the description) if item is legendary or some shit.
It's fucking amazing eye candy. A lot of work but with use of filters probably not as much as going for new graphics for 8 different quality tiers of every item.
I love that idea...
>expecting actual content from RimWorld devs
That's still going to leak heat.
>comparing 50cm of brick to 1cm of steel
But the game is silly anyway in that regard, I mean the walls are tall enough to have full-grown pine trees inside them.
wat is best tree to farm???
You don't fuck with orion corp unless you have a death trap waiting.
I've had them send like 3 guys with those rifles, 2 with stun knives, 2 with pistols, and 1 with a rocket thing. They are professional motherfuckers and your small little colony are like tribals to them. To deal with them you need a high powered weapon and multiple melee guys, then ensure that they have to come within like 3 spaces of your guys to fire at them.
Doesn't sound like the smartest idea but it is. you need point blank range bonuses, they can slaughter you from max range with minimal issues. But in melee even their deathguns are worthless.
Now, the stun knives.
FUCK those things holy shit. They are infinitely worse than anything you can possibly imagine. Heavily armored thick as fuck shield niggers that bumrush your shit and downs anything they touch in one hit. The only way I managed to even deal with one of those is have him run through a gauntlet of traps and he still stabbed one of my pawns. They can solo your entire colony if you don't have massive defenses.
Is the embrasures mod as overpowered as it sounds?
anyone have any good stories from the new worldgen update? Looks awesome.
I'm still waiting on more types of wildlife and some procedurally generated monsters... think we'll ever get a blue three-eyed four-horned elephant? Or some more alien-looking motherfuckers? It's admittedly kind of boring that the only crazy animals are boomrats.
Slave traders in this game should bring along some women (or men) which you can pay to give some lovin' to the male (or female) inhabitants of the colony.
Say spend 100 silver to have the slave reside at the colony for a day or two, then 50 silver every time they provide services.
Or better yet, why not just allow slavery? or sex slavery?
inb4 cotton plantation
Circuit breakers are in mods. Vanilla ones would be a bless I agree.
Extra insulated cables to fight solar flares would be great as well. This way during Solar shit half of your base would go out of power. Leaving only most important constructions online. Maybe all still attached lights could go red as in going into backup generator or something. Fancy stuff great ideas.
Blight should only murder a certain species of a plant and there should be a notice beforehand. So you could start working on vaccine for plants using your "Planting" skill for something else than a single task. Maybe mix it up with medicine at that point. Greenhouses are neat idea as well. Technically it is what are we building from different elements and hydroponics anyway I guess.
I totally agree with you that bad events should have a way to counter them if we decide to spend time, effort and resources to do so. It's all matter of balancing this shit out anyway. It's not a fun game design to have game shoot you in the balls and watch you bleed for the next few hours.
Yo if someone can bring the code. I can bring the art and filters.
Sounds like a good way to commit social suicide on the devs part
Yeah this. Tynan's already being targeted by SJWs for how gay characters work in the game, do we really need this atop it?
I think it would be a good alternative way to boost the colony mood for a while and add some realism.
The game already has drugs that you can force feed to prisoners after all, why not have some prostitutes or generic slaves you can keep around the colony?
(slaves that occasionally try to run away of course)
It's barely a story but... I had a map where half of it was huge mountain. I dug into it and after two in-game years I manged to find a huge open space with some water, animals and lot of trees, flowers and stuff. It was like a valley never touched by a human hand inside a mountain. I think it was absoluetly cut off from any of the edges of the map.
It was the most fucking fun surpraise that map had for me. On top of that it happened when I was 100% sure I already dug up everything that was uncovered and all I could keep doing was to dig deeper into the rock.
I made the valley into the nature reserve and let my animals live in it.
Is it really being targeted? It was one dumb shit apperance and Tynan got out of it fucking flawlessly in my eyes. He's not an idiot and I have quite some trust in that man.
No clue why someone keep bringing this shit up all the time though.