Cool Historical photographs

had a thread on this a while back, lets see if it'll work again, post any cool historical photographs you have
Bonus Points: The Second World War

Other urls found in this thread:





Any topics in particular? I have ~5GB of WWII photos.

Pictures taken from the air? Specifically of aircraft.
Submarines and their crews would also be interesting.

Sexiest airplane of the war inc

Bretty gud

second sexiest

These are okinawa btw






Nice burkinis




These are excellent, thanks dude.




have a few in this vein
np, I like sharing. I'll be back later if anyone is still interested.











What year was this taken in?


Got a colour image a lot like this one











Why were nazis so aesthetic?





>tfw you hate the Nazis but the German aesthetic is just so nice



Yugoslavs btw




How can you get cooler than this?

>Russian soldiers
>One Russian officer with a bunch of British and American soldiers

>tryhard edgelords
>guy on the left looks like he does the homework of the others to stop them shoving his head down the toilet
>second from right is half way between transitioning from his lizard form
>Moseley is the only one who actually pulls it off





I swear, going through this thread was better than porn

thank you anons

hows that wall helpin' ya, friend?
thinking of building one soon, also.

more like this? groups of guys chillin


everything is so well tailored

now clothes are department store shit tier catering to fat people



I wonder how the black guys were accepted? I mean they arent all grouped together, and they seem to just be standing in the crowd like any of the other dudes.


By not giving people special rights, and treating them fairly. It works wonders.


also, what the fuck is going on there?
she seems injured or dead but the shitty pic quality looks like she's spitting a frog

Killed themselves before the Russians arrived I believe.

oh... probably the best outcome considering the alternative

I feel the urge to poorly color this and give it some dank aesthetic.

recognized quads


[spoiler]But this one is more aesthetical.

Needs some pink Japanese text and more filters.

I think we're on to something beautiful here.


Is he being hunted by a Predator?

How so?

They weren't. They went to war for
>country and god

WW2 pictures are boring.

>those mongol peasants dragging glorious German banners through filthy slav ground

I fucking hate Nazis.

Photo is from 1945 and was taken in Vienna. Some Nazi killed his family and then himself to avoid the Red Army.

Polish civilians. German fighter-bombers bombed a farm house while a bunch of women were digging potatoes. Two women in the house were killed, but those in the fields were unharmed. They got back to digging potatoes out, because what else can they do? The fighter-bombers returned a few minutes later and strafed the field with machine gun fire. Two women were killed (you can see her hand still over the bullet wound in her chest). The girl was her younger sister.

What a bold and brave statement.


