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12/26 - 1/8: BLEACH Collab Returns!
>Brighter Futures Event
[Duration]: 2016/12/29 - 2017/1/8
Serket Descended! (NEW!)
12/29 - 12/31: Countdown Celebration
1/1 - 1/8: Egg-cellent Blessings
1/3 - 1/5: Gift from the Heavenly Garden
12/29 - 1/8: Experience of a Lifetime
12/29 - 1/8: Izanami Descended!-5x4 Board
12/29 - 1/8: Dark Carnival
Latent TAMADRAs Half Off in the MP Shop
1/2 Stamina Cost in Normal Dungeons
2x Coins in Ultimate Arena
Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) invades in Special Descended Rush! Coin Dungeon
4x chance for Skill Ups will be available during the event!
1.5x Pal Points from Technical Dungeons in Multiplayer Mode
1.5x Coin & Drop Rates for Select Limited Time Dungeons
10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons
Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) invades in Special Descended Rush! Coin Dungeon
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tama Invades and 20x+egg rates
2x TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan
Spirit Jewels Active in Descended Dungeons
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