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Battle Axe any good in DS1 or should I stick to Hand Axe for quicker attacks?
An arrow spell for efficency when PEWing weak ass bitches
did u guys actually keep track of sidequests? I just go with the flow and talk to them if I see them but all this running around to mob-gank situations just to talk to an NPC seems like a pain in the ass.
he mightve idk.
idk. its decent but the Dark knight axe is better.
You mean equip load?
I can't think of anything I could wear that would be beneficial and still keep me at max stamina regen.
how does farron dart glitch work?
I like to keep up with the side quests simply for the neat dialogue
there are definitely playthroughs where I ignore them all and tunnel onto my goal for that build
Is it a black knight weapon? I want to make a pyromancer character but I find that swords don't match the style.
>summon people similar to soul and weapon upgrade level in DS3 early game
>they have crazy looking armours and weps that I've never seen that can 1 hit enemies
I feel retarded when I just keep stacking points into dex, strength and endurance and picking weapons and armours with the highest physical attack, I don't think I know how to play this game right
they are just twinks min maxing
in dark 1 u can just use pyromancies the whole way damn near. u might like the balder side sword, its regarded as one of the best wepins in dark1. or maybe the great club, also good for pyros.
try a playthrough where you go and collect every item you can
that way, you can know what weapons/armors are available to you and can run to them on twinks if you're all about strolling through the high wall stunting on new players
If you killed Yoel/Yuria before doing Abyss Watchers then he should invade you in the swamp. Check if there's item to pick up where they usually stand. right side, ground level if you look at bonfire from the main entrance
Also I noticed that you didn't rescue onionfriend in cathedral because he didn't show up in irithyll
> go thru catacombs of carthus, demon ruins, farron keep
> 15k souls max each time
> go thru Irythill
> 170k souls
Yeah I know some of the weapons that are considered good. But I have never finished the game and I get lost easy so I cant skip zones and run straight to bosses.
I wanted a nice 1 hand weapon that isnt a sword to have a crappy swamp feel. Heavy club is another option I am looking at. Or Warpick.
I ignored onion friend earlier. I just remember onion grandfather being a pain in the ass to get a slab in the first game so I dont bother
"Other weapons"
Balder Side Sword (DEX)
Black Knight Greatsword (STR)
Painting Guardian Sword (DEX)
Moonlight Greatsword (INT)
Uchigatana (DEX)
Velka's Rapier (INT)
Ricard's Rapier (DEX)
Butcher Knife (STR)
Club (STR) [yes, it has an A str rating]
Large Club (STR) [same]
Channeler's Trident (INT)
Moonlight Butterfly Horn (INT)
Lifehunt Scythe (DEX)
Dark1 has decent variety, truthf
His quest is much easier in this game tho. No need to risk your life while saving his.
Quality lingering hitbox.
How can I have fun as a non-pyro caster?
Spamming Soul arrows is boring, Farron Flashsword is weak, soul greatsword takes so long to cast everythign just staggers me out of it. The late-game spells are okay but I'd like to have fun getting there.
I could go for miracles but it's pretty much the same problem. Takes a bit before getting lightning spear, then nothing until way later. I guess I could rush the DLC to get the Way of White Corona.
Maybe I'm just doing something wrong.
Balder Side Sword (DEX)
Black Knight Greatsword (STR)
Painting Guardian Sword (DEX)
Moonlight Greatsword (INT)
Uchigatana (DEX)
Velka's Rapier (INT)
Ricard's Rapier (DEX)
Butcher Knife (STR)
All swords (ok and 1 knife?) not considering them.
Will look into the other ones. I just want a 1 handed weapon. Scythe would be really fun if I ever decide to go 2 handed with this build.
Miracles are for Christ cucks paladin builds.
Go pyro or int for buffs
>bandit's knife
Can you put Crystal Magic Weapon on it?
Can you put Crystal Magic Weapon on it, after infusing it with "enchanted"?
I just copy pasted from wiki, which listed like 20 weapons with higher damage, that are all swords
The bottom of that list had like 5 dif weapon types.
Use the fucking pyromancies instead maybe
Why do the merchants not sell jack shit (even with new catalogs)
Also the pilgrim died on me before my level up REEEE. He's sitting in the corner laying down so I think he ded
Anyone had any luck getting summoned around level 100 recently? I've had my sign down at ariandel and gotten fuck all
The only viable caster in pve that is actually fun to play is pyromancer.
Is it possible to duplicate a save file on DS3 so that I can do a new game plus and keep an old copy to play with friends?
>spam CBV on everything and never use any other pyromancy
Not my fault you can't attune other spells you pleb.
1. Is there a place in dark souls 3 where invaders invade infinitely up?
2. where do twinks like to invade in dark souls 3?
I fucked up Sirris' questline (completed it after defeating Sulhyvan), can someone drop me a Dragonslayer's Axe?
no unless you tumblebuff
Yes, copy the save file to somewhere else, restore it when you want to
I'm pretty sure you can get summoned by her on the bridge even is Sillyman is dead.
I already finished the whole quest, but due to Sulhyvan being dead I cannot be invaded by Creighton
Still looking for the best weapon to enchant with Crystal Magic Weapon.
I'm guessing CWM at 50 int will outdamage Moonlight Greatsword, considering that the buffed weapon will also have physical damage on top of the magical damage.
the game ignores Aldrich then? interesting
i'll be at high wall in 5 minutes, pass dsg
DMB and SLB buffed weapons will be stronger than CMW ones, if you don't mind a worse exclusive weapon selection
So is the Boxart guy the last guy who linked the Flame before the Ashen One in DSIII, with the actual box art being him before he linked it?
Just finished the game, so I was a bit confused.
What a great game though
I think Aldrich only counts for the post-sulhyvan area
Thanks a lot! I'll be waiting
at 60int with a Court Sorcerer's staff, the buff would net you 230 more magical damage, according to fextralife
Due to some retarded catalyst / talisman yield math CMW adds slightly more AR than DMB
The main focus of the build is pure int though. This is for PvE btw. I may level up str and dex a little to be able to wield a weapon.
Actually read the reply chain before talking about it
>SLB in 3
Thanks again
>mrw he drops the Mirrah set as well
The soul of cinder is apparently an amalgamation of every player character who has ever linked the flame in DS1 and DS2. This is why it switches between popular pvp builds every so often.
No one linked the flame recently before the ashen one in DS3, the whole circumstance of that game is an exploration of what happens when someone doesn't link the flame. The person who was supposed to was Prince Lothric, but he was like fuck that shit.
Why isn't there a pvp covenant in 3 that focuses on evening out ganks?
Like, for phantoms there are the sentinels/darkmoon, but why isn't there anything to even out 1v3 ?? Seems silly, especially when every dumbass new player summons two phantoms but only gets 1 invader
I don't really care about items since I can just load my backup anyway.
You don't get invaded by creighton, you get summoned by sirris who has been invaded by creighton. Look for a white summon sign on the rat dog bridge, it's actually a "get summoned by npc" sign.
Why does my attacks never stun people on PvP? Am i just bad or it's lag? (using sellsword twinblades)
you DO get invaded by Creighton, after you help Sirris defeat him, it's how you get the axe and then the armor set
Ah, that explains the weapon tricking. I was so excited to see him whip out the Kellogs Sword/Pyromancer/Grain Ring set and the Magespam set.
What a great final boss.
Well, with the main game done it's time to tackle AoA. How good is it?
Someone post the weapon charts, but the real ones, no memes.
Are they using weapons that have poise frames? This is something you need to learn
greatswords in general they are over popular
It's okay
I just got seeded at the high wall
is this an epic new meme ??
Good weapons
my favorites
Utter trash
your favorites
But what if we like the same weapons?!
Best way to respond to seeding is to speedrun tactics the whole area and then camp the fog gate to the boss
Slap any armor that still allows you to fast roll.
The reason you should take bandit's over MLGS is that you need no str investment to wield it, it has bleed which is very strong when it does work and is faster for smaller stamina costs (important since you have low VIT). MLGS will hit harder than buffed knife though, pure magic damage is better.
You should also get a chaos or lightning weapon for when buffless.
This isn't really possible, trust me.
What if the enter the Dancer tho?
alt+tab and watch youtube
as always
>OP but boring
what kills
>UP but fun
what i use
>common with nothing of note
everything else
If they're weak enough to seed you and they go for dancer, they're probably not gonna make it
reminder that the millwood battleaxe and crow quills are unbalanced weapons and should be nerfed as soon as possible.
right, wouldn't want anything other than 40/40 ds and cs to be good
>invade someone
>dude had 2 downscaled phantoms
>kill both phantoms
>host literally just runs to the bonfire and summons them back, runs/rolls away forever never engaging me
>kill both phantoms again in another 1v3
>he runs away and summons them again
>literally beat this 1v3 4 fucking times, even get them halfway through the level chasing me
>last time I kill his phantoms and he's halfway through the level, what does he do? yup, runs ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BONFIRE AND RESUMMONS THEM AGAIN
>this goes on for 15 minutes before I finally BC out because I actually have shit to do today
Thanks Miyazaki.
Literally if they just put a limit on how many times you could resummon phantoms I could accept everything else but this is just ridiculous. Luckily I'm of the mind where I believe I won that invasion, and count it the same as the host pulling the plug because obviously he's a scared little baby who doesn't actually want to play the game and the result is the same.
What are the best weapon arts for defending from invaders?
That girl is straight up just fat
nothing wrong with a pure str weapon, but they fucked it up. its not fair for for a 40 str investment weapon to surpass most weapons of the same class in damage by a mile. even at 40/40, a refined battleaxe can't compete with millwood at 40 str. its bad game design and they should've just raised the str and dex scaling cap or lowered the str/dex scaling cap with refined infusion.
Does bottom really do more damage than top though?
This is without the attack speed taken into account.
Pleasantly plump
Low test
I want to move on from the dark sword, help.
This is the perfect body and I'll stop posting before I get banned for unrelated stuff.
Use a scythe, what fucking build do you even have?
u have there
Better than fucking Smough if his armor was his actual body
New to magic in DS2. Does upgrading a staff improve sorceries cast by it?
take this russian asuka out of here
okay lads
today is the day I solo Velstadt.
on the off chance I give up and want to summon, is anyone on PS4?
What's the fastest way to get millions of souls in DARK SOULS III?
>having trouble with velscucked
Yes it adds to damage scaling
You should stop using magic in any souls, it's babby easy mode for pve and useless in pvp, basically a one way road to being a complete shitter
Have someone drop you 99 souls of whatever the most souls give
Fuck off Raime.
should I not be risking parries with him?
is ds3 dlc worth buying or should i wait for the japjews to release it all at once at low price?
Why am i losing my every pvp for days i used to win %70 of the time before
I mean, sure why not, either eay, depending on how badly you want to play more souls right now
wait for the japjews to release it all at once at low price
It's pretty good and I felt it was worth the price. But if you're patient you're still ultimately better off to wait a year or two to get the best deal
What chasm is the easiest for Darklurker runs?
Was there a steam sale on PC or something?
I'm seeing a lot of new and stupid players.
Like picking stuff up on lothric wall while being under fire from the dragon, same shit in undead settlement with the giant.
I swear a retarded hamster has a better spacial awareness than these people.
My anus
It's was christmas a week ago
Thats a nice skeleton.
>tfw no waifu making guide for DS1
Sometimes its just their friends who are scaled down and drop em items .
I invaded at sl 30 and encountered a black serpent/chaos bed vestiges spammer .