/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #953

Best Yuri Pairing

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8: Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13: Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23: Samurai Shodown Collab
1/23 - 1/30: Guild Wars (earth)
1/31 - 2/8: New Event

12/28 - 01/04: New Year's Special (Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Extra Quests, Free Daily Draw, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Last thread

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why does the gacha say cerulean sparks expire on 7th, when gacha only goes until 4th?


I love beato

Who should be put in the last slot?

nvm im illiterate, scrap this i suck dick

I love Jeanne's body.


run run run Lyria desu

Really stimulates my synapses.

This was good.

Sexually harassing Lucio


I want to molest his (real) wings

>100 rolls

What did you guys think of the event

We did it reddit! It took many attempts, but we finally beat the dark memers!



So where would Graphos go if Sarah turns into Mary?

Newshit. My 3rd and 4th roll ever.
Pls be cute cow wife.
H-here I go.

It only lacked an original vocal track. Otherwise, top notch, probably tied with LETS HANG on best event of 2016.

Please post it.

It's a 2017 event though.


Yuri thread.

God fucking bless

Jeanne !

by far the worst part of my GW character grind is the rainbow prisms as I have to sit and watch raidfinder for baals/odins/athenas instead of being able to watch a movie or some shit

I need 240 more prisms

no. fuck off.

Who gets dark 5* and how will they be upgraded?

Be careful user

Why didn't Captain Falcon just shoot Black Bull?

>Not including Grueler

Kinda mad, but Yoda and sexy mom are fine too.


1-4: roll one of two rolls on alt to dissuade myself from wasting my last 10 roll on main
5: host a magna
6-9: do more event farming
0: 10 rounds of angel halo

>kinda mad I actually got SSRs

>kinda mad

Explode luckshitter

Why do newfags get all the luck?


Love matters more than esports user.

My bets are on Naru. She's the new hotness right now.

>Ougi upgrade: Now reduces cooldown of Stance Change by 1.

>Level 90: 4th skill added, Damage and Atk Down in Genji or Damage and Multiattack Down in Kagura

>Level 95: Passive that gives different stats depending on Danchou-chan's class's type (Balance, Attacker, etc)

>Level 100: No skill seal on Stance Change

>no monkey version

Step it up.

Give me that Rosetta you ungrateful fuck

Well, if you're a newfag and got Yoda you're set for quite a while

So let's see, a newshitter getting mad for THE two best starting SSR characters? Iconic.

>Kinda mad

You haven't started getting those 1 sr 9 r so you need to shut the fuck up


>No skill seal on Stance Change
This would be broken as fuck.

Well of course no monkey version, her voice fucking sucks.

Where's Kumuyu Kukuru Silva version though.

Fuck off, retards.
I wanted a cow wife, not this shit.

Yeah too bad you didn't get any SR cows huh.

You fucking sucks, so fucking rude.

i'm sorry alt, you deserve better than me


I hope it's Dark Saru. He deserves something nice for once.

I may suck my wife's feminine cock but at least my voice isn't nails-on-chalkboard bad.

Cowfags are the worst

Your voice fucking sucks, you rude bitch nigga.

Please forgive me, Old Ones.
Fuck you, nigger.

You're going to eat that free 1kk on ougi and a sexy tank+buffer package and you're going to like it, retard.


>Wind shitter in 3rd
Nice shop

What'x the point of sucking a dick if it isn't manly as fuck?

>he didn't roll Monki.

>he rolled rooster

>murderer who uses children's life force to power his ghost wife
>deluded otaku waifufag, the worst kind
>IMMENSE faggot who, given an inch, took a mile
>"H-he deserves something nice!

Hi did nothing wrong.

Best way to get (arch)angel queens?

>dark unit so strong he had to get brutally nerfed
>deserving anything

Ferry is for _____

He didn't get his spirit wife a corporeal form so clearly he did something wrong.

You can't do GHOST BLOWJOB if ejaculating means you die.

I hope so, I want my 5* Naru.

Magfest's still going, so that

Making cute curly haired babies with

Last time I rolled 2SSR's, posted it and 5 (you)'s laughed at me for some reason.

Don't forget part of a village actually shared part of their remaining lifespan with him so he could find a way to save his waifu. He already got all the good things he didn't deserve. That said a 5* would be interesting just to see darkfags cry.

user, I need to make you understand just how luck you are. I started playing just before the Christmas stream. I got lucky and rerolled Clarisse so stuck with this account. I saved up enough crystals for 60 rolls this legfes and got jack shit.

Everything after SR Rosetta is what I got from 60 rolls. And Christmas Clarisse is my only SSR that I got from a free roll.

So quit your bitching, you gigantic faggot and enjoy your luck.

ghost blowjob

Arnpit insemination

Ear pinching, armpit licking and leg fondling

Probably because they were bad SSRs, these are actually good.

Seku hara

angel halo

>used to be mad because Tiamat always give me selfies
>Reach 101
>Need a lot of selfies
>Tiamat start dropping weapon while i need fuckton of selfies.

>user, I need to make you understand just how luck you are.
I am total loser IRL and stuck in 6th-world country. Also got beat multiple times because of my white skin and blue eyes. Maybe that helps.
Still no cute cow waif tho.
Aliza (my top damage dealer atm) and Sarunan (never used him).

Desire Sensor doesn't apply to just the gacha.

Oh, I forgot about fire quartz

>864 animas
Post pool. Seriously, I want to gauge what I should have by now.

Good thing it's magnafes.

The only thing white about you is the cum that gets deposited on you after you get beaten up.

Eat shit Arc

Please don't be mad. I hope you will roll all of your desired waifus in one package.

Stop being nice to people, this isn't the gbfg way.

Fucking asshole.

>Not having Mecha factory

Have fun, I bought 1 of those spears.

I'm not Arc, apologies.


I am currently in honeymoon period with this game, so nothing can spoil my bliss. Except of lack of cow waifus, dammit. I guess Yoda will be my waif then.

According my doujins, he was tied to Sara's purity.

Anyone wanna help me out with a Nezha?