Has a Trump-style populist ever won the US presidency?
Has a Trump-style populist ever won the US presidency?
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Trumps style is pretty unique, in that he says shit that would ruin a politician's career at any time before his nonsense.
Roosevelt wrote the book on US populism.
Or McKinkin. But McKinley was more "use-a-war-for-second-term."
Yes, FDR was very populist, I think, atleast in his era.
Andrew Jackson in 1824
Almost William Jennings Bryan in 1896
You could draw a lot of parallels between his and Andrew Jackson's campaign, based on what I know. Despite Jackson being a fairly wealthy owner of a great deal of land, his campaign specifically appealed to the lowest working class, holding them up on a pedestal and glorifying, while focusing on issues that concerned them.
Jackson also deported a SHITLOAD of brown people too, maybe that will be repeated.
demagogues have existed since forever, Trump isnt special
Every president is a populist :^)
Theodore Roosevelt is close. Trump is Theodore without the military experience or literature experience.
Theodore Roosevelt in his time was lauded by his political enemies as being boisterous and too exuberant; they described him as too wild.
Even his party (The Republicans) were halfway against him. One Republican ally wrote, "now that damned cowboy is President." The Republicans at that time were going through a massive shift. Usually, a Republican in that time was an slower, wiser, 1870s style businessman. Theodore was a young 30 year old who was like the "rabbit" and his Republican allies were like the "tortoises"
In his cartoon caricatures drawn by his political enemies, Roosevelt is often times drawn as loud, crazy, overbearing, uncontrollable.
Theodore Roosevelt himself admitted that he loved himself and the way he was overbearing. He wanted to be like a preacher, and the Presidency would be a perfect place to do that.
Also, Theodore was big on the whole "Mexicans should speak English" thing
Leftist detected, if you want to insult the candidate I voted for, be sure to put down your address here so I can come beat you up.
Ofc you won't, because you're a coward so we'll leave it at that.
In what world was McKinley a populist? He ran AGAINST the populism of William Jennings Bryan. It's not as if he purposely manufactured the blowing up of the Maine. Once that happened the currents of war were pretty much inexorable.
Go bait on another board instead of shitting up Veeky Forums
Or alternatively you put down your address. Oh wait you cant because you are fucking trailer trash.
>if you want to insult the candidate I voted for, be sure to put down your address here so I can come beat you up
Trump sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls.
gimme your email, faggot. Lets do this.
Oh yeah, forgot about the literal populists.
Oh shit looks like we have an Internet tough guy here, dang, sure is menacing
that was good bait
Has any president ever committed a felony and ran for office like Clinton?
>using gmail is a felony
yeah that is what it was!
Is tax evasion a felony?
>clinton 2016: technically not illegal
->implying Trump doesn't have a full stock of skeletons in his closet
>muh tax evasion
You don't think the IRS would be up his ass if it was actually true?
Huey Long was a much more radical populist than Roosevelt
one is speculative the other is concrete :^)
not paying any taxes as a real estate mogul in the US is actually legal...
Isn't he the one who says he won't release his tax returns because they're being "audited" for the past 9 months?
But seriously, the IRS doesn't go after billionaires and corporations because they are legally in the clear and it's a pain in the ass to go to court with these people. That's what all these 'loopholes' are about. Only rarely, like with Apple in Ireland, are big corporations actually held liable for dodging taxes. So no the IRS wouldn't go after him, doesn't make it right though.
Is this an accurate list of the characteristics of populism as it is usually considered?
- Blaming of problems on existing business/political/intellectual elites
- Support for agrarian policies, disproportionately rural support base
- Nativist and anti immigration
- Dislike of finance and banking
- Pro welfare/nationalisation of industry/other redistributive policies favoring the lower classes
- Authoritarian leader with a cult of personality
- Favor democracy over liberty
- Claim the moral superiority of non-elites
ITT: Trumpbots shilling hard
Thank you for Correcting The Record™
Trump: 7/8, sometimes 8/8 since he's always changing his mind
Sanders: 6/8
William Jennings Bryan: 8/8
Andrew Jackson: 7/8
Theodore Roosevelt: 4-5/8
How much is daddy trump paying you to shill? Just ask family if you need the money man, you dint need to sink this low
>thinking this is an argument
And what the post I responded too is an argument? Bravo!
>Pointing out your shilling isn't an argument
Dank shit lad
Trump must have money to burn if he's literally paying people to advocate for him on a vietnamese rice paper forum
fuck off to you faggots
Going into a board with Trump as a picture you should have expected this. They won't listen
He isn't the one who we have verified proof has a PAC to shill on the web
>Going into a board with Trump as a picture you should have expected this.
except the thread was informative and cordial before they showed up
don't fucking excuse this shit as an inevitability you pathetic beta, fight against it
>speculative v concrete
Hillary has not been convicted of any wrongdoing. Meanwhile the judge just allowed the Trump University lawsuit to proceed :^)
Seriously tho, is there anything to his character that would convince someone he's above these kinds of actions? Not a serious argument mind you, but really, what has he done to prove his integrity or character?
If you came to spout your nu-male shit on /pol/ you'd be rekt within seconds. I dare you to come debate me
>fighting it
"seriously m8 stop"
This has happend time and time again lad, you just look like something yelling into the void.
Why would I ever go to fucking /pol/ that shits /b/ teir pleb. Ask the other 1 to 4 guys who replied to you, they might want to
Andrew Jackson
Afraid you'll be called out on being an idiot?
considering you have yet to respond to anyone who posted in your thread i find that very unlikely
This. Regan was a democrat pretending to be a republican.
I don't want to argue with others who are just as stiff as you, I actualy like Trump for the most part. I just fucking hate your kind of person.
and the Republicans have been searching for another Reagan since 92.
Huey Long didn't win the presidency tho
wtf? I'm #WithHer now!
>Oh yeah, lets just settle arguments with violence!
I bet your the type of person that goes on an on about niggers being violent.
>60 posts
>23 posters
It's time to stop.
>you don't like my guy
>thus I should use violence to prove I'm better than you
lmao okay jamal
fucking niggerish behavior
>Civil case versus a criminal investigation where it was found that "a different individual, were they took take these actions [would] face prosecution"
There is a difference between a populist and a full blown cult of personality.
You are not a true "populist" until you hold a free for all public inaugural kegger in the White House.
Anyone that disagrees is a filthy English.
That's not even the quote. What the fuck is with all the rightwing making up of quotes recently? I saw some bullshit quotes supposedly from the communist manifesto that were in some other thread.
fuck yeah
I'd say that Trump's campaign is most like Teddy Roosevelt's unsuccessful third party run.
She didn't even use gmail, she used her own server which was less secure than gmail, lol
Honestly Trump doesn't seem to fit most of these. I say that he definitely fits 1,3,4, and maybe 6 (although he is not as authoritarian as he seems to be, his stances on security, the NSA are similar to Obama's and Clinton's).
Never forget.
Populism is a stupid pseudo intellectual term used by the academia-media-publishing industrial complex when it is scared of being called out for claiming it has a monopoly on the ability to spout either common sense or bs
Yes, Ronald Reagan.
Andrew Jackson.
William Bryant Jennings, Huey Long, and George Wallace also got pretty far.
Obama and Hitler.
Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan
No. "Populism" has referred to a variety of political positions throughout American history, but has devolved in modern usage to a pejorative that connotes a candidate making broad, lofty promises to buy votes with no actual intention of fulfilling those promises.
>uneducated people vote for Obama and Hillary
leftists praise it a a huge step forward
>uneducated people vote for Trump
leftists cry into their copies of the vagina monologues whenever its shown that working class white people support trump
226 North 6th Avenue
Mind the hedges, insects nest there in hot weather.
Why do people still keep with this stupid left/right shit? I mean take any statement someone makes about "muh evil left" or "muh evil right", swap the politics and left/right labels around, and it's the exact same statement.
For example
>uneducated people vote for Trump
right wingers praise it a a huge step forward
>uneducated people vote for Obama and Hillary
right wingers cry into their copies of Mein Kampf whenever its shown that working class minorities support Obama and Hillary
It really shows how fucking stupid this right/left dichotomy is and how utterly meaningless it is to actual issues that matter. It may as well be two fags arguing about sports teams.
Especially since there is no left in America
>working class white suburbia people
>not dumb
Pick one
>this is what /lobotopol/ actually believes
Feel the Bern, amirite?
Not saying tax evasion isn't bad but you can't possibly compare it to Benghazi.
>I don't know that "C" meant confidential
>legit excuse
I am not an yank and I couldn't care less about Bern, Hillary or whatever else shiteshow you have there but it's varying degrees centre and centre-right. Because anything left of centre is seen as literal communism trying to revive Lenin there.
All forms of leftism should be oppressed
>storing government emails on a private server bought from a private vendor and maintained by third party individuals on private property without clearance
>not a felony
>deport brown people
your racism is showing. Not all brown people are illegal.
Trump isn't that populist from what I've gathered. Most people who call him populist think the definition of populist is "saying what people want to hear"
"Populism is a political ideology which holds that the virtuous citizens are being mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together."
Trump isn't this at all. While yes, he targets a groups (i.e illegal immigrants) he never claims they are some small elite that is controlling everything. Trump's inconsistency makes him very un-populist as well, he constantly zig zags on his opinions and doesn't have a clear enemy.
If you wish to see a true populist I would look at Sanders. His campaings has a very consistent and clear cut enemy: The 1% that in his eyes is indeed trampling on the rights of the common man.
Isn't populism jsut what the majority of people want.
Like you have progressives who want open borders and social security and conservatives who want closed borders and no social security.
A populist candidate would go for closed borders and social security because majority of the people want that.
Trump is anti-establishment. Establishment = elite.
>average Trump supporter
>Isn't populism jsut what the majority of people want.
Yes, but catering to the mob too much isn't always the best thing. Public opinion is fickle and changes easily.
The difference being that Trump is 70 years old and is pretty standard for old businessmen of our day.
We all know that if it wasn't Clinton, no one would give a shit about how someone handled their email.
Yes, they would. The difference is, if it wasn't Clinton, they might actually be held accountable.
Trump was only populist in the primary. He railed on about self funding his campaign, and being against the party. Now he's taking all kinds of donations and gettting cozy with the party. Jackson obviously, though.