:3! edition (not today ezreal)
:3! edition (not today ezreal)
Too lewd
I've been doing some research on Ryze runes, and I see that people are taking AP quints instead of Movespeed. Is it because of the speedup in his kit
and stormraiders?
>normal game
>3 THREE teammates afk
>enemy wont run it down mid to finish
The only non afks people where nasus playing farm simulator up top and me playing keep away with talon
>Yasuo main gets salty when his champ gets banned
>"GG I troll now"
>"We lose this game"
>Goes smite WW on midlane
>Already at 0 LP so dont have to give a fuck about losing, wanting to see what happens
I've seen a lot of people drawing up suicide pacts and asking google where the nearest 10 storey building is so for that reason I have not really looked at DoW3 stuff on youtube
I'm hoping for Space Marine Fangirling and >implying the eldar are balanced so I should be fine unless it is LITERALLY being turned into minecraft/dwaft fortress
I wanna dance with Orianna
Pic related, how fucked am I from scale 1 to 10?
I want to have UNPROTECTED __SEX__ with Janna!
>ywn witness a dance off between TF/Eve and Ori/Varus
She doesn't need a condom, she has a shield
>Angler Jax
she can shield her womb??? ?
>Implying theres other good skins apart from Mighty and Jaximus
nevermind her shield
She''ll definitely blow us... I just hope it's not away
Breast waifu!
>referring to your waifu as a cow
you're kinda special aren't you?
My bad this better?
I just cant do anything properly it seems.
What do I max first on Cho'Gath?
Not soft/teasing enough
In lane or jungle? Depends on the oponent anyway.
might want to take the present
>not liking hucows
>botrk first item as jax instead of rushing tabi vs riven into trinity force
user you might be mentally challenger
Ribben was int fed by heimer and ww. Literally 2/0 at 2mins.
what postion & what elo?
Plat 4
good morning
have a great day friends!!
How far into the tilt I should be before considering killing myself?
dark crusader mordekaiser when
Never if it looks anything like that.
rework confirmed
Looks fat.
thats a big guy
>last pick toplaner bans my selected champion and says "I go jungle"
>I dodge and get punished because he is was an asshole
if this is the actual VU im okay with it
Why dodge, just pick a different jungle you sperg
>Somebody bans my hover
>Ask him to dodge
>He doesn't
>Pick Cleanse/Ghost Nunu and threaten to troll
>Innocent third guy ends up dodging
Ziggs (adc seems fun)
holy shit
this guys voice acting is not what i expected
do they ever rework these things
he looks pretty fucking cool user
Objectively the most autistic champion
Prove me wrong
What was riot thinking when they designed that faggot?
this voice makes me wet
Why is ez so popular in high elo when he's fucking weak?
Is Leona a freelo supp? My friend climbed to diamond with Janna after being a silver v riven main
i couldnt tell you
i laned against one yesterday and its insane
they are perfectly fine with going 0/5/0 as long as you dont have fun
i hate it when people don't own up to their shit in champ select.
banning a hover is eh, but when people pick some shit not for the role then go like "oh shit my bad guys I thought I was playing x role" and fuck your team over and you ask them to dodge and they refuse.
like nigger you have just 99% chance lost EVERYONE in your team 15-20 LP because you didn't want to own up to your mistake and lose 3-4 LP.
shit pisses me off.
That q looks fucking hilarious
Autistic Morde mains would actually never stop complaining about this. You can already see the league and reddit forums filled with their autistic bitching and circlejerking.
The only way to please them is to make Morde's original model take half the screen and have him one shot minion waves and jungle camps again.
>Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Mordekiazer
>autism's complaining
nothing new
I haven't played in months but I had a dream where I was playing Tristana. That means I must main her now.
How do I play Tristana in S7?
ult is ok
you try to farm and get furious because your E ruins it
i'm chill with that
>Gold 5 promos
>You've been promoted to Gold 3!
cutest adc!
I would honestly prefer option A or option B.
Fat Morde is dumb.
Why is option A holding a frying pan?
>thunderlord's is getting nerfed so one ability does one tick instead of two or three
>morgana, zyra, GP (R), lee, ahri, etc. nerfed
>twitch passive got nerfed from nodamage to lessthannodamage
Did he get some retarded buff in the preseason that put him over the top or why is this happening?
I returned to the game after a couple of years and looks like lb was fucked up
How are you supposed to combo now?
Double w to do the dmg?
Eternum Cho'Gath when?
she revolves around using her E for everything now if I remember correctly
>this is a bad thing
free damage is bad design, literally worse than armour pen and % damage
So I can't jump on people?
am I supposed to chase them stacking chains to let them delete me in 0.5s or what the shit is this?
Never said it was a bad thing, user.
>nerfing thunderlords out of all masteries
>when cotc still exists
you can jump on people the same as old leblanc, but people chain more often because of her new passive
>some actually believes this
just tag them with your E for afree damage poc until they can b bursted by your WQ
So the main shit that changed is that I will most likely only proc passive after chains if I combo in half a second?
what could go wrong
which lane?
>facing endless waves of ADC zigg just cancering down my towers this NEEDS to stop
>4 armour
fucking pussy, you're already memeing raise that crit chance higher
top lane
max E
manamune and iceborne or shiv and IE
i dont have any more yellow crit runes
wouldnt triforce be more memetastic than iceborne? same CDR, a little less mana, much more pain and attack speed
aint nothin wrong with that
never stop doing what you do
He's still going to one-shoot you. He just needs to perform another attack rather than Q+R+Q.
Q+R+Q+AA is pretty much going to proc it. It's going to be the same, but it gets delayed slightly to proc it.
true but iceborne works better with your passive and your point blank meme range (armour slow)
the shiv IE option works better with your meme choice though, make your trade off where you see fit
>be braindead asspie
>fuck up immensely
>press R for FREE three (3) flashes
>thunderlord's is getting nerfed
one last thing
memelords or cuck of the colossus
Orianna if you havent her already.
If you have that's all you ever need.
Buy Ziggs and come botlane to support the meme xD
just how bad is malphite jungle
im assuming basically everything works in pre-30 normal queue right
malph jungle is alright, just a little slow
his ganks are above-average tier
>being a cuck and not a lord
ok cool
ill use him instead of nunu then for when i get autofilled
you've been
>no ganks before 6
>blue relliant early
Zac and Amumu are much better at it.
youre cucking,not being a cuck
but you make a good case
Just take Sion or Poppy jungle if you need a tank.